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Model from: co
Languages: en,de,es,fr,it,nl
Birth Date: 2000-11-15
Body Type: bodyTypeThin
Ethnicity: ethnicityLatino
Hair color: hairColorBlack
Eyes color: eyeColorHazel
Subculture: subcultureHipster
Date: October 21, 2022
Could not care less about what my girlfriend likes on social media, same with her about me. She has eyes, she can see, she has a right to find other people handsome, fun, attractive or whatever and like that post in the same way she would leave a like on anything else.
Why do you like a picture of food? Of a room? Of an animal? A like means nothing really. If she tried to control that i would find it disrespectful, you trust your partner or not. At the end of the day he liked a pic but choose to be with you.
Walk. the. stage.
attend your brother’s wedding live via livestream or something – my friend literally did the same cuz his older brother was in med school in australia, life happens – a wedding is meh and anyone can have one at any time but finishing med school!? Congratulations- seriously, its a HUGE deal
Weddings are social and last pretty much the entire day anyways… so what if you miss some boring sermon at the beginning and them saying a prewritten vow to each other, later in the day you’ll all just eat/drink, get drunk and your brother will literally not even have time saying hello to you because of all the other guests, you’ll spend the rest of the night stuck in conversations with random people you haven’t spoken to in years, dancing with random sweaty uncles, or having to entertain grandma and babysit her all night…
all the while regretting (possibly for your whole life) that you missed out on the one moment and day you’ve been working for the last 8-10yrs
you SLAVED 8-10yrs for a med degree – culminating to this moment of receiving a piece of paper so you can start working off your possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars of school debt… – walk your stage.
sorry for the passion – i sincerely loathe ppl who value weddings so highly, you’re not the center of the universe just cuz you’re saying some words and putting rings on each other