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Kelly-G online sex chats for YOU!


Kelly-G Public Chat Channel

Date: October 25, 2022

2 thoughts on “Kelly-G online sex chats for YOU!

  1. His drinking is not better; unfortunately because of the way he drinks – uncontrollably – it doesn't matter if it's every day, only on weekends or only once in a while when he goes out with you. The fact that he gets so drunk that he throws up, passes out and cannot remember what happened between his last glass and when he wakes up is, as others have pointed out and as you are aware (per your updates indication), problematic.

    He is an alcoholic and should, ideally, stop drinking altogether. This may mean that he needs new friends – friends who do not drink – or it may simply mean that he no longer goes on outings with his current friend group when alcohol is going to be involved (at least until he can safely be around alcohol without being tempted to have “just one” that may end up turning into “just one more” until he is at a blackout state again.

    You need to push him to seek help and, much as you may care for him, if he refuses to get help and stop drinking, then it may be time for you to leave for your own sake. Alcoholism fucks people up, it changes them and destroys them. My neighbour is an alcoholic and when he's sober, he's a fine neighbour. Quiet, respectful and kind (he used to give my kumquats from the tree he has in his yard), but when he's drinking? He's loud, disrespectful and, quite frankly, dangerous to an extreme.

    Case and point: Our neighbour has told us multiple times that if his music is too loud, we are welcome to come to his yard and turn it down as he might not hear us calling him from inside is house over the music. Well, about two months ago, his music was too loud – it was shaking our walls – and he wasn't responding to us calling his name or texting him, so my BIL went over to his yard and turned it down just a tiny bit as we had been told we could do.

    Neighbour came out with a machete in his hand and threatened my BIL for coming into his yard and “breaking” his radio. The people living with him had to come out and literally disarm him and drag him back inside. The police were called, but by the time they showed up, the Machete had been hidden and he had left so not much could be done (gotta love the LAPD).

    This was the fist instance of violent behavior from him while drunk, and prior to this incident he had been in a 4-month sober period so we were not aware that he was drinking again. We no longer go into his yard and try not to interact with him, even when he is clearly sober, as we no longer trust him to stay sober and don't want to take the risk that he is violently drunk should we take the chance to interact with him.

    His wife left him, his daughter no longer contacts him, his mother and siblings have given up on him. They have all tried to help him in the past, but he keeps falling back into the alcoholism and everyone has had to distance themselves from him for their own sake because he keeps falling off the wagon.

    If your boyfriend won't get help, or can't stay sober, for your sake you need to be prepared to walk away no matter how very hot it is.

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