Letty Moa, 24 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Live Live Sex Chat rooms Letty Moa
Date: October 11, 2022
Letty Moa, 24 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
I divorced my wife over the same. (Joking)
Restraining order is next thing I'll do if he ever approaches me again.
Don't go to your parents house. Problem solved.
It is just an ordinary day. One in 365.
I know it’s a shock to learn that you were in fact not the first. You two were kids back then. Kids make stupid decisions. Her error was keeping it up, probably because it’s nice thought… you married your first. Maybe it was her first real enjoyably experience, something that felt real.
Do you think this would result in a divorce?
Probably not, it’s unlikely.
Talk it out. And burn the book.
He probably was super tired and cranky. I think you should bring it up, but wait until the weather changes and everyone has a full night of sleep. No sense talking about it now when he isn’t thinking straight.
He is showing you what he thinks of you and how he is.
It doesn't sound like a bad thing since it's a logical reason behind it.
This is such a weird thing for some dudes to get into mindset about. They enjoy causing their partner pain because it makes them feel big and powerful.
It hurts his feelings that he's not hurting you. Because he wants to brag to his friends about his enormous penis causing you internal damage…? His ego is taking a hit from your pleasure?
The problem isn't you.
It’s federal law, not state law. Yes she can buy a gun and gift it to someone, as long as the recipient isn’t a prohibited person. Point being, if he’s avoiding the federal NICS and any state-required background checks, then there is no state where this isn’t an illegal straw purchase.
Not sure what you are on about mate but im not a woman.
Well rather than 'dating', stop looking for love, and start looking for platonic friends. There are guys out there looking for love who are also feeling the same things you're feeling. Be patient, don't focus on finding a romantic relationship; Love will find you when you least expect it.
Also, find a good therapist to help you sort out your emotions, show you how to boost your self-confidence & learn how be a good friend etc… Find clubs that align with your hobbies/interest and join them. Be kind to everyone, Do you, and don't worry about building relationships with who can't/wont accept you for you. Learn how to be comfortable/happy with your own company and love yourself, as you can't truly love someone else until you love yourself. You're young and have a lot of life ahead of you, be the best person to yourself you can be & enjoy the here and now.
I just don't think its a wise decision to make this live! encounter dictate your relationship moving forward. Maybe your bf is a coward or maybe he's just mature and doesn't want to deal with the online bullshit. Its nude for strangers to judge. I would advice you to rather talk about this with him.
I've been in OPs situation so respectfully, mind your own business.
You’re so brave for this ?
I don’t know how I’m choosing the worst men then, most seem apologetic after it happened. Though I did have one guy grab my hair and hold me there and yes, that felt, rap-y and I broke I off with him that night, and told him never to contact me again.
So much fucking thought..into something I disIike so much haha. But I want to be a good partner. And like most people I want my partner to be satisfied.
I agree, I just wish he had told me ahead of time instead of demanding it at a ‘breaking point’ if that’s the case. Because in other instances he’d told me he actually preferred it my way (TMI with the fleshlight+mouth), including when he was drunk. And he constantly asks me to do it…
I’m not easily pressured most of the time, I feel like I’m too old for that at this point, I just want to make sure I’m being fair and seeing every angle. Thank you, I appreciate the input
I wasn't allowed to close any doors in my house as a kid. I do it now as an adult. The only time it would make me uncomfortable for my wife to lock a door would be if it was a randomly new habit and I wasn't allowed in the room if I knocked. Laying on the bed on my phone is exactly what I'm doing now.
I don’t feel like I can give you advice on what you should do with your marriage but I have some questions for you.
What’s up with these ‘dirty marks?’ If you know they’re an issue, can you not stop making them? If you’re already doing all of the household chores, doesn’t that include cleaning these marks and wouldn’t it be easier it figure out a way to not make them?
Visit r/StopDrinking . And see if you can take some inspiration. Some people find AA valuable.
If you don’t feel like you can improve yourself within this marriage, it may be best for you to leave.
Considering my 7 nieces and nephews would disagree with you. But sure, You know what every person looks like in the whole wide world. Congrats!
The only thing I could advise is that you tell your wife in the event of a divorce, she will have to take care of herself and her bills anyway, so should learn now rather than later. And she should also learn to take care of her marriage as well. But if she does not know that at 28, she may never learn it.
Don't know if I can trust her again.
Don't. Frankly, don't. She needs to show you she can be trusted, but right now she cannot be trusted. She has to take the action and show you she can be trusted. But right now, she cannot be trusted because every time you turn around it's “ONE MORE THING!” (which should be heard in Uncle's voice from Jackie Chan Adventure). And frankly, it's fucking stupid. It's disrespectful.
Yes, you would be an asshole.
Or raping the alter boy.
She’s a gold digger…but not a very good one since she went for a student with limited resources.
I can’t imagine this is the first red flag she’s thrown at you in the 3 years together. This isn’t the kind of thing someone just does out of nowhere. Block her back, delete her number, move on. She ain’t the one.
I really just don’t know what to do, I feel like I’m holding her back from what she has wants in life
If you mean that you are holding her back for her unrealistic expectations of you becoming a father not wanting it, and become the sole bread provider ( and dont lie to yourselfs, that's what's going to happen )… then yes.
And you are doing it right. Clearly your values dont align, and you should encourage her to seek what she dows want in life… but without you.
Ugh. Sorry. Any advice I could have given you would have been before you started dating this guy. NEVER date a single parent. Because you're not just dating him. You're also dating his kid(s) and their Mom(s).
Yea I agree with the others. If he wanted to he would
there's no indication in the post that she doesn't like stuffed animals.
I made a girl cheat on her boyfriend
No you didn't. She made the choices she made, she didn't force you.
And if you try to get with this girl, you're going to end up being the boyfriend she “forgets about” when she's cheating on you with someone else.