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Jordidenillive sex stripping with hd cam


10 thoughts on “Jordidenillive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Hello /u/ThrowRA2237,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

    Your title did not include at least two ages/genders or was not formatted correctly

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  2. You don’t quit a job if you don’t have another one lined up. Are you sure there’s no one else in the picture?

  3. Y’all are playing with fire. In my opinion, looking for a confidence boost outside of your marriage is a recipe for disaster. That is often how affairs happen. Someone isn’t feeling their partner is validating them enough and then someone strokes their ego and it’s like a drug and then bam an emotional affair starts which sometimes leads to a physical affair. I have read a lot about why people have affairs and one of the biggest reasons is they liked how the person made them feel more than they actually liked the actual person. You two need to talk. On another note, when I have my wedding ring off I feel like I am missing a limb. It feels so unnatural.

  4. If you are opposed to her idea, you absolutely shouldn't feel forced to participate.

    To me, this sounds like her sincere attempt to spark up your love life. That wouldn't be a cause for concern for me, that would be a conversation starter.

  5. He is the unfortunate consequence of your own inaction. You had a direct influence in building the person he is now. This story isn't actually rare. There have been numerous stories about people suddenly becoming desirable or reaching the “Hey we want to hang out with you now” phase, and basically rejecting anyone trying to befriend them. It isn't that he thinks he is better than them, he just doesn't think they are worth his time or energy because they never made him feel welcome in the past. He views these people as superficial and only wanting to be his friend now because of his looks, even though fundamentally he hasn't changed who he is on the inside.

  6. Let your girlfriend make her own choices because she's a grown ass adult and don't give a crap if her parents “don't approve” or are “disappointed” because it's not their lives?

  7. Just tell her you don't need any gifts, don't have the space, why don't we just give eachother cards..

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