I've had a similar thing happen; please don't get back together with him. If you do, you will NEVER be able to trust him again, and that will eat away at you. You deserve someone who doesn't dump you every time they want to get their dick wet.
I really don’t like the way lash extensions look, they look very artificial and awkward (I’m sure there are some very natural ones I don’t know about but I’m guessing if you were getting those he wouldn’t know). I would like it to a beard or mustache on him you don’t prefer. Ultimately you and he both have bodily autonomy but that doesn’t stop someone from having physical preferences
It's a laundry list…
I've had a similar thing happen; please don't get back together with him. If you do, you will NEVER be able to trust him again, and that will eat away at you. You deserve someone who doesn't dump you every time they want to get their dick wet.
Oh the tangled webs we weave when first we practice to deceive…
Just tell her you saw it and ask her about it. Apologize for looking at the message.
Is it the look he doesn’t like or the cost?
I really don’t like the way lash extensions look, they look very artificial and awkward (I’m sure there are some very natural ones I don’t know about but I’m guessing if you were getting those he wouldn’t know). I would like it to a beard or mustache on him you don’t prefer. Ultimately you and he both have bodily autonomy but that doesn’t stop someone from having physical preferences