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LauraRuiz1live sex stripping with hd cam


66 thoughts on “LauraRuiz1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Never mind. Read your comments. Your hiding things and lying, and cheated on the ex too. Talking to bf before you broke up with ex is cheating.

  2. what the fuck is the point in having children if you don't parent them? just so that there's someone you've passed your dna onto to? if so, that is extremely messed

  3. We are the sum of our past experiences… Has he been cheated on? Cuz that tends to make people sensitive.

    Obviously in an insecurity that he needs to work on, but now you know it's there and it just means that you can discern what is a him problem and what is a justified boundary that is uncomfortable.

  4. This is true. I just don't consider her feelings in this situation because if the bf really was loyal then his ex not being over him wouldn't be an issue or factor here.

  5. Sometimes, men are entitled when it comes to stuff like this ? I've had a couple partners blow me off or blame me when I expressed discomfort.

  6. You either continue to watch and allow him to do so, or stop watching and ask him to do so. There is zero difference between you watching it and him watching it no matter how much mental gymnastics you attempt.

  7. I’m feeling intense rage reading your post! Omg. You’re an actual doctor. Did he miss the news about the medical field being a near war zone most days? And who are his parents? Are they socialites? The Kardashians? Like who actually judges this shit? Tell him his paycheck is shabby. And ask him if he washes his ass, or if he’s got a shabby butthole.

  8. It's great to see you taking this to heart. I wish you all the best of luck in finding yourself outside of this relationship, and then hopefully finding a film buff bookworm leftist lady to connect with!

  9. Are you sure you want to marry this guy and want kids with him?

    Having children is something you do together. It is not a gift to get impregnated by a guy. It's a online changing event that you do together as a team. Framing that as a gift is a huge red flag (on top of the red flag of him wanting a first of you)

  10. Definitely leave him. Stuff like this is so bothersome because you could be in a perfect marriage/relationship and ur partner could be cheating on the side and u would have no idea.

  11. The “old” comment is the only “negative” thing he said. It's not a lot I know but I simply cannot imagine saying anything like that about one of his family members, it's just completely unnessecary and imo extremely rude considering her story. It could be that he's just a bit off atm, but unfortunately, that's not the first time this has happened. He's insulted several of my friends after he met them the first time. He called one of the sweetest people I know a dumbass/awkward/retard after meeting him once. He doesn't even know him but has the audacity to insult him?? This hurts A LOT

  12. Jesus idk why everyone is downvoting you, I am the same way as this. I’m not vindictive, to me it’s easier to just leave than try to do some extra bs to get back at someone.

  13. If you don’t show you feel bad for making a mistake in the past, no one’s going to believe you that you’ll make a better decision in the future

    Thats their issue, not mine. People can learn from mistakes without having to feel shameful or bad about them. Not everyone has to be so emotional over making a mistake.

    Who you going to believe is going to fix a mistake, someone who gives excuses for it, or someone who shows they feel bad?

    I wasn't making excuses. I was telling him the objective facts. The lie was saying I was wasted drunk. Now you don't believe me, but that's not really my issue. So, to answer your question, I'd try and find the objective facts and look at those. If a person swears they aren't lying, I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. People don't all behave the same or show guilt in the same way.

    So I feel guilty? A little bit. It's been months, so not really. I probably felt guilty at the time. Do I feel remorseful? No.

  14. Sounds like you had a child with the man of the year and we're only on the 5th day of 2023. Congrats.

    Obviously this is a huge fucking red flag, i'm almost certain it's not the only red flag if we were to dig more into your relationship with this turd. As others have already pointed out, get the fuck out of this situation, this man is dangerous.

  15. sorry but he's telling you he doesn't want kids with you. blatantly. he says he's ready in 10 years, men can do that. be 45 and still have kids. He KNOWS it won't be with you, he'll just move on and find a person to start a family with. This is assuming he's actually being truthful about wanting kids. You might want to look into fertility options for you and on how to leave this man.

  16. Maybe all this way I feel is due to my self esteem. Rather than being broken. I thought my self esteem was quite high when I was dating him until a few months in. I felt independent, grown up and interesting, I felt happy and then it all disappeared when I realised he wasn’t doing things for me. I decided to give him chance, I asked for him to take me on a date.

    I do miss him a lot, I was very attracted to him and then I wasn’t. I was about to approach the topic of maybe being friends as I didn’t feel the connection anymore. I wondered if something wrong with

    Sometimes I wonder if he behaved like that because of me. I wonder about things I could have been any different. I remember him hugging me one day and saying ‘you do all this for me, what do I do for you?’ And I told him not to worry because I liked him so much. My family said I didn’t give men a good enough chance, so I wasn’t ready to end it at this point.

  17. You really need to be more specific. It sounds like you're panicking over the increased responsibilities and new dynamics that come with parenthood. If you break up with her, do you think you'll get to skip out on the naked stuff? What do you think coparenting a newborn is going to be like? You'll just stop by for an hour a day to change a diaper and give a bottle? Your girlfriend is going to need support. Your job is going to be doing the things she won't have time or energy to do.

  18. Sometimes it’s better to know you have to get on with it yourself rather than the disappointment of someone who doesn’t do it properly or drags their feet.

    Then inevitably you’re looking after them as well, so yeah, being a single parent can be easier physically and emotionally.

  19. Sorry, but thousands of people deal with this daily. “Get over it”, no. But they do learn to cope and deal with it. You're using it as an excuse, just like she does.

  20. He is cheating on you emotionally, otherwise he wouldn't delete messages. He will continue flirting in his job and comnunicating through secret accounts.

    Unless he comes clean to you it can't be saved. If it's involved to this point he will lie and refuse to tell you then it's really bad. Nothing short of confession and changing jobs should satisfy you. Well unless you don't mind being cheated on while he keeps lying and making false promises.

  21. Just don't. This entire situation is a disaster in the making. If the person is your best friend, why would you even consider disrespecting them by using their baby sister for sexual relief and nothing more. That child has self-esteem issues if the only way she can connect with someone is creeping them at night to offer sexual services. I get that this is very convenient for you but honestly, have a wank, take a shower, then really think about the fallout. Girl is not stable if she's behaving like this. What did your friend do to you that they deserve to have their friend take this child up on her sex offer. You are in a very different emotional and intellectual space than she is. Tell her thanks, but no thanks, then never allow yourself to be alone with her ever again unless you want all the drama that comes with sneaking around banging barely legal siblings of your friends.

    At that point, you are the creepy old guy who likes little girls and can't be trusted around anyone's family. Think about it.

  22. So he starts fight about some random bullshit, yells at you, throws stuff around to the point he hurt himself and you think this is not bad enough? What are you waiting for then, until he hits you?

  23. Why do you even want to continue seeing him? He obviously has no real respect for you. He doesn't value you being your own autonomous human being. The relationship he is offering you if you contort to his immature demands seems to hold nothing of value. Why do you want this? Especially after telling him you are confident and independent?

    I don't want to be rude but you are not acting confident. You are changing who you are and giving up your autonomy for a boy that is already having a handful of red flags and you've only just met!

  24. Okay youve learned that your parents and grandfather are racist and sexist. You have to decide if you support that, or if you have better beliefs for yourself.

  25. Is a 27M living at home with mom a cultural thing which is common where you're both from? Because here in California it means the man is a failure at life and an utter embarrassment.

  26. So not only did he cheat, but he also deceived you and lied to you everyday since it happened. This is not someone that you can trust. It's not like he felt remorse and came to you and told you the truth, you had to be sent videos in order for you to find out. It will happen again .

  27. Without knowing much about your situation, it sounds like it's a problem with this girl. If all his exes were jealous, and you feel the same way, then it sounds like this girl is the common denominator.

    It doesn't seem appropriate for this girl to call your boyfriend to come to her rescue every time she has an issue, and especially you said she has done this while having a boyfriend of her own. It's not appropriate for your boyfriend to dump you and your date nights in order to go run off into the night and save her either.

    I think there's not much you can do in this situation. Maybe your boyfriend is wearing rose tinted glasses. All you can really do is try to have a calm discussion about the situation and how it makes you feel. There's a good chance he can't see the situation rationally, so I would be very surprised if you're able to talk some sense into him.

    Try a conversation. If it doesn't work, then I think you will have to just accept this situation as it is and all the drama and stress it entails, or otherwise you'll have to split up with him.

    Don't worry about being “another jealous ex”. It's pretty clear to anyone that this girl has an inappropriate relationship with your boyfriend, and your boyfriend is enabling her behavior.

    Good luck OP.

  28. I would reconsider this relationship. At the very least say nothing until you have an alternative job lined up and have been with him longer. Three months is short, a work colleague is problematic.

    Ultimately, it would be better to work in a different place than the man you date, especially when it is time to tell him your past. Some men would be fine with it, others won't. Their reaction is beyond your control. All you can do is ensure that if they are going to dump you, they don't get you fired or end up making you work life untenable with it. Think people treating you like a sex worker, calling you names, etc.

    I would also recommend that whomever you date, you ultimately do tell them your past, as the world is a small ace, all it needs is for someone who knows to say something and if you haven't told your partner he will feel betrayed.

  29. but do you notttt see how I truly get that I know that I DIDDD her wrong?? by doing that. I'm just saying is it really worth it tho? is it? its called questioning my significant other if they think it worth it. I didn't find her bs worth it even tho I have but idc cause I love her.

  30. He should be an “ex boyfriend” after making a “joke” about you like that and then not even caring that he hurt you.

  31. Since when is snow the reason for canceling a ski trip? When I used to go, that was what we hoped for. Why was it never mentioned this guy would be this trip? Why wasn’t it mentioned she’d be staying with him?

    Let me ask you, does she ski a lot? Does she have her own equipment? If so, did she get her equipment tuned up for the trip? The reason I ask these things is that it sounds like there never was a ski trip and the plan all along was to stay with this guy.

    Now it could be that she’s basically a chaperone for her roommate but even then the deception and lie’s would force me to end it.

    Send her a text saying “I hope you’re having a good time because I’m having a terrible time here deciding whether to end it now or wait until you get back.”

  32. You are putting her through something anyway. A depressed and defeated dad with a checked out mom isn’t better.

    She wouldn’t be put through anything. Kids only know the world you make for them. Normal is anything they online with.

    At least on your own. You can create the stability you seek. The daughter can be involved in that part.

  33. I am sorry my friend but leave the b since you she start stuttering the moment you casually mention yea something she is hiding

  34. Real weight loss can only be achieved with long-term sustainable lifestyle changes. Have you ever gotten to the cause of WHY he eats so excessively? For example comfort eating, depression (Etc). It will be very naked for him to develop a healthier relationship with himself if he is filled with self-loathing and kicks himself anytime he experiences a hurdle. It sounds like he always felt a lot of insecurities over his body image even when he was a healthier weight.

  35. 1) He lied when he said he’s willing to wait for you. He wasn’t able to wait for you for a few months, how much more the promise “of how long you need it”’.

    2) He knew that he got his ex pregnant and yet he kept this to himself. That’s being selfish.

    3) You’re too young to be a stepmother and the ex and the child will always be in his life. Are you ok with this?

    The relationship is still new and he’s already showing you that you cannot rely on him. Let him go, he’s not the right one for you.

  36. that being said, if she sues for child support, he may have grounds to sue for parental alination/custody. Contrary to what the “woman can do no wrong” brigade, she wa sin the wrong to stay over night at some other guy place and then act as if it wasn't suspicious. Just because “I effed up and had this guy's kids but don't wnat to deal withhim” is not a good enough reason to keep the kids away from their father.

  37. Sounds like you’re trying to justify to yourself getting back with him, but it does sound like you broke up for a reason.

    Anyone can be your soulmate, there are millions of other people who could be just as compatible. He clearly does not want to be with you any more, yet you’re trying to convince yourself that he’s like destined to be your soulmate because you still like him.

    Why are you the one who knows what’s best for him or what he really needs? It sounds like he doesn’t have his shit together and doesn’t think your relationship is good the way it was. Stop trying to rewrite and guess what he “really needs” or what is meant to be. He’s his own person. If you do get back together on those terms, it sounds more like you’d be getting together just because you’re scared of being alone, not because you actually should be together

  38. Have an honest talk with him. Tell him what's bothering you and establish boundaries(and respect them). If it bothering you that much you shouldn't put up with it.

  39. First make sure you've really thought about this for at least a week. If you really would be interested in Clark the have the conversation with him. Tell him that you were very interested in him too and it sounds like the two of you somehow missed what you both wanted and that you wonder if he'd still like to be your partner.

    Going forward with your fiancé right now sounds like a big mistake without exploring if you'd rather be with Clark and if he would like that too.

  40. This sounds like an assault, and it sounds sexual. Sexual assault is generally a deal breaker for most people, and a crime in most jurisdictions. It’s your choice, of course, but given that she showed callous disregard for your physical and sexual health for a joke, I’d think not breaking up with her would send the message that this is an okay thing to do, and you can expect more of it.

  41. I understand that pain. However I am going to be blunt with you: on reflection doesn't it strike you that perhaps he was never actually worthy of that trust? Like as I noted originally, he was coming off over a decade alone, right? That can't have meant nothing and if you learn anything from all this then it is the reality that love doesn't cure trauma. It can help you overlook it for a while, which is what happened to him, but he was still bleeding out. And yeah, a lot of what he said was likely only partially true or maybe he believed it but couldn't follow through.

    But that doesn't make you unlovable. If anything you proved the opposite. Your love broke him out of his hiding space. Unfortunately the reality is that worked against you, but it shows he did care he was just too broken.

  42. Don't get rid of your collections! She's not going to keep you around that long, and then you won't have either. Please be smart and break up with her first. If she tries to give you a naked time, tell her you'd like to find someone younger. That should do it.

  43. Not that odd of a thinking.

    But as a crafter I can tell you: NO. She is painting those pictures for him, likely.

    These are customized gifts she spends money and time on. So I don't think it's “petty revenge”.


  44. My daughter and her boyfriend share locations but they only use it in situations where they worry, they online in separate towns, so my daughter will text him that she is leaving a bar and then forget to text him that she got home safe and sound, so he will check.

  45. Go by yourself. I do suggest trying to create a life outside of this relationship. He can’t be your everything.

  46. Your Netflix passcode gives you access to email, text messages, bank accounts, work services? Interesting.

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