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KylieBertie live! webcams for YOU!


Destroy my pussy [Goal Race]

Date: October 10, 2022

24 thoughts on “KylieBertie live! webcams for YOU!

  1. I wouldn’t have put myself in this position to begin with. You should have settled this before marriage boundaries man.

  2. I’m 42 and I left my dead bedroom last year. The time is now babe. Stop wasting it, you won’t get it back. You can DM me if you like

  3. Why do you think it's acceptable to sacrifice your own happiness, to allow this mean, lazy, slob of a man to belittle, bully, and control you, every day of your life? You've only been married 5yrs, you're already tired and burnt out because of him, and this is the role model you want to be for your daughter? Just because of your religious beliefs, it does not mean you have to martyr yourself, to stay in an unhappy, and abusive marriage. To be a good mother to your child, you yourself have to be happy within, and love and respect yourself. And if that means walking away from an unhappy marriage, so be it. It shows more courage and strength to take your own road, than keep friends in your life who won't talk to you, if you leave. You deserve so much better, as does your child, and there is no shame, or guilt, in wanting to be happy. ?

  4. Of course I won't, I will not tell her until I meet her in person purely because I don't want to ruin her time with her family for me to lift it off my chest. Trust me, it's nude not to tell her while we talk over the phone.

  5. Not a good stat, but thankfully I went to therapy two weeks in last my last ex.

    I’m now with someone who has the same philosophy as me about cheating and that is don’t. Break up if you want to go screw or date someone else. He doesn’t get why people cheat and thinks you should have the courage to end something before doing something else out of respect for the person you’re with.

  6. Based solely on the facts you've stated, I'd say she is never respected the 25m in this scenario, and he didn't respect himself enough for her to respect him enough.

    Respect isn't a single two-way street. It's a freeway with on and off ramps and the occasional left exit in an HOV lane.

    Having been the 99% the male in this scenario (she was four years older than me and I am now 46), I've learned there were smaller areas where I needed to respect myself more and because I, 'let her get away with,' small acts of disrespect hoping she'd mature over time I set the stage for larger acts.

    When we disrespect our partners and don't get called out on it, we wonder where we stand with them. We will often slowly push until we find a boundary we can be comfortable with. When our partners have boundaries made of jello instead of reinforced concrete, we can't feel safe around them.

    This relationship is irretrievably broken. I hope you heal form this and learn to stick up for yourself on even the small things (don't make them a big deal, just say, 'no,' when they happen.

  7. Okay imma need that brother's phone number cause that guy just rocked my world. So right, so true.

    What your parents are doing is yet another way of being bad parents. They want to use you to hurt each other. Can you imagine doing that to your own kids? Never thinking about them

  8. Dude! You watch way too much porn.

    No. There is NOTHING common about the stunt you pulled. It is incredibly creepy and I do not know a single other female that would find it even remotely appropriate, funny, attractive or anything other than EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Particularly since she still has to still look at you. She is SO embarassed right now.

    She is a person with feelings. You reduced her to a sex object. You literally have no relationship with her other than friendly banter and study groups? That is not even really a friendship. Do you guys hang out? Do you do things together? Eat meals together? I mean, to jump straight from “we're studying and there is fun banter” to “lets get it on” is a massive stretch and truly told her that you see her of so little value that you couldn't even ask her on a date. You demeaned her.

  9. Her entire family is mad at you because she told them a story where she isn't responsible at all for you wanting to end the relationship.

    So guess what? She still doesn't think she did anything wrong. She turned it all on you.

  10. You just lied again. Please cite my comment where I said “huge things.” If you're not outright lying then you outright lack reading comprehension.

    Cite the comment.

  11. Let me clarify a bit.. my bad.

    Basically, I met this girl month ago, she seems to be introvert kind of person, while i am very talkative.

    After 7 days, we have hooked up, but she went cold a bit more than before.

    In person, she is super sweet, talkative to some extent, we stay over 4 + hours each date.

    So what am i doing wrong? Because tonight, we have texted a bit, she even mention on the way “i have already found out everything that i wanted, so are we meeting tomorrow”

    What does this mean?

    Also, she mentioned – i am not THAT mysterious? lol

  12. The guy was playing you lady, he couldn't be the best boyfriend because he was talking to 2 girls at the same time and telling you half truths about it. Sure as shit you were only around to get the other girls attention. I know it sucks being alone but you dodged a bullet. He moved on and doesn't want you, you don't have to understand anything more than that. Fucking gut punch and i've been there.

  13. I would argue that most people don’t tend to stop after they date someone, and I make that argument as someone who also has a boundary in place when it comes to porn. It’s a pretty standard thing for people to watch and when it’s a boundary for us, finding someone who completely supports that boundary is important.

    Him pulling out applications while you were physically having fun together though…that’s not the same at all and I would consider it to be a red flag. It sounds like this was more than just porn use.

    But, it sounds like the two of you are incompatible based on this. He’s clearly not going to stop watching porn based on you catching him every month and boundaries like this only work when both people are ok with them and can deal with them. They ultimately tell us when a situation isn’t right for us.

    If your home is yours, I would go through with kicking him out, personally. It’s clear that there’s an incompatibility here.

  14. 30% of men don't get any sex at all, for a vast group of people paying for sex is the only way they can every have sex yet it's still heavily stigmatized. While i don't condone lying about your sexual past, 99% of women do it when asked so women, of all people, should know what it feels like lying about your sexual history knowing how stigmatized it is in current society.

  15. They had a life of expectations for their daughter and were told in that moment, those expectations weren't going to happen.

    All of their expectations can happen, just with a woman not a man.

  16. Then tell him to get in the shower first and you'll be right there.

    I should tell you, though, that not showering is a significant sign of depression. He should probably see a therapist.

  17. So you met him at age 20 and he’s got pics of you at age 15?

    I’m hoping he grabbed them from social media (which is creepy as hell) or else you’ve got a serious stalker

    I certainly wouldn’t want to be involved with someone who’s obsessed, you might want to think nude about this relationship

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