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KattieAndJohn live sex cams for YOU!


Fuck Her Pink Pussy [400 tokens remaining]

Date: October 10, 2022

33 thoughts on “KattieAndJohn live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I may get downvoted for what I'm about to say (just judging by the other comments I've seen downvoted), but there's also a high chance of her NOT being anything like her past partners, and instead, she thinks she can “save” people from themselves.. she thinks that maybe because she can see this tiny bit of good in an otherwise crappy person, jusssttt maybe she'll help them see that little bit of good in themselves, too, and they'll use that to turn their life around. Been there, done that. It doesn't and won't work UNLESS said “shitty person” ALSO wants to change, which is like less than a 1% chance. Just an alternate perspective.

  2. He’s garbage. You can find a king that will treat you like the goddess you are. This experience will make you stronger. It hurts, but it should hurt him more for losing you. It’s HIS LOSS.

  3. Well I can assure you trying to strong-arm your way between 2 people won't end well and that you will feel comfortable with someone else. It always feels that way after big heart breaks like my last was 2 and a half years and now here I am 5 years deep in a new relationship I never knew what I was gonna do but here I am happy again. Could it happen again? Maybe but I don't want it to but in reality the world moves on and we find love again. The people that don't find love most likely aren't looking for it.

  4. Hello /u/unknownman652,

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  5. OP, no. What needs to happen is that she needs to get her hormones checked and she either needs to have her dosage of anti-depressants raised or she needs to change to a different anti-depressant because this 100% sounds like a mental health problem. Hysterectomies cause a massive shift in hormones and it's essentially menopause. Trust me, it's rough. This is a huge change for her and her body, and it seems like all of this has resulted in her becoming depressed which has caused her to have a complete lack of interest in certain things as well as a lack of motivation

    Personally, I have chronic depression that occasionally dips into major depression. One of the most prevailing symptoms for me is a lack of motivation to do absolutely anything that isn't just sitting on my phone or playing games. My bedroom is a mess, and while I have attempted to clean it, it ends up being so hot and draining for me because my depression already makes me lack energy and drive. Hell, sometimes I genuinely won't get up to eat or groom myself because I just don't have the energy. The second most prevailing symptom is sleeping too much. Not so much anymore, but with my depression, I used to sleep constantly, and I mean constantly. I would wake up, and I would already be tired. I'd be up for a short period of time, and then I'd just nap the day away because I genuinely could not get myself up. Depression is a real problem, and it causes major issues with energy levels and motivation.

    That doesn't mean people that can't do things because of it are lazy tho. It means that they need help. Laziness is when someone has the energy, drive, and mindset to do something, but they don't because they're unwilling. People with depression do not have the energy or motivation, and often times they KNOW that they should be doing something, but they physically cannot. Your wife needs professional help.

    Honestly, I'd also look into her seeking therapy/you two having couples therapy. Your valid for feeling burnt out and even frustrated that you have to do everything. That's all valid, but please don't feel like your wife is just lazy and just chooses to be this way. That definitely doesn't sound like the case, and I think with more help, this can be resolved

  6. This seems like an unstable marriage. She sounds insecure. Either she's used to men cheating on her, so she assumes you are, or she's cheating. Or something else.

  7. I don't know why so many people are pushing this in this thread. Rape victims have an uphill battle getting justice too, but it's gross to discourage them from seeking it.

  8. She likes the attention that she has been getting from NF. He is clearly interested in her, as evidenced by asking how the wedding was going as an excuse to text her at 11pm and basically imply that he wishes that he could be there with her. At the very least, she is emotionally cheating on you. She is gaslighting you by pretending not to realize that NF is interested in her.

  9. Oh, gosh. No. I met separate with zero intention of reconciliation. He needs to be a thing of the past, pronto.

  10. Ahahah. Not Hollywood undead… it’s really the high pitched notes he does that bother me ? but it’s true! I’m all for him having hobbies and whatnot… maybe just not always not around me lol thank you though, that definitely helped ease my mind.

  11. your friend is right and you should find someone that is in your own age. having a fling is one thing, having a full relationship with someone at that gap is creepy.

  12. It sounds like he’s trying to fit into a mould of what rapping is supposed to be, and from your post it sounds like it’s pretty out of character for him. For me, this style of rap is disrespectful to women, and I wouldn’t be for it personally. You can rap and not be a masochistic douchebag. Rap is supposed to be about storytelling and personal struggle and it sounds like he’s being super fake by rapping just to rhyme, that’s why I wouldn’t be able to take it seriously. I’d probably lose respect for my partner if this is the approach they took as well.

    People sing about hypothetical situations all the time and initially it sounded like you agreed with that and we’re just joking about it. But I feel like there’s more to this than just that.

  13. If he forgot his girlfriends birthday but not his ex that’s a problem. A big problem. Maybe he needs to be reminded who he’s sleeping with eh?

  14. if he’s the nicest partner you’ve been with, I feel bad for you. this is an awful way to treat your partner. keep looking for even nicer guys, they exist. this guy sucks

  15. Not the brightest candle on the cake, sister is. ?

    She was talking about herself not even noticing.

  16. Maybe like the time he goes “at first I wasn’t gonna ask her out, because I knew she went to college, but the Holy Spirit shines upon her so” blah blah

    He has not been to college.

  17. When did u ever say people can’t move on? Asking me out not even 48 hours ago isn’t getting over it

  18. It's simply not nice to the guys to deliberately waste their time and attention. You're not in the wrong. It has nothing to do with trust, it's just rude.

  19. If you have to hide conversations with other people then you are not acting with integrity in your relationship. I'm with her – time to move on.

  20. Invite her to sit in the room. Then close the door with her, BF and you inside. Then begin to qgressively make out with BF in front of her. That's what she seems to want so give it to her.

    Or just pee on her to establish dominance if plan A does not yield desired results.

  21. She's doing fine as far as I can tell, we stayed friends kinda after breaking up on unrelated issues. But we did bond over me helping her with that issue and another therapist for her. And she helped me with talking about my emotions, opening up and such.

  22. Sounds to me like whatever good he brings into the relationship is not worth the hassle of all the bad.

    He's also used a bunch of things to manipulate you.

  23. I understand. From what I’ve read it sounds like he isn’t happy with how you look, he may not be articulating that well but it’s clear from the things you’ve mentioned.

    Again, you have a choice to make and I understand you’re happy with yourself, which is incredible btw…

    However, do you want to make changes in your appearance to satisfy your husbands needs or do you simply not care? This is a personal choice you need to make. You’re free to look whoever you like and he is free to have preferences. The decision you choose to make will most likely have a significant effect on the quality of your relationship.

  24. She is the one that wants a two month all expenses paid vacation. She can figure out how to fund it….

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