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Lilithd58 on-line webcams for YOU!


lilithd58 chat

Date: December 14, 2022

5 thoughts on “Lilithd58 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. If she wants you not to talk this friend and you are willing not to, do not lie about it. Let gf know you will tell mutual friend the reason.

    If you guys were adults it would be a huge red flag, gf is trying to look good and make you look like an asshole to MF.

  2. Its not the first giant red flag, this sub is loaded with posts that include “we moved in together REALLY fast because of X” which is usually not a good idea.

    Consider therapy to help you process all this, which will help.

    If your bf stays true to his word and never does this disturbing/abusive action again, you two may have a chance. Since HE isnt in therapy (i feel thats a safe assumption to make) or working on his own stuff, he MAY stop this behavior but I would expect a new one to pop up, maybe verbal abuse of you before you go out.

    You say this is your first real relationship, if you do break up do not move in with someone again until after youve dated them for a good long time first.

    Again please consider therapy, it can help you, good luck?

  3. I'm not present for the experience of OP, nor the interactions between her mother and her partner. I don't have a way to gauge the accuracy of the events based on the fact it is written by one (rightfully) emotional perspective. Nor do I have the ability to acknowledge the authenticity of OPs post. It's inappropriate to assume every post is 100% factual, and it is responsible to acknowledge there are rage bait posts that are fueled by systemic stigma focused on mental health.

    OP would be doing herself justice to seek mental health professionals that are experienced in treating pwASPD to gauge how to navigate her predicament.

    If you are personally close to OP, or a similar situation, I recommend discussing your disposition with a mental health professional who can help you navigate the emotions that are linked to these comments. It's a valuable skill to assess our biased relationships to certain topics, and a life long journey which is never complete.

  4. Key sources of rooming problems:

    Different ideas about cleanliness (you think you've addressed this, but could be surprised) Sharing or separation of groceries Common area use – taking too much shelf space in kitchen, who gets to choose what tv to watch Noise Keeping irregular hours Pets Money – deposit not being refunded, getting behind on rent Utilities use – one person takes long showers, wants the heat too high, never turns off lights

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