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Likaevans online sex chats for YOU!


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Date: November 5, 2022

31 thoughts on “Likaevans online sex chats for YOU!

  1. But if those material things still don't make it the right time for HIM, mentally and emotionally, then the time is not right for him. It takes more than having external factors in place, and maybe it will just never be the right time for him to want to be a parent. The unfortunate fact here is that you may end up parting ways because neither of you should compromise on such a fundamental, huge decision just to satisfy the other. You each deserve the future you choose, but it may not be possible for that to be together.

  2. He says I should know he really loves me because he can be totally honest with me and doesn’t have to pretend.

    Brutal honesty is generally not a good MO in a committed relationship.

  3. Don’t be sorry, thank you for commenting. I’m sure they’re separated but he does have one other partner and he’s been very open about it.

  4. So you knew you had issues as a couple but what, assumed they would work themselves out because you all hit a certain stage in life?

    Take time to grieve the relationship and loss of a potential future, but at the same time learn from it to move on. Reinvest in getting to know yourself as person (not a partner), and focus on your own healing. Your life is not over, there is no time line to accomplish life, it will happen when you're ready and open for it.

  5. Assuming from your wording that they are your kids not hers, the kids wellbeing comes first. This means you need to take over the care of them if her idea of supervision is plopping them in front of a screen. There is quite a bit of evidence that kids eyes are being damaged by too much close up screen time. Time to step up.

  6. The four that he already has. It's unfortunate, but he has a right to say enough is enough, and so does she. Nobody gets to make the other one a hostage.

  7. She forgave you. She didn’t have to, but she did. You’re unfulfilled in this relationship. You have every right to leave, just as she does if she’s unhappy.

  8. Thunk of it like this. Its just gonna continue to be weird or you can “force” a conversation and push through a little more weirdness to get it over with. At least then you'll know what's going on and it wont be eating at you anymore.

    Up to you.

  9. You're young. Breakups never get easy but they really suck at your age.

    It'll be shitty at first but you'll start feeling better in a few days/weeks. One day you'll look back and chuckle that you were ever hung up on them. Trust me.

  10. Get ready to be a single parent. If he doesn’t want to simply sit in one of your doctors appointments, just wait till the actual work begins. If he doesn’t leave, he probably will have a very limited role, leaving you with the heavy lifting.

  11. I think that’s actually the perfect word for it. I never thought Of it that way but she totally does. She was the valley girl type her whole life, highly into fashion, expensive gifts, attended ritzy yoga classes in the city, wore mostly lulu lemon and expensive hand bags. Had a closet just for sunglasses, shoes and purses. She literally picked her college based on the fact that her favorite actress from the show “Buffy the vampire slayer” went There. Told me at least 5x when we first met that men used to come up to her in Los Angeles and ask if she was Jennifer Lawrence. Celebrity worshipper obsessed with the kardashian drama, party girl social butterfly.

    She finds this out about her dad and suddenly became obsessed with the actress Christina Ricci, bought a poster of her at 34 to hang up in her room. Obsessed with the show “Wednesday” so much so that she wanted tickets to Romania for Christmas to tour where it was filmed, which I stupidly bought for her. Has protection black salt witch spell jars all over the house. Refers to herself as goth, a transition she made at 34. Bought doc martens, dyed her hair magenta, wears an o ring leather dog collar, says she hates people. Reminds me of a teenager going through a phase. She says things to me like “I used to fight my demons, now we cuddle”. Heavily into bdsm sex, got a bat tattoo, a witches broom tattoo and a raccoon Drinking tea tattooed on her shin (all in 6 months). Says she’s into satanic worship and even bought a baphomet stuffed animal as a gift for a baby to give at a baby shower. She’s obsessed with the commercialized witch craft and refers to herself as a witch, based solely on wearing black and making different spell jars she learned about on Pinterest. She also told me she’s obsessed with the girls from the movie girl interrupted and she wants to have BDSm vampire sex when we go to Romania as a cosplay type thing. That’s a lot of rapid fire personality changes for someone in their mid 30s and she occasionally talks in an infantile baby type voice whenever she wants something with that valley girl uptalk. There’s a video of her a a Christmas party and she talking. She’s speaking to one of my attractive male buddies from my hockey team and she says “do you like want me to help youuuuu like open that gift?” It sounds like a comedy sketch. She did a complete 180 in personality just from when I met her. It’s disorienting

  12. I would say “Ive realised I’m not comfortable dating a trans woman which is a side of me I’m not proud of” “meeting you has shown me I need to work on this”

    WTH?!? Don't say this.

    A) It will only hurt her feelings

    B) You have nothing to feel badly for

  13. It sounds like she needs some emotional intimacy by spending quality time on dates before being in the mood. I don’t see this changing in the future so OP will have to decide if this is okay.

  14. Your husband is psychologically and physically abusing you by verbally forcing or trying to force you into having sex with him. He is manipulative. You do not own him sex. Neither your past nor your marriage licence mean that you own him sex. He is not in any way entitled to sex from you if you do not want to consent to sex. You ought to see a therapist and a lawyer about this issue. Do not tell your husband that you are going to them: he may try to prevent you. You also have a right to divorce him and receive alimony over this issue.

  15. Ah. I’m sorry girl – unfortunately there’s not really a cure for jealously. You’ve just gotta decide what kind of person you want to be.

    Do you want to be relaxed, happy, confident and secure? Or bitter, repetitive, upset and unreasonable? If it’s the first set of characteristics then fake it til you make it.

  16. She is apologizing, but is she admitting what she did? Honestly this feels far from over. This feels like something else is going on and you are only at surface level. I'm not sure this relationship is worth your time and effort. You either need to try to figure out what is really going on, or stick to your guns about breaking up and just be done.

  17. Do you online in one of these states? “Of the other states, nine—Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Oregon, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin—prohibit installing a location tracking device on a motor vehicle without the consent of the vehicle owner.”

    If not, report it to the police so that you have a record, and remove it.

    Contact a woman's advocacy group, maybe they could get you a lawyer.

  18. Move on. I enjoy most of the same hobbies and my girlfriend couldn't care less about them… But she always supports me on my next car endeavor and listens to me when I want to talk to someone about them. She even helps me work on my and her car if she's available. Find someone that supports you and what you enjoy even if she doesn't like it. You're dating a bitch right now, to put it frankly.

  19. I mean no one can say that for sure. But even if it is, why are you getting mad at your boyfriend because his landlord has threatened to evict him if your dog is there again? What exactly do you want for him to do?

  20. It just sounds like you aren't compatible. He's not going to change. If you can on-line with it, great. Otherwise, this isn't your guy.

  21. Oh, OP. Painful. Impossible. Frankly. I have a weird idea and I'm going to blurt it out. It may be stupid but. Why don't you date until your lease is up? If she is spontaneous as you say and you adore her? Spend some time being together however it works and saying goodbye. You were broken up so all expectations that you work on the relationship are over. When painful stop arises let it go. It could work. Or it's the most stupid thing I've ever said. Or both. Rather than shutting yourself into separate bedrooms and enduring the next few months. It's an idea. Maybe a terrible one? Just a thought.

    If she's there and you're not together and it hurts, spend as much time as you can outside of your apartment. Investing in other relationships. Get out there. Do stuff. New stuff. Old stuff. Try it you might like it. Don't hang around the house. And if you have agreed to break up you might need new ground rules for living together. Chores? Money? Whatever just worked before might not work now. So be open to those conversations. Try not to be aggressive or passive aggressive. You can't work this out by continuing to fight with someone you're already broken up with. It's just gonna suck. Detach. Spread your wings. Feel the pain. There's no way around it. Just go through.

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