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JessiaArcher live! webcams for YOU!


I will spank myself and play with my pussy a little [49 tokens remaining]

Date: March 23, 2023

23 thoughts on “JessiaArcher live! webcams for YOU!

  1. My husband and I have been separated for 7 months and I honestly doubt we'll get back together. I've been the one doing most of the changes and growth, but he's still set in his old ways and is upset that I'm not putting up with crap anymore.

    I am still a work in progress and will be for some time. (Is the work ever really done?)

    Our kids are going over to their dad's this weekend for the first time because I also need space and time to rest. Before, he'd come over and spend the night to “get up with the kids”, but I'm the light-sleeper and early-waker and it's just not feasible anymore. I don't believe he will put in the work needed to save our marriage; he's too much in denial about what he has and hasn't done (and refuses to take responsibility and be accountable for his part).

    So, what are my choices? I'm 36, I've waited/wasted the last few years holding out for change… and I just don't see anything changing. I want to be in a relationship with someone that will actively love me and work towards solutions instead of comparing, complaining, and remaining unaware of the self.

    Get your own space, keep tending to yourself (great job btw on your journey), and hopefully after some time, you'll be able to be friends or at least civil co-parents. Our kids are 3 and 5 and doing well with the separation.

    So, more power to you and remember, we're not supposed to be this unhappy in relationships.


  2. First rule of helping, … you cannot help someone who doesn’t want to be helped… sad but true…

  3. What is stagnant? What poor communication? I literally told you about how we're getting better jobs and this question was a result of him communicating properly. Do you think the better option was him not to say anything? Why does it matter what our hobbies are? It's healthy to have interests and these are the same interests we've had our whole lives, and it's amazing to share it with him. He makes every day great for me, and I want to make sure I'm doing the best for him, so I asked for advice.

    I'll ask again, if you don't actually answer i'm just going to block you, what do you think couples are supposed to be doing?

  4. Unless she’s discussed this with you before and specifically told you porn in her eyes is a no-no and you agreed to this boundary she set, I don’t really think you did anything wrong, aside from the commenting that i can really get over, I feel like that would definitely gross a line in my book as well as my girls

  5. He didn't tell me before I moved. That's the thing he held it in until months after the fact I moved. I just need hik to open up… but thank you for the advice

  6. You may want to involve a third party like a counselor to help you communicate this while maintaining a healthy co parenting relationship. I wouldn't sell it as couples therapy in the “I want to work things out in the marriage,” but really has a way to move forward separately. You may want to talk to the counselor first to explain where you are coming from and the outcome you would like to achieve.

  7. I cook everything. I clean everything (dishes, his laundry, living room, bathroom,kitchen). I pay for 70% of the bills and work 6 days a week.

    He won't step up. He has everything he can wish for why would he change that?

  8. It wouldn't be all that unusual for someone who got into a relationship at just 21 to be wondering by 23 what else might be out there for them. But we're supposed to end one relationship before we start another. So you'll likely need to have a serious conversation wherein you're willing to be amicable about breaking up if she wants to so she can go grow as a person. There's a reason people don't tend to marry the first person they ever date (or if they do they end up divorced). You can't hold onto someone who doesn't want to be there just by controlling their wardrobe choices.

  9. You're not even married and you're already making each other miserable. Do you really see yourself with this person for fifty more years?

  10. Look, I get it…she’s probably really cute/great in bed….but come on man, have some respect for yourself…she already cheated and is making you out to be the bad guy like you’re not committed enough somehow…your being a F’n idiot and you know it…run now before you are tied to this person forever with a child

  11. GF: I have a problem with having a low sex drive and I think the solution is to fuck people who are not you…

  12. Humans have literally been throwing parties since the dawn of time and have always managed without fucking group chats.

  13. Imo shared custody doesn't work with pets. All it does is complicate any future relationship you have and is stressful on the pet, especially cats. It's unrealistic.

  14. i personally give zero chances when it comes to cheating, but the absolute maximum anyone should ever give under any circumstance is 1. if they continue to cheat after already being caught once, they will absolutely, unquestionably keep doing it over and over again given enough time. if he didn't learn from the first time, what honestly makes you think this, or any other time, would be any different? think about how you would treat this situation.

    honestly, there are just some people out there that'd rather betray their partners and break their hearts than examine whether or not monogomy is for them. your boyfriend is likely one of these people that'll stay that way until he embraces polygamy or just simply finds a girl naive enough to stay through his incessant cheating.

    don't be that girl. you're 21, you still have all the time in the world to find someone who won't treat you like this.

  15. Mainly memes / same weird sense of humor and we work in the same field , like same bands , but I do agree it makes sense it sounds really weird

  16. That's actually what I want to tell him but I'm sure how he would take it. I don't really want him to hate me after this. I think I should break things off for the summer but that means I'd have to end it by next Thursday after finals. Just a really stressful time altogether for me right now

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