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Katrina-05 on-line webcams for YOU!


my day happy [1000 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

57 thoughts on “Katrina-05 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Your noble intentions are just so overwhelming. Confess to your BF so you can do anything you want with your manager. Then resign your position because you are most likely breaking company policy. Everyone on your team knows about your affair and already assumes you’ve had sex. And that your promotion is linked to something. The longer you stay there the more legendary you become.

  2. Based on your post you're not ready for a serious relationship. You should focus on what kind of life you want in the distant future. If you want a family go for the quiet one.

  3. Thanks for mentioning this. I know a few people that struggle with extreme PMS (including me) and one friend with PMDD. She get's straight up depressed and almost sucidial because of it.

    It's very recent (where I'm from), that it's recognised as a psychological conditon. It's soon diagnosable and hopefully someday treatable.

    People in the comments mentioning pain – that's most likely not the problem. The hormones are.

    She has to be willing to go look for help though. So it's best to have another talk with her. Make her understand that this is a serious struggle for you. But you need to understand that it's also a struggle for her.

    If you haven't already, inform yourself on the topic so she knows you're trying to help and not just want her to shut up.

  4. 4 things:

    1.) In movies and shows, if you’ve never watched it, how would you know if a person is going to show off their chests? Like if I’ve never seen Game Of Thrones, how would I have know ever single time someone was about to walked across the screen without their cloths? Sure you can try to skip the scene but by the time you get to the remote or app the scene might have ended. It’s kinda pointless the monitor that with EVER SINGLE piece of video media you watch.

    2.) if you are at the movies, how do you skip the scene? And please don’t tell me your gonna cover his eyes with your hands…if YOU don’t want to see other women with bigger chests, then that’s your right to avoid that stuff, but you can’t tell him he has to abide by your rules and govern his shows that may or may not have women with bigger chests.

    3.) Think of it like this, as someone who is a size 16, if I was insecure about my body, and I told my husband to cover his eyes and skip anything that has a skinner woman on a screen, how would he be able to watch anything?

    4.) What you are doing is a double standard, so either commit and give up the shirtless men or understand your rule is just as ridiculous as him asking you to follow the very boundary you put in place. Funny how it’s inconvenient when someone hold you accountable huh?

    I think you think repression/censorship is the solution here, and you asked strangers on the internet for advice, so generally, I hope you have a bit of an eye opening and see that what you’ve done isn’t how you help your relationship or your sense of body positivity. But I do wish you luck!

  5. Do not meet with her, and communicate by text only, and save those texts. You shouldn’t meet alone with her ever again.

  6. This has happened to me before, I had to ditch the friend it was so unsettling. I lost the friend group we shared too, they couldn’t understand why I was upset by her behaviour.

    Luckily for me I got a new friend group and she moved cities but it went on for maybe 5 years before she found a new target to copy

  7. So he can keep the house when he divorces you. Everything thing about him is a red flag. Finances are a big deal. Especially when one person holds more leverage over you. He seems very controlling already with some MAJOR relationship issues.

  8. She's been his girlfriend for 8 months. He says he's had 'significant ED' for several years. Your theory seems unlikely.

  9. Say goodbye now. He should have told you immediately. He is choosing not to go against his family, which is admittedly not the easiest, and staying with him will just make it harder for you.

  10. Lol I also had issues with an ex of mine who would turn me down for sex and then lock himself in the bathroom to watch porn and jerk off…especially when I could hear him through the connecting walls. And he wasn’t even trying to chat the hot women he watched up like you do!

    So yeah this sounds less about an issue relating to her respecting your boundaries and more about an issue around you not being happy about your safe space to borderline cheat being taken away.

  11. So all I hear is what you want her to do for her. How often have you been there for her? How much time do you make for her things? How much time did you make before you came out?

  12. There is a huge amount of misinformation here. If your friend is HIV + and she is taking her meds, she is most likely UNDETECTABLE and CANNOT transmit HIV to her partner or baby.

    She definitely should have been honest with her partner but she has not endangered his health if she is undetectable. U=U look it up, you all are clearly in need of education. And THIS is the reason your friend hid her status.

  13. 1) you’re very young 2) you guys have been dating for only 6 months (I understand the puppy love stage, but yeah…) 3) he knew you had these triggers from before and he still said it..? 4) you knowing that he knew about these triggers doesn’t make you just want to leave him? 5) I can understand kinks, but sorry making someone want to bleed doesn’t sound very comforting during sex cause what if they cut a little too deep or whatnot? Then you’re left with a scar, or even worse, you bleed to death (yes yes, I’m exaggerating but still)

    When you had that conversation with him, you didn’t think to yourself “yeah this is not happening. Nope, not going to work!” ??

  14. Also forgive people who have hurt you, they don’t know any better and will continue repeating the same destructive patterns so feel bad for them. Compassion is also super empowering!

  15. Do not check her Id without her knowledge/permission, that is a complete breach of trust. Have that talk though. You should let her know that it is a deal breaker as there is no way anyone has a legit reason to hide their identity from their partner in a serious relationship. Give her a little time to let her make her decision but let her know its non negotiable.

  16. You have no respect for your wife so keep being confused. I’m not gonna lay out the obvious for you just to ignore it. Do what you want.

  17. Oh fantastic , a man who now blamed you for his failings . If he shirks being accountable for his own behaviour, this is not the guy for you …

  18. You don’t have to be sensitive about it. “Intimacy in a relationship is a necessity for me. If it’s not for you, I respect it her, but it’s time for us to part ways.”

  19. You can clearly see that I’m trying so hot not to fall for a complete stranger. I don’t want to leave my marriage. I grew up in a broken home and don’t want the same for my kids. My husband also refuses therapy. What can I do to help him? I can encourage someone to better their life so much before it starts draining me.. Outside of those issues that I listed, he’s overall a great person and get along with everyone he meets.

  20. You only needed to respond to one person with this information and it makes the situation even more dangerous if his response was involuntary! Quite frankly becoming aggressive in an unconscious state is uncontrollably terrifying.

    OP has also updated saying that this was on purpose.

  21. well yeah although it’s it’s wrong to go through her phone let’s not negate her lying. so it’s misfiring very which way rather early

  22. Don't get married or on-line together unless you want to fight about money all the time. I know someone who has dated the same person for years and won't marry him because he spends like crazy and she won't buy something unless she has the extra cash.

  23. This is how you want to waste the rest of your 20’s? Surely you can find something better to do than keep dating this cheating creep.

  24. Tell him all of this. He needs to know. Even if he’s just a hookup right now, he should know that you’re uncomfortable with some of his sex behavior

  25. WHY???? WHY do you pay for all that stuff for him?!? Just say “I paid last time, it's your turn” and if he refuses, go Dutch. You are not his mommy, ffs.

    Why did you pay for his golf hours if you don't even play/ weren't even there? Does he bring you a bill for reimbursement? Does he use your credit card? Anyway, it stops NOW – you can control your own finances, and make sure he pays at least half of everything you buy for both of you in the future – and keep the receipts for everything you bought, for when you split up.

  26. That’s what I was thinking, he’s maybe possibly cheating but i don’t want to jump to conclusions without reason. I have his snap so I can check, Should I or no? And I think yes to him being insecure about other men in my life and yes to cutting ties with friends. He told me at the beginning of our relationship he wouldn’t have countined dating me if i kept being friends with one of my friends. She was a piece of shit but still kinda weird.

  27. Like others have pointed out already, maybe temperature change, eating salty foods, swimming, or whatever she might take it off. I get a rash from my ring if I wear it for more than a week, even taking it off when I wash my hands, shower, or go to sleep, and then I don't wear it for a few weeks while the rash heals(happens with all metals and silicone rings so no allergy). Also traveling with expensive jewelry can be dangerous. I'm a man and my band is cheap so I don't care.

    Ultimately if you can't have this conversation with your fiance then you probably aren't ready for the actually hot conversations that come with being married. Not to belittle your relationship but I can guarantee you this will be easier to bring up than a lot of concerns you'll have in the first 5 years.

    I would absolutely be concerned if I saw my wife on a months long work trip and saw she had no ring on, but I would easily ask her why she wasn't wearing it.

    Also, stupid question, but if she's taking selfies are you sure you are looking at the correct hand? Some phones flip the camera and what you would think is her left hand is actually her right hand.

  28. I think you may be the exception. I am expected to do all kinds of things “because I am the man”. Most of those things I am fine with……just not this one.

  29. My son literally came out 10 weeks early in distress because of a series of unrelated unfortunate events over the course of a week.


  30. If there's a problem in a relationship between two people, why would adding more to the mix help? You're husband is being selfish and childish, but I think it's time to either get into counselling to try and repair the marriage or accept that you're currently experiencing it's death throws

  31. She doesn't love you – because she doesn't really know you – but I'm sure she feels like she does. The bipolar can result in some pretty crazy emotions.

    As to what you should do – it's perfectly okay to withdraw from the relationship, or continue it, but try not to take advantage of her tender feelings. Don't believe her (because she doesn't really know you) and don't feel pressured to feel the same way.

  32. I dont think you did much wrong I think you bringing up your wife working from home might mean your tone may have been more crude then you are making it sound.

    I think you should have said a couple more sentences then had a lie down and there would be no problem. So I would put you in the wrong here and treat your wifes guest with a little more courtesy. A small apology will suffice.

  33. Yup! How I got stuck in an abusive relationship cause I thought my one ex was going to off himself after his cousin passed during lock down. This eventuality led to him using me as his punching bag verbally, emotionally, and physically. Coercive control.

    Looking back, there was a handful of not just red flags, but an exit sign blaring at me that it was foreshadowing what was to come.

    Op, definitely needs to realize they have relationship Stockholm syndrome and it’s why they don’t realize what they have to do.

  34. The overall system is better, but the school he was going to and the schools around him were not good and the school he attends now is one of the top-ranked private schools in the country & would make it easier for him to get into a top college.

  35. I think his brother might be able to gift it to him, which the mortgage company would be fine with it.

  36. That will do it! Diversifying your experiences also has the benefit of helping you deepen your social connections in a new place. It is daunting and frankly exhausting building a social life from nothing when you relocate, but if you can make it happen, it’s a huge confidence boost to know you can land anywhere and make a life for yourself.

  37. Where I see: “box, Lego cubes. Box, tiny cars. Shelf, books. Wardrobe, clean clothes. Laundry, dirty clothes.”

    He sees the conglomeration. And random things sticking out. Unable to start at one point, as there is “sssssoooooo much” of it.

    ADHD made him see the entirerty of things, all things being priority. Unable to focus on one thing at a time.

    So rather than starting out methodically he got discouraged and didn't start at all.

    Whereas, when we did it together he was happy how quick it went.

    Yes! My husband has ADHD and this is how we handle a lot of things. Even if I'm just in the room with him talking, it helps. And both of us together makes it so much faster.

    We both struggle with dishes due to different mental and physical issues so we switched to paper plates/forks, etc. It's horrible for the environment but it's the difference between a clean and messy kitchen until we can get a dishwasher.

  38. As you know, sexuality isn’t a binary feature of being human. While I think there’s some discussion about how each of your sexual preferences plays out within the relationship, that’s not a first, second, or third date discussion. Don’t overthink this.

    The only question left: is she in any kind of recovery therapy? Is she working on herself? If the answer is yes, and she’s serious about the work, then by all means plan on going on a date.

    Finally, go no contact for a few weeks. The idea being to clear up any “muddy water” transitioning from one kind of a relationship, to another. If in 4-8 weeks the interest is still there, by all means, do it.

  39. “Yet nearly 75 percent of American households still have top-loaders, according to research from Whirlpool Corporation.” And the OP is from Eastern Europe.

  40. Serious failure to launch. If you were my son, I’d be advising you to walk away from this woman child; she’s not ready to be an equal, adult partner. She may have moved out, but she is NOT independent. You will never be her priority. She’s unhealthily enmeshed. And still a financial dependent. Ew.

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