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KammiLun the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


KammiLun, 18 y.o.


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KammiLun live! sex chat

Date: November 23, 2022

26 thoughts on “KammiLun the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. If u feel disrespected, I’d understand. If u feel disappointed, I’d also understand. Hell if u even felt a lil betrayal, I could understand that too… but I’m not gonna tell u how to feel ofc

  2. I don’t know if trauma ever goes away, but there is a way to cope with trauma and to lessen it’s grasp on you (cognitive behavioral therapy). It’s what I’m working on with my therapist currently. I wish you luck.

  3. Did you pay for the dress? You should tell the family it was your generous contribution as no one should miss out like you did.

  4. He’s pushing boundaries to see where you’ll push back. This sounds like classic grooming behavior… it really messes a person up because you want to be loved by your dad so you feel like you need to let it happen. Happened to me. Sorry. Please set for boundaries, be good to yourself. This is not healthy, normal behavior.

  5. Hello /u/SimilarFox7796,

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  6. Tell your bf. This person sexually assaulted you. Just because you were drunk or high is no excuse for what he did if anything it makes it so much worse because he took advantage of your non-sober state. Your bf needs to know that this person is NOT a friend and that he's a horrible person. YOU did nothing wrong. YOU were with friends and having a good time in a place you should have been safe. This person broke the trust of that safety of friendship to assault you. Call him out. Tell your bf. And if your bf somehow blames you then you know that your bf is also a gigantic pile of garbage like the person that assaulted you.

    I'll also leave you with the suggestion that you should talk to somebody about what happened. Here's the # for the US's national sexual assault hotline (if you're in the US, if not, google if there's one available in your country): 1-800-656-4673. It might help to talk about it. Just remember: You were victimized, you did nothing wrong, you should have been able to feel safe in the company of your friends to cut loose a bit. You were the person that was wronged. Do NOT let anybody make you feel like any of this was your fault.

  7. It's not normal. Also he's doing you a huge favor by ending your relationship. Get yourself into some therapy to work on yourself and stay single for a while or you'll just continue to attract the same manipulative AH.

  8. Not even close. A DUI, while idiotic, is not a personal betrayal to someone whom you promised your love and faithfulness. There are very hot lines one should not cross in a relationship, cheating is nearly top of the list. If she was unhappy and didn't want a divorce then she could have discussed other ways to save the marriage.

    At this point OP is saying, well, my friend wasn't getting sex in her marriage so it was okay to step out. Sounds to me like he that's at least one reason he might do it himself. Can't blame his wife for being upset. Obviously cheating IS acceptable to OP.

  9. That’s one of the bro moves you need to ignore. Don’t play games shallow men and woman play on each other.

    Think about it, would you feel comfortable if a lady played mind games and ignored you for 3 days right after you hung out ?

    Text the woman and say you had fun and would like to see her again. Simple, not too much.

  10. Your girlfriend needs to know her friend is a rapist.

    If she can't support you after her friend assaulted you, if she lets that woman continue living with the two of you, this is not a relationship you want to be in.

    You were in your own home, in your own bed, and a woman you have repeatedly rejected performed unwanted sexual acts on you. That is not your fault, you were supposed to be safe there.

    Either your girlfriend kicks out the rapist, and sports you in your healing, or this is the beginning of the end of this relationship.

    Because how are you supposed to feel safe sleeping there if she supports your attacker and lets her keep living there?

  11. I have a very hot time thinking that 18 and 23 is considered grooming. I get that Reddit hates age gaps but this really isn’t that bad. I guess maybe if they got together when she was 13 and he was 18? But we have no context on when they got together.

  12. I know man it just hurts cause I wanted him to have fun my parents never took me on vacation because we were very poor so I just want him to have a better life than I did.

  13. I mean that's totally fair but I tend to get along with people pretty well, do you not know all of your partners friends even a little?

    Face to a name at least?

  14. This. There isn’t a single person in this world who could confess their love to me and make me not want to marry my fiancé. Not an old crush, not an ex, not even Ryan Gosling. I feel so lucky that nothing ever worked out with anyone from my past because it put me in a place where I was able to find him.

    This is the only way I’d ever go into a marriage – with someone I can’t imagine living without. Marriage isn’t going to get easier with age. If OP feels like this now, the stresses that come with sharing a life with someone are not going to improve the situation. This sounds like a shaky foundation at best and IMO OP should take a step back and evaluate why she was so easily swayed to consider torpedoing her engagement.

  15. Regardless of his family situation why would you jump straight into marriage with someone who hasn’t even proven they can do an official relationship? His family is a bit of a red flag, but that is something that you will have to sort out by talking to him about it and deciding what you want for yourself.

  16. get a lawyer and HURRY.

    Take her up on the offer,

    offer to annull the marriage before she takes half of everything.

    get her to admit if you can in writing that she didn't love you before the marriage.




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