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Jenny-Michell live! webcams for YOU!


Jenny-Michell Public Chat Channel

Date: December 7, 2022

One thought on “Jenny-Michell live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Both this post and your comment are very familiar to me. I'm college educated and work in STEM, my wife graduated from a fairly sub-par high school, never went to college, and just lacks a lot of “book-smarts”, emotional intelligence, and common sense in a lot of areas. But she's definitely smart in many ways I'm not. Sure I can do mental math easily and find and identify just about any tissue or organ in most animals, but I am NOT a handyman. My wife is. I'm not a planner, my wife is. Things like that.

    That being said, our differences in intelligence types has contributed to serious issues for us and we're in the process of divorce.

    OP, what you really need to do is consider your chances of ending up in my shoes, in which case you need to bail now before things get even more difficult (because believe me they will) or if you'll end up in this guy's shoes and things will be amazing for you two. I genuinely hope for the best for you, and I hope the differences in intelligence types between you and your girlfriend can compliment each other instead of contridict.

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