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Kloeass live webcams for YOU!


kloeass chat

Date: October 23, 2022

5 thoughts on “Kloeass live webcams for YOU!

  1. My ex-husband was verbally and emotionally abusive. When he thought I couldn't hear (or he didn't care) he would call me horrid names to hus family and friends. I did hear him and he never apologized. He was a vile and controlling narassisst. His family was as well. For your own sanity and mental well being I'd advise you to really look hot at your relationship. Life is too short to waste it with someone that is disrespectful and hurtful.

  2. No his not a controlling person.

    Sorry, you are not a reliable narrator. As evident by getting together with someone with such a large age gap. Ignoring all the red flags, ect…

  3. Yes, I’m inclined to agree with you. I guess I can have a tendency to be a bit anxious and paranoid. So, I feel like I can’t always trust myself or the things I have a problem with. I am worried that I am being emotional or too controlling. It’s like I can’t trust my own gage of what is appropriate and what isn’t. There’s a bit of childhood trauma from my fathers infidelity – so I am hyperaware that i am affected by that. If that makes sense.

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