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Kayla the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Kayla, 20 y.o.


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Kayla online sex chat

Date: January 4, 2023

50 thoughts on “Kayla the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. so while we were arguing I confessed my lie.

    You're being too very hot on yourself. You didn't lie when you told him you didn't want kids and at the time it wasn't necessary to divulge the reason why.

    Your bf changed the terms of the relationship when he changed his mind about children. Even if it was possible for you to have children, his changing his mind about children would be deal breaker as far as the relationship was concerned.

    At this point you both have different objectives for the relationship and maybe breaking up would be the best course of action.

  2. Is your boyfriend possibly gay? After reading the post, I want you to know, that relationships where the libido is so different don't usually last long term. If you are sexual, you are not going to want to go your young life without it. He may have issues, but he has to being willing to compromise a little or it won't work. He is more your friend or brother than boyfriend.

  3. He said he's tired now and got it out of his system….. something the wife gets to do now.

    They def need to go to counseling and get over it.

  4. Yep, waiting to hear what she says.

    There's no way your bf didn't notice it and you don't do something like that to a total stranger. He's playing dumb.

  5. Dont save it… explain to the kids that their mother is unfaithful and said she doesnt want to be a part of their family any more. , kick her out and move on w your life. Ghost her as u do. This marriage was over long before now, shes just used u as a slave.

  6. Get her some flushable ass wipes. Tell her to use 2 max after a shit to make sure she's clean and to stop hogging the toilet paper. She isn't 5 years old. This isn't normal.

  7. Yeah, I think it’s a good suggestion! I just see a tonne of bidet evangelism, especially on reddit, about how toilet paper doesn’t even work and those of us who haven’t heard the Good News have dirty butts. Your comment is good! The other person’s follow-up annoyed me!

  8. Personally, I think if you guys are talking about marriage it’s perfectly acceptable to casually be like “oh let’s see what size we wear!” When you’re walking around Walmart. But if you wanted to be sneaky, maybe you can get a Wally World ring in a guess size and be like oh look what I found I think it was my dads try it on. Maybe?

  9. Everyone is saying this is depression. Yes, it is. But she is choosing to do nothing about it. You dont have to stay with someone who refuses to take care of themself. You CAN leave. You’ve already tried talking and helping. She’s refusing to change.

  10. If this never changed – which it probably won't, she knows how much it means to you and has not put in any effort to try harder – would you get used to it? Or no?

  11. If this never changed – which it probably won't, she knows how much it means to you and has not put in any effort to try harder – would you get used to it? Or no?

  12. Exactly plus if u point out the fact u paid majority of everything a reasonable judge would award u the house just show proof everything came outta your pocket

  13. I'm glad you realize this and don't fall for his lying, minimizing, cowardly bullshit. He absolutely 100% had sex with her.

    If I were you, I would walk. There is nothing worth saving.

  14. Thank you for clearing it, I guess I should end this cycle. But thank you so much I was so lost as to what I should do

  15. Thank you. Every word of your comment rings true, and I appreciate your support. I wasn’t sure if I was valid in my concerns as I’m often told my family that I’m overreacting, that this is the way the world is etc, but you’re right, I deserve better. Every woman deserves better.

  16. It could be he was younger and not realizing the reality. It takes some time for you to understand how this underworld crap works. When you are young, it just seems like something they decided on their own. Just give him the benefit of the doubt and ask for his Phone when he comes back. Trust but verify.

  17. Yeah I've found drinking kefir and applying some unsweetened live yogurt to the affected areas is sometimes enough to knock down dysbiosis.

    Repeatedly getting oral antibiotics or antifungals can have other negative health effects. But they're essential when nothing else is working.

  18. Honey, this isn't a problem you or your husband can fix. This is something you need to discuss on your own with a therapist. Your body image and self esteem need the boost that good therapy can provide.

    Talk to him. Be honest. Accept what he says as the truth. Get help. Work on loving yourself fully, as you are today. Forget about the “extra” weight. What did your body go through to gain that weight, honey? Children? Stress? Our bodies grow naturally as we age. Be kind to yourself. Show yourself love. Accept the love your husband is giving you. Tell him exactly how you feel about him, how sexy you think he is. You both deserve to feel loved and wanted in your relationship. You deserve a soft life full of love, you always have.

  19. I'm a bit confused on how they share a SIM card – do they switch it from phone to phone or do they only have one phone?

    For the having access to each others messages and stuff: Can't see a problem in it. The problem would only arise if they do it because they don't trust each other.

    My wife and I share the LogIns to all our accounts but we wouldn't read each others messages – or even access those accounts without being asked to. It's just a question of trust.

  20. She just entered adulthood. She's still just an immature teen. It's not the age gap, it's the age. Don't be a perv.

  21. I don’t really think it’s necessary to make comparisons of who is more tired, who is more stressed, and who works more. The only thing that comes from that is resentment.

    When I take into account what she must be going through, I don’t measure it up to what I’m going through before making a decision of how helpful or loving i should be to her and how much she should be to me. I only see what she is going through and then do whatever I can to make it better.

    So to answer your question, while I always believe I have room to improve, I take as much as I can from her load.

    You said help her feel more like a woman… can you be more specific?

  22. A lot of people in these comments without good parents. It's not his fault he values family, just find another guy, plenty of fish. Labeling him a mama's boy is gonna do…. what? Change his mind? No, grow up. Move on.

  23. You’ve tried to address the issue with him, but he’s not interested in fixing it. The only decision left is whether you want to leave him or keep living this way.

    I vote leave. Having been divorced, I’m a big fan of it. Staying in unhealthy relationships is not worth it!

  24. Yeah, I should have worded it better. We play games almost nightly but while I'm cleaning/cooking/what have you before I can sit for games, we chat on discord so he can play games or paint.

    We talk about the games well, except if I have a criticism he doesn't take it well sometimes and says we don't have to play. For example, the new Destiny 2 expansion- it feels very marvel superhero to me so I said it's very hot to get into the storyline. Idk I just feel like we aren't communicating well, or he doesn't understand me, or maybe I don't understand him. I'm probably overthinking it.

  25. for not explaining the dynamics of people they could run into, taking their girlfriend to a place that is dangerous, and for not deescalating the situation earlier.

    -I did explain the dynamics, this is mentioned in multiple comments

    -Taking her here is on me, I'll accept that. I would've never thought she'd act the way she did considering I told her what to expect & that she already saw that he had a gun on him.

    -I did try to deescalate the situation. From the moment I saw him, all of my actions were made to not escalate this situation

  26. You don't have to stay with someone just coz you started dating them. I don't think you should be with anyone this dismissive of their pulling a gun on you, or their roommate even owning a gun in the first place.

    Your safety is more important than any guy. This would be a big nope for me.

  27. It’s only because she knew I was on a weight loss journey, before lockdown I started going gym now because she asked where I was going.

  28. That's not something you can plan since you don't know what she'll say, but you should act like everything is fine, unless or until she tells you that it's not. She doesn't know how much you're struggling, and given how she feels, now isn't the time to tell her. Find something to do that occupies your mind and hands to pass the time. Sitting around focusing on her is making you feel more anxious, not less. Tell yourself (a million times if you have to) “trust her, and relax.” We've all been there. It sucks, but it really will get better!

  29. My boyfriend can be a bit extreme and sometimes gaslights me to the point where I feel sick.

    This week I've even contemplated taking my own I-fe because I feel so bad. I've already left the band. I’m trying my best to regain his trust. I’m under so much stress and I honestly can’t take it. I feel so stupid and foolish.

    Everyone's laughing at me and thinks I'm a w-ore. Still, he's done nothing but gaslight me, call me a liar, tell me that I messed everything up, talk about how he was gonna marry me, how I don't deserve to be upset about it all, tell me I don't care about him, and so much more.

    I wish that I wouldn't have told such a stupid lie like that. I fear the my boyfriend will use this situation against me forever. I would do anything for him.

    Your friends are shitty and your boyfriend is extra shitty.

    You would do anything for him? Why not do something FOR YOURSELF and break up with him?

  30. Glad you are leaving this POS. Take the time you need to heal. I know you don’t want to press charges, however, since the video is out there now being passed around, you may want to consult an attorney for potential civil matters down the road as the video continues to be distributed and can very well wind up on some sites.

  31. We went on a date last week to the movies and often go on playdates with kids together (not just my friend's kids, but my wife's collegues kids, school kids, …). We try to hang out most nights and watch TV/movies/go for walks.

    It's very hot for my wife to be around kids; she had a really rough childhood and the lack of freedom kinda drives her nuts. We have tried lots of strategies to deal with this but it's a constant struggle…

    I usually prefer to hang out with people 1:1, don't deal well with groups of people. We do sometimes have outings as families (my family + friend's family) but no matter who I hang out with I prefer 1:1 time.

  32. You probably couldn’t have charged him in 2000, but I would guess he has done it again since. I would still see what you could do.

  33. My ex cheated on me so I spat in his face when he told me. He tricked me to make up and have sex with him before he told me he cheated. I was disgusted by him and how he made me feel. My only thoughts were feelings of rage, hatred and disgust.

    I wonder what feelings your gf could be feeling and what were you arguing about?

    Assuming that you didn't cheat and trick her into having sex with you before she spat in your face. Did you deserve such a reaction for what you did do? Not that anyone deserves to be spat in their face but what I really mean is was her reaction understandable or way out of line?

  34. The only job you can get in South Korea as a foreigner with no Korean language skills is teaching English, and, in order to legally teach English, you need a four year college degree. Even if you speak fluent Korean, it is tough to get a job without at least a four year degree. Korea is very anti-immigration and pro higher education. You have to have one of those legal gigs in order to live a half decent life there, the more grey-area, tutoring type jobs make the government paperwork murky and only really work for people who have another person's income/residency to lean on (the person “moves” there on a tourist visa and lives with family or a significant other, and gets a little bit of money from hustling grey market side-gigs.)

    Besides all that, the working environment in South Korea suuuuuucks. You are expected to work way more than 40 hours, the managerial system is hierarchical and unyielding, and you will be pushed around and expected to be very prolific, work-wise. If she's never worked before (and can't even get it together enough to finish an American four year college degree in a decent amount of time) she is going to be in for a shock. In unlikely event that you make it there, she is going to haaaaaate it, I can guarantee it. Don't move there because she's insisting that will be the only way she will get a job, because I'm sure she won't be working to any significant degree for very long.

    It seems like she is unhappy with her life and has set her mind on this idea that the “problem” is her location rather than it being an internal issue. Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. Putting the child in language school so you can lean on them in a new country you want to move to for nebulous reasons is wrong as hell. If I were you, I wouldn't support this idea, but you can also challenge her to write down a workable, realistic plan for how she will make this happen, in order to get an idea of how much research she's actually done into the realities of relocating.

    I doubt she has any practical knowledge of what life for a foreigner actually looks like there, but I also doubt that will change anything. You may have to put your foot down in this one, or, if it looks like she'll never finish school, it may just peter out and (best case scenario) be one of those annoying conversational quirks you have to live with forever.

  35. Where, how will we know of these videos to see what you should do with this information?! Post links so we can best help!

  36. It's actually really sick to make up a story about losing a baby. Whatever is going on with you, I hope you heal from it because there's got to be something wrong to invent a story like this.

  37. update: For those who commented and your comment went to spam Thank you, please feel free to direct message me it would be greatly appreciated as I am not able to see it.

  38. There is a certain type of person who will take an ADHD diagnosis and do… this. It doesn't improve. If she somehow improves her ADHD she'll move the goalposts so the symptoms are exactly the same. Also sounds like she might be abusing her meds. Leave.

  39. Don't fall into the sunk cost fallacy. Sure, you've been together for 2 years, but do you want to waste 2 more taking care of this adult man? And then you will have wasted 4 years.

  40. HPV has a lot of negative connotations and I can see why someone who hasn't had a flair up might want to keep it secret.

    She has herpes, not HPV. Ginormous difference.

  41. Maybe have her paint you cards and write a heartfelt note in there? That way if you’d like you can save them in a photo album or something.

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