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Kaitlyn Brown the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kaitlyn Brown, 21 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Kaitlyn Brown

Kaitlyn Brown live sex chat

Date: October 27, 2022

46 thoughts on “Kaitlyn Brown the very hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Not telling someone you are thinking this way is deceptive.

    Wait so you think if you're even considering a move you need to discuss it with a person you've been dating less than a year so they can decide if they want to break up with you before you break up with them? If that's what you mean, I just don't agree at all. I don't think you need to say anything until it's finalized, and even then only as a courtesy. Until you're at a point where you're a part of the decision making process all you're entitled to is a polite heads up.

  2. Educate myself on what exactly ? – since you didn’t even mention neurodivergence AT ALL in the story lmao ! I’m talking about when you said “ I’m very likely on the spectrum-still workings on official diagnosis “ which obviously means you haven’t even been diagnosed so WHO KNOWS what other mental illnesses you have but going by this story YOU NEED TO MAKE THAT A PRIORITY.

  3. Trust me, as a nurse some men will refuse to let any male healthcare workers anywhere near their wives and will pout if the woman allows it.

  4. There are porn stars who are married and their partners are not porn stars and they know about it and it's not a problem. But then there are situations like you.

    Thing is, if it has started to bother you now, it will always bother you, specially as you dig yourself deep in this hole (talking about marriage, kids etc).

    I suspect the thing that you have for her is not love, it's just attachment. You have conditions on how your attachment with her could grow (by stop being a stripper?) and that is not healthy at all.

    You don't respect her for what she does for a living. Even if she stops being a stripper, you could always be resentful for her past. Your story is highly indicative that this will happen.

    My advice: Tell her exactly what you told us: That you thought initially that it would not be a problem, but now as you have gotten attached to her you start finding out that you don't like it. Try to have an amicable breakup if possible, and never date a stripper, pornstars etc again. Because they are not your type.

  5. unfortunately they all did it when we were full-grown adults. i used to think it was a “they probably thought i had a right to know” thing, but the more i thought of it- my sister told me the day i was grieving to her over being cheated on, and my brother told me as if it was a funny joke because my parents are “cousins” and that i’m also an “incest baby”. so the rose tint i saw it in started falling apart really fast..

  6. u/raelaszz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. Nobody said always. Just a quick hello so they know who has your time. It's fine if you don't want that. You both just have different ideas.

  8. It sounds like he is done and has broken up with you.

    He clearly thinks you lied to him about something based on the text. It may have been words or in actions and he thinks this is enough to be done. At this point, there is nothing to be done. You need to move on and leave him alone.

  9. Yeah for now I am. And it makes sense. Not suddenly it was the first things I asked when I talked to him again

  10. it’s really messing with my progress

    Block him so you don't have to try to figure him out. It isn't worth the effort.

  11. It's a difficult life. Not waiting for marriage is no guarantee, though. My husband and I had amazing sex before marriage and a few years after (even after kids) but over the past decade it's become a dead bedroom. He is the LL and I am the HL. It's frustrating because the LL controls the relationship.

    Check out r/DeadBedrooms and r/HLCommunity

  12. So I'm not overreacting…thank God. I would leave too, but.. I don't know it just doesn't feel like I can easily get rid of my marriage like that. This thing is so trivial and disgusting he could literally just stop doing it and all will be wonderful. I just don't understand it

  13. I think both Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could have seen that after no visits for 10 years, that “your girl” moved on years ago. It had the psychological effect of keeping you sane while in prison.

  14. Even at this early stage this relationship has all the flags for a huge headache. Say he chooses you… she will have drama after drama that pulls him away from you and you'll always wonder is he cheating?

    Make the decision for him and bow out with dignity. But, the most important bit of this is to prepare yourself when he comes calling again because his “friend” just likes having an adoring puppy around but not enough to be in a relationship with it.

  15. I think you need to prepare more. As others said your parents seem to still have too much influence. I would also get a therapist advice, not random strangers as this is more nuanced then a I cheated situation or something. I do see north sides here and ultimately it’s up to your ex. But, I wouldn’t do it on a visit day but arrange separate time so as to not corrupt his time with your son. Gl.

  16. The fact that you two weren’t really getting along when she did this is absolutely relevant and should be in the body of your post. It’s clear she’s doing this to piss you off.

    If she has a history of seeking the attention of other men when you two aren’t 100%, then this won’t end well.

  17. I am realizing this now. Thanks for the info… I have a shit ton of ibuprofen and Tylenol because I play intramural sports and always jack up my knees. And I honestly didn't even think “why didn't you just take this?”

  18. “I’m sensitive to smells, so I do need you to put on deodorant, or else I’m going to have to decline when you want to put your arms around me.” Then when he tries to put his arms around you, if no deodorant, decline and remind him gently about putting it on.

    “I’m sensitive to chewing noises so would you mind chewing with your mouth closed. If not, that’s fine, I’ll just eat separately.” Then if he’s being too noisy just remind him of your sensitivity and excuse yourself to eat in another room.

  19. “I’m sensitive to smells, so I do need you to put on deodorant, or else I’m going to have to decline when you want to put your arms around me.” Then when he tries to put his arms around you, if no deodorant, decline and remind him gently about putting it on.

    “I’m sensitive to chewing noises so would you mind chewing with your mouth closed. If not, that’s fine, I’ll just eat separately.” Then if he’s being too noisy just remind him of your sensitivity and excuse yourself to eat in another room.

  20. I strongly disagree. We’ve been together since school. He’s supported me throughout everything and vice versa. I’m no less deserving of love for having an incurable mental health disorder. Our relationship is great. I came on here as a way of managing my symptoms so that I don’t project them on to him.

  21. Your husband needs a reminder. Perhaps take it from a co worker angle

    Tell her maybe she isn’t aware because of inexperience but calling male co workers cute names and baby nicknames the way you call my husband is extremely inappropriate. So is texting and communicating secretly. You could lose your job you know..:

  22. Sounds like you are dealing with a lot of shame and embarrassment because of what happened. Especially because it occurred in front of mutuals.

    And you are really starting to feel like a rebound. If you can't move past this and respect her, you have to break up with her. Don't get angry at her, don't rake her over the coals for this. Just accept it as an L and move on.

  23. Where did I say I want to be in such a relationship? Where did I say it is Ok to insult your boss.

    It is amazing how you can immediately think my standards are that low for trying to give someone a chance to fix it first. Damn, I am a bad person.

    People can do whatever they want.

    Pulling the rip cord immediately, not cool.

  24. Truthfully, talk about and be upfront about why its bothering you because “I thought it might that's why I told you now” isn't gonna cut it tbh. I've been in your situation and when someone tells you they're monogamous you just assume its you and them and on top of that ask yourself if you knew she was sleeping with someone else at the start of your relationship would until Jan would you still want to date her?

  25. You are about to swerve a bullet.

    She’s shown her true self.

    I have about twice what you have and I have an 18 year old car. My wife has new cars but we are in our 50s and she works very hot, still. I retired v young and it was by far the best decision I ever made.

    I’ve seen my kids do everything in their life and both are like my best friends.

    Well done and find a compatible person to share your life with. I did and it’s amazing when that person loves you for you and not what materialist things you can buy them.

    If you want additional advice feel free to dm.

    Oh and one last thing, do a will.

  26. Ditch him. He is an idiot. First for developing the feelings for your sister and second for admitting to such feelings. There are things no amount of torture will make me admit unless I want a divorce/separation.

  27. You'll mess your kid up by staying and growing up believing that this is OK. If you have a boy he will grow up like dad/grandpa, if its a girl she will be like mom and grandma beign told to accept it. Your boyfriend may not make the comments but he's jsut as bad as his dad.

  28. We’ve always been each other’s first choice

    And yet he chose her.

    You lost. Leave this man the fuck alone. I can see exactly why his wife doesn’t like you – I assure you it’s not because she’s “jealous of you.”

  29. Well, ofc you are. Does it ever happen that he makes you have an orgasm without him having one too? Like giving you oral and stopping there? Because I get that sometimes one may be tired etc, but then there should be ‘the other side’ too

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