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Room for live sex video chat kylie_blck

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Date: October 3, 2022

46 thoughts on “kylie_blcklive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. This exactly! This is why I'm always questioning everything he does. I've talked to him about his actions speak loud and clear that he's married ornhiding something, but he insists that he is divorced. That I'm misunderstanding things.

    We do dinners a lot. Never day time dates. Did that once and blew up in my face. Meaning he was visibly uncomfortable and did not want to be seen next to me. I never see him on the weekends cause he's always working. (Surprisingly this is true.) Never go to his house cause he lives with a roommate. I've mentioned before that I don't care if his roommate is there but he shuts down. At this point I feel like just cutting my losses and leaving cause I don't have time to waste on this.

  2. What men are sticking in a eight month relationship without sex? This is a false dichotomy.

    She should’ve said it kinder but she has real needs that’s are not being tended to.

  3. Yeah but you are not helping yourself. You are only making an excuse to her and just going on with your life. That isn't fair to her. There are medications for this. It's easy go see a doctor. Otherwise you would be the asshole for not doing what is right in your relationship

  4. I’m excited you asked him back and saw his reaction. Especially if you’re not attracted to women, it’s just for him. He wants to cheat and keep you. Most women I know have thought about two men at once, so your question is valid. His answer means it’s a no. He doesn’t care about how much this would hurt you, he doesn’t care that you wouldn’t be into it, and he doesn’t care about your sexual gratification.

    If you say no and he keeps asking, break up with him. He doesn’t respect you.

  5. I mean sure, hair can belong to anyone. My first thought was it could be anyone’s hair. When he said it was a lamppost, that was when I thought he was lying, simply because hair usually does not resemble a lamppost

  6. Ok as a fellow new father (< 3months), I really don’t understand your husband, or your attitude towards him.

    I partially understand giving him the benefit of the doubt on pregnancy and postpartum stuff to a certain degree, but honestly why hasn’t he educated himself?

    As soon as we decided to try for our child , I went out of my way to find out as much information as I could, about pregnancy, child birth and the postpartum period as well as parenting . Do I get things wrong sometimes? Definitely . Are there things I was completely unaware of ? Again definitely , sometimes there’s things that you’d need to know about partially to even to look it up. But the point is I’m trying to minimise it as much as possible because that’s my job as a husband and father.

    Whether he’s oblivious or not is irrelevant , he shouldn’t be. The fact that he’s pestering you for sex is bad regardless of the situation, but to do it at such an early point postpartum is awful.

    Your husband needs to step the fuck up, educate himself and start supporting you .

  7. I understand what you’re saying, but I think you could say it with a bit more compassion.

    OP, to me you don’t come off as a bad mother or bad person. I think you absolutely need to liberate yourself from this man, but I can tell you’re very lost and scared. It’s not easy to turn your life upside-down, but in this case it’s necessary for the safety of you and your daughter. And when you get to the other side of this horrible situation (and you will get through it! You have more strength than you know!), you’ll have a real chance at finding happiness. God would never punish you for setting your daughter up with a bright future, away from people who will try to suppress her the same way they have you.

  8. Added in all the following manipulation, lies, attempted baby trapping…gawd, poor OP, seems clear this woman needed someone with far less experience to manipulate.

  9. Looks like the question was answered for me. I don’t think you truly do understand. If you did, you wouldn’t be coming up with excuses because you don’t like the responses.

  10. You may have altered feelings because you found out months after… How do you feel today knowing that her girlfriend knows and definitely shared it with someone else, that the “friend” bragged about it within his circle and now, after the disclosure, they may know that you know…! Can you watch her without thinking that she effed him and when back, she effed you -maybe you went down on her too?

    For me, she would be dead, DEAD and buried. This is what actually I would have told her, that the moment she did it, she died for me.

    House? Do you want that house? Buy her out! Or, sell it.

    Want to postpone the legalities? I can understand this, but letting her know that it's over is a must.

  11. He was hardly having conversations about having sex. One guy asked if he’d ‘tap’ that and he said no. I don’t really see the issue with that here. Your partner might not know that you’re not having these kind of conversations with josh. Come on, you’re on Reddit, you must know how emotional co worker affairs start.

  12. Your dad was the asshole here. Your boyfriend didn’t say anything about police brutality and wasn’t trying to start an issue. Your dad was baiting him looking for a fight.

  13. Yes , check everything first before you ask. You know that they are emotionally cheating and getting physical with each other. But you also need to have a plan in place when you have confirmation of this.

  14. You give me creepy vibes, not going to lie. Justifying that someone recorded their partner against their will, you can try as much as you want, it’s still a huge breach of trust and she has all rights to be upset.

  15. Ok, now you gotta be joking. A public discussion of opinions in a public forum like reddit is harassment? really? I am not contacting you. I am replying to public comments made for public discussion. I did not send you a single private message. This is a public forum with public discussion. If you do not like people replying to your public comments, do not make public comments.

    Anyone can reply to you, anyone can reply to me. This is a public thread. If you want to only have private discussions with the people that agree with you, do not leave public comments, or only leave comments in your personal echo chamber.

    Anyway, I will not make any other replies to you as you are refusing to have a discussion and are only dismissing my comments without any argument and calling harassment without even a single sign of such a thing. I guess having a different opinion and trying to discuss it counts as harassment these days.

    Then again, you managed to twist the fact me stating my experiences with HR not believing men can be sexually assaulted, to being dismissive of sexual abuse of women? Might as well call harassment on top of that because I am leaving public replies to your PUBLIC comments.


  16. Nope. But still, cheated is once. Cheater implies they have or will do again. Which is for OP and his wife to decide.

  17. I would bring it up. Not in an accusatory way, just in a “I know things have been off between us, let's work together to fix it.” And if he cant talk to you about it and work with you, don't marry him. At that point he's showing you that communication and being with YOU isn't his goal.

  18. the smell will never come out you need to get them dry cleaned you can try this cleanser that hunters use to the get pee smell out of the their clothes, it might work.

  19. I hate to say it, but you need to hear it. It's highly unlikely that you are still going to be friends. Neither of you are going to feel comfortable around each other now.

    The lesson is here: if you want more than friendship, don't become her friend in the first place.

    That said, this girl is playing games and honestly she's a dickhead for doing so.

  20. Man you're describing my reactions to children and I 100% am sure I don't want any. You should consider making this a post on r/childfree as others might have better advice than me and as someone else said, this deserve its own post and attention.

  21. There are some live services that are cheaper and have a wider variety of therapists as long as you don't mind video-chatting.

    The next best thing to therapy is journaling which will allow you to get nervous feelings and scary issues out if the fog and into words so you can understand them and figure out the best way to manage them.

    Also be sure to make lifestyle improvement goals as that has a huge impact on libido and life in general.

  22. You fix it by leaving him. No one has any right to use any part of your body without your consent.

    The problem is that he’s not able to come or stay hard during real sex

    As a man who's dealt with this issue because of past traumas, there are lots of options for this problem… None of which involve shaming your partner or their genitals. It probably has nothing to do with the tightness of your vagina, and vaginas naturally lengthen and loosen as you become aroused.

    If you experience that issue with future, better partners who don't violate your consent, you can use toys, warming lube, pills, dirty talk, different positions, start involving hands and mouths. Lots of options that don't involve you doing things you don't want to do.

    Sex is complicated and doesn't always work just like in videos, and it's good you want to please your partner, but please don't stay with someone who doesn't respect you.

  23. I think this should've been discussed before starting the relationship. It's good that you want to talk to him now and see where you both stand.

  24. I don’t want her to leave

    Asshole, you have NO right to prevent her from leaving like you did. You are a sick man with a savior complex, go get help.

  25. Honestly, I also feel like I only have my side of the story, I am genuinely in the dark about what the hell happened, it just doesn't track for me 🙁

  26. YTA, SO MUCH, GROSS, DISGUSTING… I would get a restrsining order if I was your daughter and you try to come nesr my wedding, my house, my family.

    youbmarried your daughters then 18yo friend,thaz's what groomers do. Why didn't you find a woman (not a girl!!) your age. Your daughter begged you not to stay in this almost predatory relationship, but instead you told her you resent her and wish she was never born???? Congratulatioms, you just won the most shtty dad award. If you don't plan to end your relationship, leave her alone, that's the only good thing you can do. You fcked around and found out what it cost you. Take this as an adult. (Can you? For once?) And stop whining around. YOU DID THIS, YOU ALONE.

  27. There is a massive difference between watching porn & what he is doing.

    Porn is a created for a single purpose, to be watched by the viewer to help them “get off”. It is a one sided transaction, there is no personal relationship between the viewer & the performer.

    What he is doing is absolutely cheating.

    He personally knows the other person. He was in a “situationship” with them. And he is talking to her every day. There is an exchange of explicit videos & pictures. THAT is a personal relationship. And it is cheating.

    Pretty sure his fiance would feel the same way.

    It is probably going to blow up in your face, but you should probably tell his fiance what he is doing. At the end of the day, her opinion is the one that really matters here.

  28. “Just to be clear, by not accepting/inviting my partner, you are choosing not to have me in your life.” And if you get a similar response: “That's disappointing. I hope someday your heart has space for compassion and empathy. Until then, please don't bother inviting me where my partner is not also welcome.”

  29. Yes. I'm not focusing on the marriage counseling at the moment and this happened weeks ago. I'm just able to start talking about it now and have been working on me. She also knows/knew about all of what happened to me. I just don't think either of us knew how to deal with it and just rode it out. Unfortunately, as I stated, instead of telling me when I did something that hurt, she would just try to make me happy. This did not help the situation because I was unaware what was going on and one day she just exploded.

  30. I definitely agree it’s a hard time difference. I sleep odd hours though so I’m definitely awake enough to create some overlap, he just doesn’t seem to try and take any time to even message me to say “hey, I’m going to be busy today” or absolutely anything. So I guess it was just a big shock going from talking practically all day every day to not at all with no communication about it. I’ve even asked when a good time to call would be for him so I could work it into my schedule but there’s been absolutely no follow through from his end, even when he says he wants to. I think it’s just an unfortunate situation

  31. Not really sure tbh but she replied to him in Spanish for a good minute or 2 not sure i be trippin or not but I took it disrespectful as they both know I don’t know any Spanish

  32. that’s a really fucked up thing for him to say to you. he needs to let you move on. and yes, he is cheating on you if he sleeps with you. he is next level toxic if he is planning on introducing his affair partner to his WIFE. how could you become her friend in good faith knowing that you slept with her fiance? I highly doubt she would be fine with that if she found out

  33. I’m sorry but she already cheating on you emotionally. The proof is there. It is inappropriate to call each other pet names and kissing emojis while in a relationship. Dealbreaker for me, I would end it.

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