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Kitana55 on-line sex chats for YOU!


GET VERY HOT , ♥♥ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 13, 2022

26 thoughts on “Kitana55 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. [Just as an example:] “Look (dude/friends name), I am really sorry I have to tell you this. But it wouldn't feel okay for me to not tell you. Your gf (/wife) has been trying to convince me to have sex with her/an affair with her. (+fetishizing me as a Black man, which felt bad – in case I got that right and you want to mention it) have repeatedly said to her, that I would never do that. She continued to pressure me about it. I feel so bad telling you this, but I know if I was in your situation, I would want someone to tell me.”

  2. If it’s as bad as you say then you need to stop seeking companionship live!. It isn’t working.

    I sympathize because on-line never worked for me either. And when I started going into the world I was also kinda bitter and hopeless. It gets a lot better with practice.

  3. This is just my opinion, but I don‘t believe in breaks in relationships. Tried it, never worked out. I believe in talking things out, maybe getting some space, e.g. sleep in different rooms.

    But for all that, you provided way too little info, as what are the reasons for your break, who suggested it, whats your boyfriends thoughts on this? Whats your current situation, do you live! together, how old are you two?

    Based on the info given, it seems like you did not come up with the break and you are not happy with it. And thats exactly what you should tell him in person, not via text. Get together on neutral grounds, prepare what you want to say, what you expect as an outcome and then have a good talk. And sorry to say this, but this may even lead to a breakup, if your expactations differ too much.

    And sometimes, as hard as it may sound, a breakup is best for both. Even if you may suffer for a while. Again, I don‘t advise a breakup but I believe that most of the time, „breaks“ are the beginning of the end.

  4. If he acted like a normal person and Not a fuck wit, yes.

    I show kindness to everyone until they show me through their actions (not their minority status) that they don't deserve it.

    And his actions make him undeserving of kindness.

  5. Hello /u/cheekylilchimp,

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  6. Hello /u/Lost_Soul_K,

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  7. Im fine with it too, just being honest is all I ask. Ive tripled check all her Messages whenever she says she a going out and all of them her excuses was going out with her girls (she send pictures too but again all I see is her girl friends, and she doesnt include the guys)

  8. During sex and masturbation is most common. It is a trauma response typically tied to sexual activity.

    I know it's hard to understand but PTSD can affect people in really weird ways and cause unusual physical and psychological responses that make people(and the victim) uncomfortable. That's not at all to say that this isn't a serious problem that he needs to seek professional help for, I'm just saying that this can be a trauma response for victims of sexual assault.

  9. I don't think she should do this. Don't tip him off. Go straight to the authorities so they can find his entire stash.

  10. This is a straw man argument.

    Most men do know where the clit is. Most men care about their partner orgasming. The last 3 women I slept with all knew what they wanted and all said that in general all previous partners wanted to please them. They all had what I would call a healthy and good sexlife before me (and hopefully with me 😉 ).

    Are there still idiots out there: Sure! But it's not the majority as some forums or twitter would make you believe.

    Most normal women have caring partners, but they are not on internet forums to complain. Why should they?

  11. I quite literally cannot leave. Like, yes there are women shelters. But I have no car, no family or friends to help me. I’m more stuck than the dog.

  12. The fact that you are approaching this as if you are the problem and he isn't, is very telling. By always arguing with you, rather than hearing you out, he has manipulated you to the point that you think you are the problem. You aren't. The problem is that he is an asshole and that you two shouldn't be together.

  13. They have been having sex all along, it sounds like they are just in an open relationship. Not sure why you would stick around after you found all this out.

  14. I have given my number to men who have asked for it because I was uncomfortable in the moment. I don’t think you have anything to worry about. As much as I’d like to think I’m tough, I have still been in positions where I had no idea what to do except panic because the person wasn’t reading my subtle cues.

    Agree with all the comments about how women try to avoid confrontation with men and put themselves in uncomfortable situations. She may not have wanted to hurt his feelings, she may have been afraid. She may have just panicked on the spot.

    She told you about it and the number is gone now is what’s important. What she did was so much safer than giving her own number in panic mode.

  15. This is a dealbreaker topic not a compromise one.

    If she doesn’t want kids and you do then you’re not compatible. You shouldn’t be looking for ways to convince her, she’s not an incubator.

  16. There is nothing wrong with keeping an eye on this situation, but keep in mind the context. (1) Your wife has a limited history with your ex-friend or your earlier social group, so she may have assumed he’s matured beyond the asshole he was back in the day. (2) Your ex-friend is probably more interested in the referral bonus for recruiting your wife than getting any revenge on you by hooking up with her. (3) While your wife is probably grateful she got the job lead, she is aware that he can’t be a friend because you hate him, and (4) Now that she is working with him she has to behave professionally, but she also has to balance your dislike of him. As a colleague, she can’t cut him off entirely in the work place, even if he is a complication for you.

    Rather than obsessing over your physical suspicions, ask your wife why she took the job lead knowing that it came from your ex-friend. If she dismisses your feelings or wants to over-ride you, then you have a problem. Ditto if she wants to include him in your current social life.

  17. Why is Reddit so obsessed with age gaps all of the sudden? Actually, only younger girl age gaps. Girls really are stupid according to Reddit.

  18. It’s not his party, he doesn’t decide the guest list.

    Stop making your girlfriend receive punishment for someone else’s BS/insecurity. Stop sitting out. If he doesn’t want her at his parties, don’t go. If he doesn’t want her at someone else’s parties, he can stay home. Don’t cater to him at the cost of your partner.

  19. It's not a terrible idea at all. It could work, but I am scared it will make things more painful.

    We mutually agreed it wasn't working but doesn't make it any easier. We are being very respectful of one another, and I can see it will continue, but I fear how to navigate this without getting hurt.

    I miss her, she is sitting in the same room as me and I miss her!

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