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Karasweetx on-line sex chats for YOU!


BOTH SQURIT ON EACHOTHERS #teen #new #feet #mistress #young [726 tokens remaining]

Date: October 8, 2022

54 thoughts on “Karasweetx on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Talking about sex is part of the fun! The more you explore, the more things will seem more normal. It's all about practice and being open minded. Sex isn't taboo. It's something that brings you together and cements your marriage.

    So if you are embarrassed… laugh and giggle together. Don't let it put you off. You are both in the same place mentally. Try more things and take baby steps. Work your way up. You need to be able to practice and try things with each other without judgement. Remember, you're both new at this so it doesn't automatically mean you will be great at it. We were all rubbish at one point in our lives. Don't put pressure on yourselves.

    How often do you two touch or look at each other without it leading to sex? There's loads of techniques you can try that help you become comfortable in each others personal space. How often do you hug or stroke each others hair? Do you have showers together? Things like sitting very close, facing each other and just gently breathing together. Or try a massage with oils and candles. Have you ever sat together, hot, just because…. that's really good as it will help you both become less awkward and more focused on being vulnerable.

    Have fun with it and don't let it be a chore. Have you ever visited a sex shop? Or would you be open to buying sex toys on-line? I'm not just talking vibrators, I'm talking games and couple toys etc. Have a Google about it now ?

  2. It seems like it’s an emotional affair. Like there has been some feelings developed but haven’t been spoken about yet. It’s not to say that he can’t have friends of the opposite sex but for him to be secretive about it and get defensive when you ask him about it seems suspicious.

  3. This post and your comments tells me you have unresolved trauma from what you went through with your ex, I think your priority should be your mental health and undoing the core beliefs you sadly formed during your other relationship. I see lots of pain projected on to your current partner. You will get through this and feel worthy and valuable again.

  4. Either be friends or not but bringing your partner to your friends thanksgiving partner is perfectly normal and if you aren't able to handle that then maybe you should take a step back from the friendship

  5. Stop “floating” ideas and beating around the bush. You know the deal here. You've always had a shitty relationship. Yeah, you said “whirlwind;” that's the deal.

    Your question is can I “bring this relationship back from the brink of breakup?” Logically, you're not going to break up with her. The only person who wants to break up is you (and you should). But you're also looking for any and every reason not to.

    It's time to take a step back and be honest with yourself.

  6. Sincerely? A house is way more important than a wedding if you want to have 4 kids in a short time. You have no idea how difficult is to create kids in a apartment and how much they cost. I on-line in a free healthcare and free education country and is still so expensive. Can you imagine the cost of 4 kids getting sick, day care, clothes, getting a bigger car? I can understand why your fiance is concerned about spending in a party.

    If he feels uncomfortable accepting your dad money there's nothing you can do, you can take the money and spend on yourself but the moment you use in something for both of you will be a betrayal.

    You have a few cheaper options: elope dosen't mean you need just go to court, you two could travel to a special place for the ceremony, or look for a AirBnB that accept events and have a intimate wedding. You can go to court and then have a big honeymoon (remember that this can be the last time you two travel alone). A small wedding dosen't mean it needs to be ugly just that will have less people. You can agree in a more intimate ceremony and a big 5y celebration? 5y even with kids is a good time to save money or to your husband and father relate better.

  7. He’s a bum. Leeching off of your family. Why are you paying for him to on-line if he can’t even support you with your struggled

  8. Dude most chicks go to Miami for the exact reason this chick did, to get her back blown out. She’s for the streets, if you stay with her you’ll be hearing more stories like this

  9. They definitely had sex. They're both adults and they went out and did nothing. A big fat lie. She broke it off to see to go out with the other guy and when things didn't work out, she came to you. Don't be any body's back up plan. If you're not her 1st choice don't be her 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice. Break it off with her. You owe her no explanation.

  10. Sounds like you might be mentally ill. Do you often feel insecure? Do you overanalyse conversations with everyone or just partners? If you want a relationship to work you're going to need to dial it back a lot and seek mental help.

  11. Yes that hits the hardest for me. He is only working there for “fun” and doesn’t need the job. But he tells me he needs to stay there as it’s been helping his mental health and I feel like a horrible person for taking that away from him if it’s helping mentally ?

  12. Keep trying to talk to him. Maybe ask him to hang out just the two of you like fishing. He may feel overly pressured by having so many people around him.

  13. Sounds like for whatever reason he might be coming around to their way of thinking. Without knowing why, there's no way to offer any insight but you definitely need to let him know what you're feeling. His response to that should tell you all you need to know.

  14. I guess “wait and see” is the answer. If she hasn't blocked you that's potentially a good sign though.

  15. Oh OP I am so sorry this happened to you.

    Your body is clearly telling you to run from this guy (the vomitting). I think you should listen to that and start dating someone who wants the same things as you.

    Things with this guy will only get worse if you stay. Trust me on that.

  16. If she was emotionally cheating on someone she head over heals for than it can only get worse. Not to mention that leading you on as a back up option is scammy regardless of her relationship. Don't delude yourself.

  17. My husband and I met when I was 24 and he was 28. We met on-line. (Through MySpace. We are old.) It's not too late.

  18. Brother if giving up this small amount of freedom is so significant to you, maybe you should realize you're not ready for the next step of the relationship.

    How are you going to react when your gf ask you to do something bigger than this? You either have to change or you have to find someone who's okay with your current behaviour.

    Break up and move on and date someone whos childless and doesn't mind you walking around half very hot. Stop wasting each others time.

  19. 48k and benefits is a fortune when you’re just out of 2-year college and don’t have many expenses. he rents a pretty cheap (for the city) room in a house.

  20. Seems to be a proven pattern on behaviour for him. He's shown you who he is and you're banking on him becoming someone else, someone better. Don't. Control what you can, which is whether or not to stay in this relationship.

  21. You can confront him but he a liar. He’ll lie & then switch the whole situation on you. Call you insecure, broke his trust the whole (cheater caught in a lie spew) he was never over his ex, plan your exit & be on your way out the relationship.

  22. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think it’s okay to keep some things to yourself. I don’t think your partner needs to know every detail about your life if you don’t want them to. You are your own person

  23. How long have you two been dating? Do you consider this a deal breaker? What compromise can either of you come up with?

    I dont like my bfs place and i dont go there anymore. Sometimes we have to compromise by not seeing each other as much so he can have alone time. But we on-line 15 mins apart so it's not as big of a deal.

    Have you two considered moving in to your own apartment together?

  24. A very simple concept you can't implement… So do we make an alcohol test for every person who went to parties snd ended up fucking so we can charge one of both sides of necessary? Doesn't people often to to parties to fuck someone and they get drunk for it?

    There is a difference between drunk and wasted.

  25. Sorry update for you guys asking about the main fight. I was trying to keep this post from being too long. The primary fight is because I rescued a dog from getting hit by a car across the street from our house. When I first brought the dog home, I had him in the backyard separate from our two dogs. I posted all over Facebook pet groups and made posters and put up around the neighborhood. I thought he’d be picked up within a couple hours. However, it turned into many hours and no word from owner. I checked him 3 times for fleas and I didn’t see any so I brought him into the house with our two dogs and they all got along. Unfortunately, that night, we found fleas on him and my fiancé freaked out and yelled at me very disrespectfully. I know it was my fault for somehow missing the fleas on the dog but the way he yelled at me was not okay. We then went to leave on our usual nightly walk with our dogs and my fiancé yelled at me (again) and demanded for me not to come on the walk. He yelled that I “was fucking irritating and do not dare follow him.” He doesn’t see that the way he yelled and spoke to me was not okay. The rest of the night and the last three days since that night, he has refused to sit down and talk about what happened. Now, everything that is not ‘perfect’ in our relationship is being thrown back and forth. We are both normally very quiet and calm people. We rarely fight (1-2 times a year) and especially never this bad. I think we are both changing. I working a lot on myself the last 1.5 years and started standing up for myself more and verbalizing how I feel in situations instead of staying quiet and I think it makes him very uncomfortable. I hope this helps. I apologize for the lengthiness.

  26. Its also possible that your dad might have a genetic condition where he has chimeric dna – meaning he was a twin but absorbed his sibling before birth but still contains his siblins dna. Cases like this have happened where the mom is not the “mom” but gave birth or dad is not “dad” but his phanthom sibling is. Have you looked into this possibility?

  27. I think it’s more than just “we need to lie”. If my girlfriend asked me for a rating then my honest answer would be a 10.

    Is that objective? Probably not, but that’s kind of the point. At some point you stop being very objective about your partner because you have rose tinted glasses on. The absence of those is concerning.

  28. Here's something to think about

    Your wife will have a birthday coming up and I'm going to guess you may not like the gift she is expecting

  29. she didn’t throw anything at them they were in the corner and she pointed to them and asked him to deal with them lol. you are making shit up to be mad at

  30. Also tell him you changed the locks on your house so you need the old keys back, and you’ll give him new ones

  31. You asked the right question: “Can this man's “fundamental values” change overnight?”

    The answer is no. This is just a manipulation tactic to me you so happy that you're back together so next time he controls you, it'll be harder to leave. You'll think he “changed” before so You'll be willing to give him another chance since you've “seen it before”.

    I wish I had someone to tell me these things when I was young. Cut your losses and save your mental health.

  32. I’m of two minds about it. While living with your parents isn’t good, the other option probably isn’t good either. It’s been said that generally kids don’t remember what happened to them under 3 years old. I don’t, just vague images and abstract feelings. So chances are your child will remember none of the difficulties you are going thru. It really comes down to, can you handle it? If you’re angry or sad all the time about it, that’s something your daughter could pick up on.

    If you move and struggle and are unhappy, she will be effected by that. Curious that you mention the BF in the title but not in the main story. Are you not ready to move in together? Just starting out? Would your moving away make it a LDR? Is he asking you to wait until you can move in together? Finish your schooling first? Curious as to how he fits into all this.

  33. Yeah wtf if anything the date is the violent one, he swung first.

    The Haitian guy defending himself hardly makes him the bad guy.

  34. I didn’t really like the tone you started with but still wanted to respond as you made some good points. Didn’t know I was on the very hot seat. Seems like the assumption is every father goes home from work to drink beer and watch TV

  35. Snap chat was a lot better when it was just for exchanging nudes. Went and ruined it with all the regular talking, now its impossible to tell what peoples motives are. So I can understand why it can be confusing. All you can do is trust that your GF understands boundaries and how important it is to maintain them in a relationship or doubt can creep in..

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