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4 thoughts on “Kimmmyfoster online sex cams for YOU!

  1. I am not disagreeing with you, however there are aspects in here which I am not fully on board with.

    It is evident from the post that aftercare is important for OP and him being on his phone right after isn't aftercare. There needs to be a deeper discussion about this.

    I dont believe there is a “proper aftercare” if the indication is that there is a specific way that aftercare “should” be performed.

    Often after sex, myself or my S/O will get up, make some food to bring back to bed for us and we chat or watch tv/videos etc together. These are other types of actions that we consider “aftercare”.

  2. Yes he did I think he posted in dogs and he said he had 2 dogs that are very hyper his hours changed so he has no time to exercise them in the morning.

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