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JuicySam1998 live sex chats for YOU!


JuicySam1998 Public Chat Channel

Date: October 26, 2022

3 thoughts on “JuicySam1998 live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Girl don’t question yourself over a controlling man. Great that he helped you, but friends and therapists would do the same without demanding you get rid of your pet for them. And he’s been helpful while you’re not living together, but that guarantees nothing once you’ve move him in.

    He’s an asshole. He treats you as less-than. I think that’s enough of a reason to no longer want to be with him.

  2. She still kept it secret for a year and a half and then justified lying about it to win him back. That's not normal behavior.

    Hang out in these groups and you will see that 9 out of 10 posts that have a partner change sexuality into the relationship, it does not work out. Combing that with dishonest behavior and it's red flags all the way down.

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