53 thoughts on “Kstdirty on-line sex chats for YOU!”
Maybe there's more going on in the background, or maybe not.
Either way, I think you should go with your instincts on this one and block her for now, so that you have space to heal and process your anger. Put your needs first OP.
You don’t deserve to be treated like that, leave him it’ll hurt at first but you will thank yourself later and it will be better for you he doesn’t deserve you
You're both so young you did not have fully formed personalities at the time. Now that is developing, and it turns out, you are different. You cannot control what she does with her body, if you don't like piercings, ask yourself which is more important? Your girlfriend, or your dislike of piercings? This is going to be the first in a lifetime of questions like this. Think it through and choose carefully.
Thank you for suggesting nice things. We generally go for a weekend trip on Saturdays but its been messy from past few Saturdays. I will try to make those plan more real next time if that new guy doesnt mess the things up.
We used to meet for coffee 4-5 times a week but that number has gone down too. I am also jealous of her male friends which makes us fight more. Even I warned her about the guy that takes to her at night that he has crush on her but she doesn't understand. So now the guy has crush on her and they are talking till 12:30, fuck. Again i am not trusting her…
Well you wouldn’t know the answers to your questions if you don’t right? Worst case scenario is he rejects you. You don’t really know each other so what’s the harm in shooting your shot? The fact that your still thinking about this after a few weeks means you want to try, so why not? I hope it works out!
NYE is very funnily something a lot of people disagree about.
Some people think NYE is a holiday you spend with very close ones and only spend them with their SO after dating a considerable amount of time. While others see it as a casual holiday you can spend with your SO even if you've only been dating a couple months.
Now, you seem like the second type of person and your gf the first type. You should have said something when you knew what her plans for NYE were, but that boat has sailed. Consider if you think this is a big enough problem to continue addressing. Even if you don't, do talk to your gf about expectations on certain holidays etc for the future.
2 things. One- We do not have healthcare for all in the states, so his taxes would never go to that. Two- get rid of him and move to Minnesota. It is like Canada. But in the states.
How does that make them a bigot? Most people who are pro life believe it's wrong and immoral to kill human beings, and they consider a fetus to be a developing human being.
Personally I'm morally pro life but I'm ethically pro choice (which means I vote pro choice). I'm self aware enough to understand that it means I'm a less moral person then the pro lifers are.
What caused the first break up that happened two years ago?
It’s nude for Reddit to give advice Bc we don’t know what the nature of your relationship is. Like what other issues have been going on that immediately made her believe that you had cheated? The only way you’ll let go of your resentment (if you really want to) is by trying to understand her perspective. If you can’t emphasize with her situation, you’ll never forgive or forget.
It seems like you both have a somewhat bumpy relationship to begin with. And now she’s pregnant and ready to pop. She’s also young and probably scared about giving birth and has all these hormones going on. and then some girl messages her saying you cheated and this girl probably gave some details that made it believable. And if you guys already had trust issues, then your girlfriend probably didn’t give you the benefit of doubt. So I can understand why she had to block you. It’s all too much in that moment. She had to take care of herself and the baby in that moment. Dealing with the emotional pain of potentially being cheated on or even trying to sort out those details is waaay too overwhelming to deal with while giving birth. She took her time to process everything and when she was ready to face you, she did. Yes it sucks that you didn’t get to see your son immediately, but it also really sucks to hear you might’ve gotten cheated on while pregnant. both sides suck. At least She’s trying to make amends. but you need self reflect about how you’ve also helped created a mistrust in the relationship. I’m sure your girlfriend would tell us a different account.
You cut off the “friendship “. She’s not a friend of your marriage and you know you wouldn’t be okay if a male “friend “ kissed your wife and your wanted to continue a “friendship “ with him. That’s how affairs start.
Yeah I understand that talking with someone won't change some of the risks he's facing with the issues he has, but I don't think it should mean he stops trying. There's always a risk of getting hurt by going outside, and I understand he has a higher risk of that because of his narcolepsy. I'm not trying to get him to talk to his therapist to fix the narcolepsy, but I'm more concerned that he's developed agoraphobia along with his depression.
He's not in any support groups that I'm aware of. He's too depressed to find them and he doesn't like talking about his condition with anyone. He doesn't really…feel like he needs support if that makes sense? He says they won't be helpful for him.
He's been doing remote classes for all 3 years. His college even told him he can continue to take classes remotely. You make a good point that he must be able to retain something since he's been in school for 3 years…but to be honest I don't know how he's been doing in school.
He's switched majors 3 times and he doesn't like talking to me about how he's doing in school.
Thank you so much! You inspired me to get off my butt and checkout a local brewery for a party. Maybe I will still have something on a smaller scale that's not so overwhelming. I just want to have fun.
Actually talk about expenses before looking for places. Express your income to each other, discuss whether you want to split down the middle or split it equitably (add up the total and divide your respective incomes by the total to determine what percentage you'll be paying).
To be blunt (but hopefully kind) if you can't discuss finances with one another openly you're not ready to move in together. You should be able to notify your partner of any changes freely as well as discuss longterm and shortterm financial goals. You don't need to discuss EVERYTHING but I mean not knowing each other's incomes while looking for apartments (even while a ways off) is not good.
Quite bad. I have four siblings and the youngest of one before me(I’m the last of 5) brought her man home and it was like a war zone after he left. My partner is quite soft emotionally and wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of drama.
Your life isn't ruined. You're only 20. I promise this will not be your last relationship if it ends. You'll experience better and stronger loves, no doubt!
Tell her when she wakes up, you are going to a strip club tonight and suck on a female stripper’s nipple. Note her reaction. Is it resignation, knowing she did the same thing. Does she protest? Does she say “okay, have fun?” Does she apologize and ask you not to do that, that she was wrong? Cheating is whatever you believe it to be. IMO, while I wouldn’t consider it cheating, if it becomes a regular thing to go to strip clubs, I would consider that a big problem. Just tell her if it happens again, there will be consequences
Seems necessary for me to clarify that we’re not able to date right now because of me, I’m recovering from a medical condition. I know enough to know he is not married. I don’t expect commitment from him right now, he’s probably talking to other people I’m guessing. But we clicked and he’s expressed interest in getting to know me and seeing if this can work when I’m healthy. We just ebb and flow with staying in touch. Not looking for opinions on who I should be interested in, just looking for thoughts on why the texting fades when I ask questions.
So in that way… is he like the men that you consume? Or is he not like the men that you consume? I'm guessing by the exact same standard he applies to excuse himself, he isn't like the men in your porn, therefore he should excuse your porn. But he didn't. So what he yelled going out the door isn't even the real reason it's okay for him and not you. He's a toxic, self-centered sexist. You see it in his incredibly demeaning view of ONLY THE WOMEN in the porn, his different porn standard for you and himself, the name he called you, the fact that after he called you something like that he had his friend call to report that HE IS OKAY not ask about you, and also judge you again for the porn…which is a personal thing, he didn't need to tell a friend the type of porn you watch…he keeps friends who seem fine with double standards. He is not a good boyfriend for anyone who is a woman. He thinks you are less than him and nothing you do will ever make you equal in his eyes, simply because of the body you were born into. Not okay
I’ve also had to be emotionally supportive of her since her diagnoses.
Oh, FFS. You don't get extra brownie points for being “emotionally supportive”, that is part of the bare minimum requirement of being someone's partner.
Yes but if she says no, then unfortunately, the answer is no, and it doesn't matter if you want a different answer. That's what I'm saying…you don't get to compromise on someone not wanting any sort of sex.
All you can do is decide the relationship isn't right for you, and walk away to find one that is.
That's why I'm saying she feels pressured. You're pressuring her.
That’s very kind, I’m good now. I wouldn’t say closure as such, he denied it and minimised it all to the end but I’d seen enough for something in my heart to break.
You’ve hit the nail on the head though. It’s trust. It can be rebuilt but that takes concerted effort from two people. If that happens then great, good for you. But if you’re left to get over this on your own, well that’s also an answer.
Make absolutely sure she isn’t cheating. Love can often blind us to the signs, so just be sure. Focus more on yourself and your other needs for a while. Sex is great, but it’s not everything. Also, stop bending over backwards to please her. Instead so things that please you and see if she responds to that happier version of you. It sounds like you derive a lot of the value from your relationship from sex, so take a step back and start building other areas of your relationship like finances, actual romance (dates, movie nights, hikes, etc).
Bruh I had to leave the next day, I was checking my phone to see if my friends needed any info on what to bring. I litterally watched it for like 15 seconds. i think she got more offended for the fact I was thinking about the trip and not exclusively thinking about her.
I think many people would be lying if they said they couldn't understand how you feel. I don't know if it'll make you feel better, but I honestly think he'd decided he lost interest before you went over the top. If nothing else, you need to learn from that.
How you stop is having a life outside of whoever you're talking to. Do you have hobbies? Do you have friends at all? You're 23; you've survived to this point.
Either way, in terms of not knowing how to stop, you need to remind yourself that if you want success, you need to have a life of your own. You should never need a partner; you should want a partner. You should be happy on your own, you shouldn't rely on someone else for it.
Who are these people you're meeting up front? They're strangers. It's awesome to get excited about someone new. But early on, you've met a piece of someone. Be excited, but level set your expectations and learn more. Also remind yourself that you matter. They're dating YOU. Are they good enough for you?
Break up completely with her, none of this half break stuff. She will either realize she wants you and only you or she’ll realize she doesn’t. You will get your answer after a couple months.
I think it’s fine for her to stay at his place, and I wouldn’t be angry that plans changed. You seem deeply distrusting of her, but you don’t seem to have a reason to be. It’s only a week and she’s moving away. I wouldn’t give her another thought.
Being held in a psych ward is traumatic and then finding out your husband is the reason your in there is a hot pill to swallow. Would you be able to forgive your wife if she did this to you? Would you be able to trust her? She was locked up in a bloody psych ward because of YOU. Her emotions will be all over the place now. How is she meant to come back from this knowing her husband went behind her back and betrayed her.
I think if you look back, you're going to realize that he's been emotionally abusive before because a person like this doesn't tend to go from 0 to 100 in one go. Please take a look at domestic violence prevention organizations in your country. http://Www.thehotline.org is a good resource if you can't find any others. This was financial abuse but the entire thing was emotional abuse. And it's not a level that requires one conversation and it's fixed. He's going to need to mature a lot and potentially unlearn stuff from his upbringing, if he saw domestic violence.
Maybe there's more going on in the background, or maybe not.
Either way, I think you should go with your instincts on this one and block her for now, so that you have space to heal and process your anger. Put your needs first OP.
You don’t deserve to be treated like that, leave him it’ll hurt at first but you will thank yourself later and it will be better for you he doesn’t deserve you
You're both so young you did not have fully formed personalities at the time. Now that is developing, and it turns out, you are different. You cannot control what she does with her body, if you don't like piercings, ask yourself which is more important? Your girlfriend, or your dislike of piercings? This is going to be the first in a lifetime of questions like this. Think it through and choose carefully.
Thank you for suggesting nice things. We generally go for a weekend trip on Saturdays but its been messy from past few Saturdays. I will try to make those plan more real next time if that new guy doesnt mess the things up.
We used to meet for coffee 4-5 times a week but that number has gone down too. I am also jealous of her male friends which makes us fight more. Even I warned her about the guy that takes to her at night that he has crush on her but she doesn't understand. So now the guy has crush on her and they are talking till 12:30, fuck. Again i am not trusting her…
Well you wouldn’t know the answers to your questions if you don’t right? Worst case scenario is he rejects you. You don’t really know each other so what’s the harm in shooting your shot? The fact that your still thinking about this after a few weeks means you want to try, so why not? I hope it works out!
NYE is very funnily something a lot of people disagree about.
Some people think NYE is a holiday you spend with very close ones and only spend them with their SO after dating a considerable amount of time. While others see it as a casual holiday you can spend with your SO even if you've only been dating a couple months.
Now, you seem like the second type of person and your gf the first type. You should have said something when you knew what her plans for NYE were, but that boat has sailed. Consider if you think this is a big enough problem to continue addressing. Even if you don't, do talk to your gf about expectations on certain holidays etc for the future.
2 things. One- We do not have healthcare for all in the states, so his taxes would never go to that. Two- get rid of him and move to Minnesota. It is like Canada. But in the states.
How does that make them a bigot? Most people who are pro life believe it's wrong and immoral to kill human beings, and they consider a fetus to be a developing human being.
Personally I'm morally pro life but I'm ethically pro choice (which means I vote pro choice). I'm self aware enough to understand that it means I'm a less moral person then the pro lifers are.
What caused the first break up that happened two years ago?
It’s nude for Reddit to give advice Bc we don’t know what the nature of your relationship is. Like what other issues have been going on that immediately made her believe that you had cheated? The only way you’ll let go of your resentment (if you really want to) is by trying to understand her perspective. If you can’t emphasize with her situation, you’ll never forgive or forget.
It seems like you both have a somewhat bumpy relationship to begin with. And now she’s pregnant and ready to pop. She’s also young and probably scared about giving birth and has all these hormones going on. and then some girl messages her saying you cheated and this girl probably gave some details that made it believable. And if you guys already had trust issues, then your girlfriend probably didn’t give you the benefit of doubt. So I can understand why she had to block you. It’s all too much in that moment. She had to take care of herself and the baby in that moment. Dealing with the emotional pain of potentially being cheated on or even trying to sort out those details is waaay too overwhelming to deal with while giving birth. She took her time to process everything and when she was ready to face you, she did. Yes it sucks that you didn’t get to see your son immediately, but it also really sucks to hear you might’ve gotten cheated on while pregnant. both sides suck. At least She’s trying to make amends. but you need self reflect about how you’ve also helped created a mistrust in the relationship. I’m sure your girlfriend would tell us a different account.
She doesn't care about you or your feelings, dump her, she's an inconsiderate and selfish and self-centered person
So if you are going to act like that, you need not have any more children.
As for your sister, you both sound unstable TBH. Maybe it's genetic. Who plays a prank like that?
You sound entitled af. Your say your FWB, but you sound very emotionally involved. Dude was exhausted.
Yes, you can.
You cut off the “friendship “. She’s not a friend of your marriage and you know you wouldn’t be okay if a male “friend “ kissed your wife and your wanted to continue a “friendship “ with him. That’s how affairs start.
Thanks for your comment!
Yeah I understand that talking with someone won't change some of the risks he's facing with the issues he has, but I don't think it should mean he stops trying. There's always a risk of getting hurt by going outside, and I understand he has a higher risk of that because of his narcolepsy. I'm not trying to get him to talk to his therapist to fix the narcolepsy, but I'm more concerned that he's developed agoraphobia along with his depression.
He's not in any support groups that I'm aware of. He's too depressed to find them and he doesn't like talking about his condition with anyone. He doesn't really…feel like he needs support if that makes sense? He says they won't be helpful for him.
He's been doing remote classes for all 3 years. His college even told him he can continue to take classes remotely. You make a good point that he must be able to retain something since he's been in school for 3 years…but to be honest I don't know how he's been doing in school.
He's switched majors 3 times and he doesn't like talking to me about how he's doing in school.
Break up with the fake GF!!
Normal straight men do not want other men to fuck them in their ass in front of their wives. He is 100% not straight.
They crossed over from Cosmetology few things they need to be trained on
Thank you so much! You inspired me to get off my butt and checkout a local brewery for a party. Maybe I will still have something on a smaller scale that's not so overwhelming. I just want to have fun.
First take a pregnancy test and decide how you want the relationship to be. Like, how much interaction you wanna have with him.
move on. she didn't mention the whole fucking other guys thing before making it official, which is bad form, and you don't like it. next!
Actually talk about expenses before looking for places. Express your income to each other, discuss whether you want to split down the middle or split it equitably (add up the total and divide your respective incomes by the total to determine what percentage you'll be paying).
To be blunt (but hopefully kind) if you can't discuss finances with one another openly you're not ready to move in together. You should be able to notify your partner of any changes freely as well as discuss longterm and shortterm financial goals. You don't need to discuss EVERYTHING but I mean not knowing each other's incomes while looking for apartments (even while a ways off) is not good.
The blunt truth… he needs to focus on himself. And you cannot wait around for him.
Both of you are somewhat hindering yourselves from progressing in life.
He needs to face his issues.
And you may need to start accepting that your time is being overspent.
You're both in the right.
He can't be in a relationship where he is giving you a half-assed love. Not fair to you.
And you (at this point) have a right to know where your time is going.
Neither of those are compatible.
I think it might be best to let go in this situation…
Start different journeys, and if you reconnect in a different chapter, then happy ending.
But for now, each of you is holding the other back.
Quite bad. I have four siblings and the youngest of one before me(I’m the last of 5) brought her man home and it was like a war zone after he left. My partner is quite soft emotionally and wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of drama.
She's in a relationship with you yet doubting it over some coworker? In a relationship, crushes aren't meant to be formed towards anyone else.
And the fact that she's telling you this is shitty. You fully love her yet she's thinking of someone else?
Tell her that you want her full devotion since she's YOUR girlfriend. A crush on a co worker won't do. She needs to sort her shit out
It really doesn't matter if it is your rule. You have to online with the consequences of that rule.
I think you will find it very hot to find someone who has not and does not in some measure take a peak at porn.
Sounds like neither of you really are in a good place for a child right now. I would look into other options if I were you.
Your life isn't ruined. You're only 20. I promise this will not be your last relationship if it ends. You'll experience better and stronger loves, no doubt!
Tell her when she wakes up, you are going to a strip club tonight and suck on a female stripper’s nipple. Note her reaction. Is it resignation, knowing she did the same thing. Does she protest? Does she say “okay, have fun?” Does she apologize and ask you not to do that, that she was wrong? Cheating is whatever you believe it to be. IMO, while I wouldn’t consider it cheating, if it becomes a regular thing to go to strip clubs, I would consider that a big problem. Just tell her if it happens again, there will be consequences
Seems necessary for me to clarify that we’re not able to date right now because of me, I’m recovering from a medical condition. I know enough to know he is not married. I don’t expect commitment from him right now, he’s probably talking to other people I’m guessing. But we clicked and he’s expressed interest in getting to know me and seeing if this can work when I’m healthy. We just ebb and flow with staying in touch. Not looking for opinions on who I should be interested in, just looking for thoughts on why the texting fades when I ask questions.
So in that way… is he like the men that you consume? Or is he not like the men that you consume? I'm guessing by the exact same standard he applies to excuse himself, he isn't like the men in your porn, therefore he should excuse your porn. But he didn't. So what he yelled going out the door isn't even the real reason it's okay for him and not you. He's a toxic, self-centered sexist. You see it in his incredibly demeaning view of ONLY THE WOMEN in the porn, his different porn standard for you and himself, the name he called you, the fact that after he called you something like that he had his friend call to report that HE IS OKAY not ask about you, and also judge you again for the porn…which is a personal thing, he didn't need to tell a friend the type of porn you watch…he keeps friends who seem fine with double standards. He is not a good boyfriend for anyone who is a woman. He thinks you are less than him and nothing you do will ever make you equal in his eyes, simply because of the body you were born into. Not okay
Ok, does he masturbate? He needs to stop doing that because he may be desensitizing using death grip.
If not
There are different positions that feel tighter, doggy, Legs together over one of his shoulders for example.
Also why is he forcing you? Not something a good guy would do
Not actually a bad idea. I have a few people who I think it might be. Friends of hers with a conscious or maybe her ex?
I’ve also had to be emotionally supportive of her since her diagnoses.
Oh, FFS. You don't get extra brownie points for being “emotionally supportive”, that is part of the bare minimum requirement of being someone's partner.
This is so messy. You want to tell her to break them up lol not because you actually care about her.
Ya’ll have been sharing the same cheating bum for how long? And you want a child with this guy?
I'll bring it up but I don't want to force them to like me. And I'm afraid it's going to come off like that.
This turns my stomach. Shit like this is what makes dating so fuckin hot these days…regardless. she would be single.
Yes but if she says no, then unfortunately, the answer is no, and it doesn't matter if you want a different answer. That's what I'm saying…you don't get to compromise on someone not wanting any sort of sex.
All you can do is decide the relationship isn't right for you, and walk away to find one that is.
That's why I'm saying she feels pressured. You're pressuring her.
That’s very kind, I’m good now. I wouldn’t say closure as such, he denied it and minimised it all to the end but I’d seen enough for something in my heart to break.
You’ve hit the nail on the head though. It’s trust. It can be rebuilt but that takes concerted effort from two people. If that happens then great, good for you. But if you’re left to get over this on your own, well that’s also an answer.
Oh okay I see your point, I didn’t even think of it like that, thanks!!
A few things:
Make absolutely sure she isn’t cheating. Love can often blind us to the signs, so just be sure. Focus more on yourself and your other needs for a while. Sex is great, but it’s not everything. Also, stop bending over backwards to please her. Instead so things that please you and see if she responds to that happier version of you. It sounds like you derive a lot of the value from your relationship from sex, so take a step back and start building other areas of your relationship like finances, actual romance (dates, movie nights, hikes, etc).
Best of luck!
Bruh I had to leave the next day, I was checking my phone to see if my friends needed any info on what to bring. I litterally watched it for like 15 seconds. i think she got more offended for the fact I was thinking about the trip and not exclusively thinking about her.
I think many people would be lying if they said they couldn't understand how you feel. I don't know if it'll make you feel better, but I honestly think he'd decided he lost interest before you went over the top. If nothing else, you need to learn from that.
How you stop is having a life outside of whoever you're talking to. Do you have hobbies? Do you have friends at all? You're 23; you've survived to this point.
Either way, in terms of not knowing how to stop, you need to remind yourself that if you want success, you need to have a life of your own. You should never need a partner; you should want a partner. You should be happy on your own, you shouldn't rely on someone else for it.
Who are these people you're meeting up front? They're strangers. It's awesome to get excited about someone new. But early on, you've met a piece of someone. Be excited, but level set your expectations and learn more. Also remind yourself that you matter. They're dating YOU. Are they good enough for you?
That would be preferable to me if it’s that and not her being suss
Tell him to quit being such an insecure pussy
Move out
Break up completely with her, none of this half break stuff. She will either realize she wants you and only you or she’ll realize she doesn’t. You will get your answer after a couple months.
You don't have kids, you're not tied at the hip for financial support. I would just leave this all behind.
I think it’s fine for her to stay at his place, and I wouldn’t be angry that plans changed. You seem deeply distrusting of her, but you don’t seem to have a reason to be. It’s only a week and she’s moving away. I wouldn’t give her another thought.
Being held in a psych ward is traumatic and then finding out your husband is the reason your in there is a hot pill to swallow. Would you be able to forgive your wife if she did this to you? Would you be able to trust her? She was locked up in a bloody psych ward because of YOU. Her emotions will be all over the place now. How is she meant to come back from this knowing her husband went behind her back and betrayed her.
I think if you look back, you're going to realize that he's been emotionally abusive before because a person like this doesn't tend to go from 0 to 100 in one go. Please take a look at domestic violence prevention organizations in your country. http://Www.thehotline.org is a good resource if you can't find any others. This was financial abuse but the entire thing was emotional abuse. And it's not a level that requires one conversation and it's fixed. He's going to need to mature a lot and potentially unlearn stuff from his upbringing, if he saw domestic violence.
Yeah broo thank you for making me feel better