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JessiePowell on-line sex chats for YOU!


JessiePowell Public Chat Channel

Date: October 20, 2022

5 thoughts on “JessiePowell on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I have always hated beards. My boyfriend recently grew a beard. I am still wildly attracted to him because my feelings for him are not based on facial hair. If 12 inches of hair is the difference between you being interested and not you're infatuated, not in love.

  2. I’ll stop ripping on the Catholic Church’s love for children when they finally address it and all the pedophiles there are stripped of their power. I don’t have the power to make actual real change and bring down that organization like I wish I could, so instead I’ll make jokes about them so people who read them forever associate the Catholic Church with their crimes.

  3. I know it's not “open” like some gaping thing but it's still right there… but yk what I'm tired of being down voted already for sayin something entirely harmless so like. I'll call it here. enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  4. Almost certainly not how that happened. Commencement dates come out only a few months before they happen. At the earliest, they'll be announced the same semester, so 4 to 5 months of notice. Usually more like 2 to 4.

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