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5 thoughts on “jennyy256live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I would state that whilst you appreciate his honesty, there’s no need to call you selfish for wanting (or at least keeping an open mind) to have children one day and also have a career that involves exploring other countries and cultures. That it doesn’t just mean instant bad experiences for the kids. It’s actually opening up their lives and experiences.

    That you appreciate his honesty, if this is how he strongly feels, that’s ok. Not ok to crap on or put ultimatums up on you. That it is best to suss out big life decisions together and in gauge this stuff in advance because you do want to travel, you want to provide the experiences and lifestyle to your partner and kids also. Or at least be open to any opportunities if they arise. That your not ok with ultimatums or your life only being dictated by his wants and comforbility. Relationships are about compromise etc but sometimes if the plans for the future are too different, regardless of how well you to get along outside of that, it’s a sign that you probably won’t make it long term, which is good to find out now.

  2. This is abusive behavior to you, and a red flag. He has made you into his emotional punching bad. This is very bad news.

  3. I appreciate your response he hasn’t asked me to do anything and said he was happy in the relationship and blames everything on his work schedule. He works till 10 a lot of nights so I get he’s tired but I’ve had men in the past who worked late and still made time to call and see me more then once a week.

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