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47 thoughts on “lanieghlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thank you. I agree that he may not be able to stay with me, but also, it is very possible for a relationship to continue without sex. You can love each other romantically and not sexually. I really appreciate the advice and am not trying to be rude but I do think saying a sexless relationship is just a friendship could be a damaging statement. All relationships are different xx

  2. Here is the big problem, she is already lying to you. She is refusing to say she is talking to another man, which she is. If it was actually platonic, she wouldn’t lie about not being in contact with him. I feel like people on this forum over complicate life. Evidence is evidence. There are serious signs that she is looking for someone else and isn’t satisfied in the relationship. People tend to want to beat around the bush and think of all the made up scenarios and what ifs. I would sit down with her and express your honest though. It’s not insecure, it’s quite intelligent. You have gathered evidence and analyzed it, and now led you to have suspicion. Now you need to address all the information you gathered by laying it out to her. Tell her you saw the messages with the guy, say you saw what you told your sister, that you have obsessively talked about another man to me, and say I believe you are sincerely not satisfied with me as a partner and I am starting to feel like your gonna search for another person. You can even play a little bit of reverse psychology because I have learned that a lot of narrow minded thinkers often think one dimensionally. Ask her, how would you feel if I told you that I think we are incompatible, that I’m texting another female, and how great she is as well. Then see her response. If she can’t see through that, she is for the streets, or she is actually that stupid. I got to be honest with you, she is talking to a 18 year old who doesn’t talk outside the “science”. Sounds like a loser to me.

  3. As a pakistani daughter in law let me tell you this will never end. His family will always be a prorityfor him. If you have a job please look into having a seprate account and eventually and quietly disengage. As a product of that culture let me tell you you will not win or even have justice from him or his family. Disengage and go your own way asap.

  4. Do you have an option to just go to the storage and check if it's all still there ? contact maybe someone else from her family / friends?

  5. If you took a break to find yourself because you’re young, that usually means you are going to go on dates and explore what else is out there.

    If you can’t get over it and let it go then you can’t stay together.

  6. The way he reacted with anger and arguments instead of sympathy reeks of narcissism

    It is not your responsibility to sort this out, he has already made clear he does not care about you or your opinions

  7. Also man why are you apologizing for feeling uncomfortable with her being best friends with her former f' buddy? Age issue above aside you need to set a firm boundary and if it makes you uncomfortable end the relationship. She probably doesn't take your feelings about this serious because you are apologizing for no reason at least based on the above. Weak behavior from your side.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My boyfriend (23M) and I (24F) have been dating for several months, and up until this point, we’ve had very few (serious) disagreements. He’s a sweet, considerate guy with no glaring red flags to suggest that he might harbor misogynistic views, “mommy issues,” etc.. So I was kind of taken aback when we were discussing career paths earlier, and he puts it out there that he thinks that, on the whole, men are smarter than women.

    Granted, he works in STEM—and his really is a male-dominated profession, which partly informs his opinion. But still. It just rubbed me the wrong way, but I don’t want to make a big deal out of something seemingly so inconsequential.

    TL;DR My boyfriend told me that he thinks men are, on average, smarter than women, and I’m not sure how to react.

    ETA: I appreciate the support in favor of gender equality here, but I am not trying to spark a debate on the relative intellectual capacity of people—I just want to know how to move forward, if at all!

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  11. Man why do people just ignore the signs their partner shows them my guy if she really respected you and your relationship she would be trying to fix YOUR relationship and not some random dudes and my guy you honestly believe cheaters all go after 10s my guy go read the cheating sub Reddit you will learn real quick a cheater doesn’t give a fuck who they cheat with as long as they have some connection that’s all they need. Stop being naive and thinking real life works like movies and women and men cheat with naked people no they do not.

  12. I have lately I’ve been keeping myself on a tight leash I’ve kept my phone out a lot more been telling her who I text and just been more of a trustworthy person like I’m doing my best to get on her good graces and I know it’s not gonna happen over night but I’m just hoping I didn’t screw up to much I know I fucked up naked real very hot

  13. You are not the cause of his drinking. He is making a choice every time he drinks – you are not pouring it down his throat.

    You may benefit from some anger management or general therapy, though.

    As for him, he needs to get into treatment immediately. If he doesn't get and stay sober, he will be of no use to you as a partner or father. You need to do the right thing by your children. They do not deserve to live in a home with an alcoholic. Time to let him know he either gets it treated, or you are out. Save your children.

  14. She does not want to be with you, she wants to move on away from you, you try to win her back it’s gonna become stalkerish and creepy. Also your trauma is not her responsibility, stop putting that shit on people and deal with it in a healthy way

  15. Hello /u/bad-ass-jit,

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    [34NB][88-F] We are two people in an example post

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  16. He knows exactly where the money went. I don't know if it's another family or a secret stash, but the money didn't disappear. It is just easier to pretend to be forgetful since you aren't giving him much of a chance to put some money aside. If it is just a secret stash, I can't fault him. You have your family fortune, but he has nothing other than what you share and You manage. I can see how he might feel trapped.

  17. I don't really see what the issue is or how this is inappropriate.

    I think it's fairly common for couples to have big birthday parties with their partner included and something just for the couple.

    He's invited and isn't back down, sounds like he wants you there.

  18. helping raise another woman’s child with him

    How can she even jump to that being an option? The mother of the child didn’t & doesn’t even want contact with the baby-daddy because it was a traumatic experience with him, probably not likely she’d just hand over her child to him & his wife. smh…

  19. Its stunning how you were able to express my feelings better than my self with that:

    Hey, I know that our game development project kind of fell through. But I am okay with it. The truth is, I thought it was an easy way for us to get to bond over. I was just excited to have something that I could spend time with you. But, I don't really care for the game, I cared more about getting to know you. And because of my shyness, I thought the game was a great entry point for us. Now, I realize that it wasn't the best option. I think I would rather get to know you more this way.

    But I defenitely don't feel like being able to say this. For that to happen I would have to find my self in a situation with her where for some reason feel like it is appropiate, which is quite unlikely to ever happen anymore.

    Additionally, casual things like bowling or going to a movie are not really my thing. In my freetime I often create stuff like software or play/compose music. Obviously I also like playing video games but she plays completely different games than me. Her favourite games are PlayStation exclusives and some Nintendo games and I am more of a PC and indie games gamer.

  20. It’s 4 years. Why would time change anything? Shouldn’t he already be sicking to a plan with you?

    If he needs to change for you to be happy then you are setting yourself up for failure.

  21. Well, she’s certainly right about one thing – that’s she’s a cunt. Fuck that dude, people in our age range are such fucking dicks these days when it comes to dating/similar things. Respect and common decency is too rare. Move onwards and upwards it can only get better

  22. Actually you're wrong. I had a past relationship where sexually coercive behaviour traumatised me and he's aware of that. So even if he's acting disappointed twice per month that is enough to trigger a pressure cycle with me. He and I have sex at least 3 times per week and we explore each others fantasies.

    Thanks for your perspective, though!

  23. Showering less has been proven as being better for skin because you’re not removing all the normal bacteria and oils. But not really an excuse not to wash the areas which get stale. Armpits and groin and ass can easily be done daily with a cloth and some very plain liquid soap. Otherwise why would you bother changing underwear every day. It’s the same thing…

  24. It sounds like you made a impression! Asking her out for a drink and conversion would be a good place to start.

  25. Dude I mean… you already know the answer I feel…

    this guy sounds absolutely terrible to be around. Not only are you doing this to yourself but your friends too!

  26. The only issue here is You feeling Bad about it, this is poetic justice, id be laughing My ass off in their faced, well deserved, your family belongs to hell, and i hate abusers of all kind and i can't believe i find myself saying this but i fcking hope he learns some Muay thai, your sister is thrash and is getting a jab, Cross, left hook of pure karma.

  27. OP you’ve let her head turn.

    Honestly 3somes unless its like spontaneous pretty much are disasters for relationships. It works for a few people and its plastered all over porn sites but its really not all it’s cracked up to be. I’ve had two in my life – MMF and MFF – and honestly you’re not missing out much.

    Biggest issue now is you’ve let your wife scout out a new partner, and she likes what she’s found.

    Rough times ahead my guy, and possible an affair.

    As for right now – be honest about how you’re insecure and you’re sorry but you can’t go through with it. Then pray the relationship you have is stronger than whatever desire she has for the big dick reddit stranger.

  28. When I read the title I thought shopaholic debt but further reading makes me sad. She's in debt to try and better her life, the US really sucks.

  29. Didn't you literally say in your post that the first time he did this he didn't even have a passcode on his phone?! Him leaving it around you unlocked is obviously not an indicator that he's changed at all. On top of that, OF COURSE he's not gonna let you catch him the same way twice. All you did was show him that next time he needs to be more cautious. This man changed the name of his affair partner to his cousins name after you confronted him. You don't think he's sneaky enough to use password protected folders on his phone for all his icky jerk off pics?! It wouldn't show up in his images because he got better at hiding it. WAKE UP! Cheaters rarely ever change and if you have this much anxiety in your relationship and you'll NEVER trust him again why are you putting yourself through this? You're “fighting for your marriage”, but is he? Obviously not if he's not reassuring you every chance he gets that he would NEVER hurt you like that again. Please take the advice of others because you clearly don't have an objective view on it.

  30. He tries to come visit me once a week at least, he lives an hour and a half away, and usually we see each other for a couple of hours until he leaves

  31. They think it’s normal to share spoons and even bar soap. So gross.

    It's entirely normal to share soap with family members you live with. However, if YOU think it's gross, that (on top of everything else) tells me you and he have some pretty different ways you like to live! your life. I think you need to sit down and tell him how you're feeling. Try to avoid making judgments, stick to “I” statements and focus on how it's affecting you and your relationship with him. If that doesn't get you anywhere, it's probably time to end things.

  32. So she cried because he didn't call her back to go fuck him? Like, she leaned on you for a shoulder to cry on because her cheating plans didn't go through? End it right now dude.

  33. No point in going to marriage counselling. She needs individual therapy for her abuse and anger issues. This is not a marriage problem, it's a problem with her.

    My recommendation is to separate and you take full custody of the children during the separation based on her violence and abuse. She can then focus on herself.

    If she agrees to this for say 2 weeks to a month and then you assess her progress… maybe you can move forward.

    But from one guy that's been physically abused by his wife to another… I think it's over and I think it should be over.

  34. I'm going to be extremely frank here: you can't help him. He needs professional help. You can't rescue someone from their mental health issues.

    This is going to be naked to hear but the best thing you can do is let him figure himself out. His behavior towards you is abusive and manipulative and not loving, even if he does love you. Love is not enough, it doesn't magically heal serious mental health issues and trauma. You can't love him out of this. You can't support him out of this.

    You know the saying that you can't light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm? In this case, not only are you letting yourself on fire, but he's doing his best to burn you down.

    I've worked with people with substance abuse disorders in the past. Sometimes those in relationships with each other. And of course it's really very hot. Sometimes they both decide to get treatment together and they make it through. But they have to spend some time apart really focusing on treatment. The ones that actually make it on the other end take at least a year or two apart. But most end up back together that's okay. I think you should probably do something like that. And you should start today.

  35. Me too, I hope my comment doesn’t read like I’m trying to dismiss mental health! It makes me mad too.

    Yes 100% agree with you. The line in OP’s first post saying that she was mad at him for “not picking up on signals that she needed babying”… like why not talk to him about it?

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