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kataryna69live sex stripping with hd cam


29 thoughts on “kataryna69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I suppose everyone has their own opinion of what cheating is. You might have different opinions to it. It's up to you to decide whether you disagree so strongly with his opinion that you can't move forward with this relationship, or that it's something you can work around. In that case you could apologize and tell him you didn't realize he considered that cheating, and that you two need to figure out a definition of cheating you can agree on.

  2. Stop being such egoistic and tell him – and her. Stop thinking, start acting!! You won’t loose custody but you sure loose every sympathy to wait any longer.

  3. She's way too insecure for you to ever be able to have an honest relationship. Liking a few photos should not affect her to this degree. The fact she stalked your entire account shows she was looking for something to catch you out. This is drama for no reason.

  4. Break up with her, if she refuses the DNA test now. Do NOT comment or commit to supporting her. Do NOT sign any birth certificate or have any contact with her until there is a paternity test. She’s playing a game and she isn’t sure who the father is . (Assuming you know she is actually pregnant). And FFS always buy your own condoms.

  5. We've been in a long distance relationship for a long time and I know for sure she isn't cheating. We're going to be together shortly as both our degrees are almost an end. But I feel like this issue of “trying something new” isn't just because of the distance.

  6. This person has a million accounts and posts the stupidest stories all over this sub. You can tell it’s the same person. It’s so annoying, I can’t escape it.

  7. He says those things (which you think are nice but are a basic minimum – how was your day?) so that you will tolerate the emtional and physical abuse. It makes the nice stuff seem much nicer than it is.

    He's an awful human being who doesn't see you as human.

    One day, I hope very soon, you will see this pathetic specimen of a man for what he is

  8. You could up the ante first by giving her more compliments and initiating more discussions about relationships. At some point though, you're just going have to bite the bullet and ask her.

  9. If I had given a friend $500 for her wedding and a gift as well and that friend then turned around and offered me 5 DOLLARS I would set fire to that five bucks and block her ass so naked she would need an industrial strength laxative to function.

    You are the worst kind of choosing beggar there is. Your friend is a way better person if all she did was soft uninvite you.

    Oh and also no one, and I mean NO ONE wants to read some self indulgent memoir from a 25 years old unemployed delusional narcissistic.

    Get a job and send your friend $500 and then get out of her life

  10. Break up immediately. this will only get worse. I'm sorry but you have to protect yourself. And you can only do that by leaving him for your own safety.

  11. Are you genuinely unsure what to do?

    What are you considering?

    This is the same guy from your history who is always working late and working weekends and you have been dating for less than 1 year?

  12. A mistake is a misunderstanding. A misguided action… how is cheating a misguided or misunderstood choice? He knew what was happening, and understood it would hurt your relationship and have consequences.

    Why can’t people just admit they made a decision and they regret it? At least take full responsibility for what they did and not blame it on somehow accidentally making the wrong choice.

    Also, cheating can come from a lack of understanding and communicating their own needs so they make choices to fulfill those needs recklessly. It can also come from being in a toxic relationship and finding refuge in someone else as an escape. Or living with toxic examples of relationships and thinking the behavior is healthy or acceptable to others.

    Either way, no matter the reason for cheating, these folks need to work on themselves and learn to make better choices in their lives and communicate what they need to feel happier in a relationship and just be honest with themselves and others.

    These folks won’t just learn these skills overnight. So it’s best to let them figure their lives out while you do what is best for you.

    Just like a lot of addicts needing to figure out their new sober lifestyle without the added pressure or influence of relationships, which can muddle and complicate things. Not all the time, but it’s common.

    So “once a cheater always a cheater”? That’s extreme. But an unhealthy pattern that’s not addressed will repeat.

  13. What you described is not a man who is perfect in every way and who loves you. You just described a selfish asshole who uses your mouth to masturbate in everyday. You are the living fleshlight he feel entitled to every single day regardless if you are in pain and are in the mood. This is not the behaviour of a man who loves, cares and respects you. This is the behaviour of a self absorbed, selfish asshole who only cares about his dick. Why would someone this selfish and entitled who has little respect for you be someone you think is perfect in every way? You have a rotten boyfriend problem. You don’t have to stay with someone who uses you to masturbate in daily.

  14. Talk to him about it. Something has to change, you can't both keep going like this. Your issues need to be worked on and you can support each other through it but you both have to try. I would always shut everyone out and try to work through my anxiety alone (which never worked) and this caused my gf to blame herself for me being distant and it wasnt healthy. We are both working on them together but you have to break the cycle.

    Also I would not have a problem with your stuffed animal or coping mechanisms but I am a very understanding guy. I know that there are people out there understanding enough to not judge you for being you

  15. When I got married, before we settled on a date, we called up our most important people and cleared the date with them. Your brother had to know the month you were graduating and be able to find out the day. I’m sorry.

  16. I don't think it's fair to your girlfriend to give an update on her emotional response to you breaking up with her due to her debt. That seems uneccessarily voyeuristic. She deserves to be treated with dignity if nothing else.

  17. We’ve dated a year and a half. The thing that bothers me is I feel like he doesn’t trust me to have this as a standard. Im trying to accept it

  18. First: what was the argument about? Was it about you forgetting to put sugar in her coffee or about CP she found on your naked drive?

  19. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    We have family vacations. We do a lot of outings together. He goes on weekend trips with his brother or his nephew all the time without me. Sometimes he goes off alone to stuff. I stay home with our kids. I encourage him to go have fun, I don't want to go on those trips.

    But when I talk about going to see my girlfriend at a convention, or visiting my friends in another state, he wants to come and bring the kids or come with me and leave the kids at home and turn it into a him and me thing. When I try to argue or veto it, I get treated like I'm trying to be sneaky. Keep in mind I only go once a year but haven't been anywhere alone in 4 years. When all I want is my personal free time as a human being. What do I do?

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