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Kateblossom on-line sex cams for YOU!


have fun with me

Date: October 28, 2022

2 thoughts on “Kateblossom on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Um… she isn’t asking for 24 7, she’s asking him to work a REGULAR amount of hours on a normal schedule.

    Also, your post screams American capitalism. So what if most people you know are working themselves to death? Is that impressive to you?

    If people need to work 40 hrs PLUS overtime PLUS a side hustle just to live! normally in the states then there’s a massive issue, and you shouldn’t be accepting it like it’s a great thing.

    2 weeks vacation, next to zero maternity leave, and forcing people to work 120+ hours per pay period is not impressive, it’s oppressive and you should acknowledge that.

    I’m from Canada, but we are going down that same path where work becomes number one in everyone’s life. This is why I’m moving to Europe, where there are 25+ vacation days, 10 months maternity leave, 40 hr work weeks that are adaptable, and people actually enjoy their lives outside of their jobs.

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