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Laura-Summer live! sex cams for YOU!


Laura-Summer Public Chat Channel

Date: October 12, 2022

28 thoughts on “Laura-Summer live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Thanks for your response. She said she’d apologize to my friend next time they see each other but also wanted to let him know that his sarcastic remarks hurt her. I think the extra part about letting him know about the sarcastic remarks is unnecessary since they both know that was the reason why, and she feels as though he is wrong for doing it when it’s just his sense of humor. A phone call apology seemed like it would be awkward so I said that it would be a good idea for her to apologize next time in person, but I don’t know if/when that would ever happen again.

  2. He’s 27 and still lives with his parents? And his parents pay for most of his bills? And he’s a doctor? Holy red flags, Batman!

  3. Why do you as a therapist endorse porn when it can cause such damage and is an industry riddled with human rights violations? Do you also support watching dog fights and smoking together to build intimacy?

  4. I would end it and get tested for STDs. A lot of ppl are probably having sex with those guys for drugs and that spreads stuff around.

    If she really wants to be with you, she can take the time to get clean and the reach back out once time has passed and that trust is beginning to come back. There is no need for you to invest in that when it may happen again. She may think it won't, but it's an addiction unfortunately.

  5. Have you seen her physically take birth control and you used condoms at her house or did you bring your own ?

    Go check those condoms for a holes. You just might be the dad.

  6. Yeah. I had a lot of those at first. Most just want sex or whatever first/second date. Date is more to see if you vibe enough to move to the bedroom. Most don’t want an emotional connection.

  7. I am saying if those are the type of women he likes then why is he having sex with me? Why like my Facebook dating profile? He saw my pictures and knew I was not muscular. Why waste time meeting up with me? So what gives?

    Why keep having sex with me when he knows I am not even his type? I don't understand the logic behind it.

  8. 8 years and she still won't admit to masturbating (5x later with spell correct labeling it “master bathroom”) is kinda strange and her literally lying to your face after you watched her for 10 min.

    I'd just pack up and leave and just tell her you aren't leaving.

  9. To answer your question in the TLDR, it is EXTREMELY inappropriate. It 100% can happen to be asleep and spoon someone unwillingly, that’s not what happened here.

    1- get some sleep, you need to be well rested to think properly.

    2- do not, absolutely do not feel bad or guilty that you didn’t reacted in the moment, that you didn’t push him off or called him out. We often about fight or flight response, but it’s usually fight, flight or fawn.

    3- what your mom said is disgusting.

    You don’t have to accept ou t his apologies if you don’t want to. If you do, do it for you, not to “keep the peace”. Also, if you do, make sure they are real apologies, not “I’m sorry you were uncomfortable”

  10. It’s just really nude, because she told me 4 days ago. She isn’t over me, and she told me that she’s isn’t open for someone else. And I was het first everything she said, that I was something special. Is really nude to see her kiss someone else. And her friends like to spit oil over the fire. That was the hole relationship so

  11. Tell him no.

    Then move on to the next person, who will understand that your time and energy are important to you, and how you decide to use them is your choice.

  12. Exactly, OPs bf was honest and upfront from the start but she keeps trying to change him instead of respecting his boundaries

  13. It doesn't matter…? She is your ex, and if she wants to embarrass herself by being stupid vs move on with her life… That is legitimately not your problem.

  14. That doesn't seem very likely.

    More likely is that you are suffering from paranoia. People don't generally keep up a pattern of harassment like that.

    You don't provide much information, regardless. Consider therapy.

  15. I agree, have never ever seen someone send out a invite 8 or 9 months in advance. This is a detail that screams fake ?

  16. He said he wants to stop he just has urges, but that besides the point. I am debating on breaking it off but if there is a slight possibility I can help in anyway shape or form I will, but if he is not willing to take my help I will be leaving. You can take a horse to water but can’t force it to drink.

  17. What are the chances this dudes just being workplace friendly and the nutcase is reading into that herself.

  18. I'm really glad you didn't try and work this out or see if she would get her shit together, this chick is major bunny-boiler vibes.

    Stay safe!

  19. If she approaches you at work, you tell her you are working and can help with anything work related. If she wants to talk personal stuff, walk away and tell your manager she is harassing you and not there as a customer.

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