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Lily_web1live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat Lily_web1

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Languages: ru,en

Birth Date: 2004-05-30

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityMixed

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorHazel

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: October 21, 2022

33 thoughts on “Lily_web1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She could wear only baggy clothes, or a one-piece bathing suit with very full coverage of the bum and boobs. Guessing she doesn't; there's a component of “intently showing her body” in anything form fitting. She probably feels good when she looks good, whether it's on-line or irl. That's normal.

  2. It's naked to hear and harder to put into action, but your education, your future and your career are worth more than a relationship that may or may not last. There are no guarantees on your relationship, he could dump you at any time and then you're left with nothing. Put yourself first.

  3. From this day forward you apologize to no one about your past relationship, don’t let them manipulate you into thinking you’ve committed a sin. You should disown whoever dares to make you feel like a criminal, cut them off and be surrounded by positive people only. Pick yourself up, get lots of rest, prepare yourself for your new job and be the best you can be. 2 months from now I wish to read another post from you on Reddit asking “ Why is my life so much better without my toxic family?”

  4. When my boyfriend say “you can trust me I have nothing to hide” he tend to hand his phone to me as the same time. Now I trust him and his behaviour. If I don’t trust him, I would proceed to look through his phone. Right infront of him. To see if he would react in some way. It’s his reactions that I’m looking for .. not what’s in his phone

  5. Happy birthday, and man I wish I could scream scream (fry), after lessons I can only yell sing (belt)

    I belted out Gaslight Anthem – 45 a bunch of times in my coping of getting over the girl of my dreams since a few months ago. I still call her that so I guess it didn't work but hey its a great song. At this point I just tell myself it will be possible to find someone else just like her that makes me feel the same, kinda transplant the feelings I had onto and I hope you'll find someone else in that way too! That might not the healthiest but I don't know what else itd be. Also welcome to CA you should look at meetups.

  6. Woman here.

    If I both asked him out AND chose the location, I expect to pay. It’s basic etiquette.

    She’s treating you like a meal ticket.

  7. A clandestine case of “unrequited Love”… the workplace….

    with a person in a relationship…..

    Gee…. what could possibly go wrong? Sheesh…….

  8. I get it.

    My original comment does say to offer support to help them with the issues they're facing.

    But you gotta draw the line somewhere

  9. Dud it was a lap dance, nothing happened, with the combine story of the striper, get over it he did nt cheat, he didn't sleep with her

  10. She has platonic interactions with other people, both men and women. I don’t see ANY problem here. You’re just being insecure and jealous for no reason. Drop this subject and move on. And don’t fucking snoop on her phone.

  11. Rapists generally like to deny what they do is rape. It’s like a bank robber saying he just went to an ATM

  12. That’s always been my issue unfortunately, always caring more about what people thought of me than just doing what makes me happy. The one time I choose to just do me it blows up. And only my sister and B knew and my sister obviously has a big mouth. My fear now is that this thing with N is ruined and will be drama that I do not want. If/when my ex finds out it’ll probably be extra drama on top As for N and his ex, I knew about them but since it didn’t involve me I didn’t worry about it. Was it the most moral stance, probably not, knowing more has only made this harder.

  13. Are you dating him or are you dating your friends?


    This doesn't matter if it doesn't bother you. Who cares if it bothers your friends. See 1. See 1. Also, as long as it's only his own money and your money isn't ever effected (like you have to help bail him out of stuff) then it's not an issue. A risk that might eventually happen, but not an issue until/unless it does. Shallow. Also, see 1. This is something you can work with him on. This is the kind of thing people need to grow out of. It's unfortunately very common for people to default this way, especially if they've been hurt in the past. Too vague to comment on. See 1. You don't even think it's true, so why are you saying it? This would absolutely matter if it was true, so maybe you just need to give more detail for an objective opinion. Otherwise, see 1. Doesn't mean you can't enjoy the present if that's what both of you want. Shallow. Also, see 1.

    Do I prioritize my feelings over my future?

    The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.

    Which is a better present? In this relationship, or out of this relationship and working towards the future you want? Some people do in fact prefer the latter as a better state of being. Do you? It's your feelings to figure out. People vary.

    Do I really want to marry the first real boyfriend I've ever had?

    So many women do and it turns into divorce, sometimes with kids. So many women do and it turns into a lifelong relationship. So many women don't.

    Again, we can't tell you what your feelings are, at least not without a lot of back-and-forth discussion.

    You really shouldn't be dehumanizing him into “first boyfriend.” You either love him enough to marry, or you don't.

    I will say that I do definitely see a lot of “I had nothing to compare him to” ignorance going into many women's first marriages and relationships. It doesn't mean that's what you're doing now, or that this ignorance can even cause harm (again, some relationships still wind up being lifelong). But it is a pattern and that may be what your friends are calling out.

    Would I really find someone better on the future?

    Have any other guys ever expressed interest in you, either in the past or before they knew you were in this relationship? If so, did any of them instantly seem like they'd be inherently a better option than your bf?

    Most people in a relationship would answer 'no' to that question, especially if all they have to judge on is first glances and impressions. If you're saying 'yes' to that or “I dunno, maybe” then you're probably a lot less attached to your guy than you think.

    If you're saying 'no' to that last question, that kind of answers your question.

    If I leave him I'll really hurt him, and I don't want that, but if I stay with him forever what if I will regret that decision later on?

    Everyone wants to on-line their life with no regrets; the way you do that is by knowing you made the best decision you could with the information you had at the time. If there's a way for you to get more information to help make your decision with, you should. That doesn't mean date other people; reflection (like the questions I asked in the last point) are likely sufficient. If not, then try therapy.

    It's nice you don't want to hurt him, but leaving him isn't about him, it's about you. Even when you love someone you still have to put yourself first, to an extent, and you are responsible for your own health and happiness. When you sacrifice for the one you love, it's because it makes you happy to do so, and overweighs the sadness you give yourself with that sacrifice. That's the scale. If it makes you more unhappy to sacrifice than it makes you happy to see them happy, that's a “so stop doing it” moment.

    Love isn't something you perform and then look around and ask everyone else “am I doing it right?” Love is something you just do because it's how you feel. You could maybe ask the one you love if you're “doing it right” but the impetus to actually want to do anything at all in the first place should be based in love and giving, not in a desire for acceptance and validation and receiving.


    Ultimately my first-glance take of your situation is you should keep dating the guy until y'all go your separate ways and leave marriage off the table, and that both of y'all agree and make it clear that this relationship has an upcoming end. That way you can allow this relationship to grant you experience for your next one, and you can enjoy yourself in the present.

  14. You're enabling an addict and it looks like you're also enabling a dealer, if he's providing drugs to friends. Doubt he's doing that for free.

    He's not going to stop because you ask him to. Addiction doesn't work like that. Neither does dealing. And allowing this to continue puts you in a legally, financially, and physically risky position. REALLY risky.

    Even if you have to break your lease and pay extra to get out of there, that is a lot less costly than the consequences of a police raid, eviction, deal gone bad, or encounter with someone who is out of their mind on drugs and also violent.

  15. This made me smile for your wife, thank you, genuinely this is making me think now, and have a foot to stand on. Because before my brain literally shut down. And I was just dissociating while trying to rack my brain on how to deal with it.

    I know, for myself even if he poohoo the idea, I’d still get it, for me. I’ve wanted it for years, and it’s been my biggest pusher since I was 6, being called a rat by my crush. Lol. But genuinely, thank you for giving me a way to explain my thoughts

  16. I'm low key shipping OP and note leaver. If they end up together by the end of the season I will just die

  17. Might help to literally go into this conversation with some documentation that shows it is indeed possible for this to happen and demand…not offer, but DEMAND a paternity test because YOU want the peace of mind of knowing that he will never once wonder…even for a moment…if you strayed.

    Even if he tries to insist he doesn't need a paternity test, you insist that you want it done so you can be sure that he is sure.

  18. Without anything about the personal stuff.

    The guy just needs to get a job doing anything, warehouse, fast food, pot washing. Something to get money coming in.

    Then he can try and get back into what he wants to do.

  19. Also I noticed he gets sexually aroused when I dress up looking youthful, looking like a teen.

    Let me assure you that no 41 y/o woman looks like a teenager. Sorry to disappoint.

  20. He only broke up with you a few days ago. It’s going to take time for you to heal and move on. Breakups are awful, especially when it’s your first love.

    You will be okay. You will move on. It just takes time.

    I know that you just want to be with him, but the best thing you can do right now is not talk to him. Trust me, trying to be friendly with exs soon after a breakup is naked and confusing. Cut contact.

    Take a few days to mourn. Feel shit. Wear pyjamas, sit on the sofa and watch something terrible (or something good), let yourself cry and let yourself laugh.

    Reach out to your friends. Let them know you’re hurt and want their support.

    After you’ve let yourself feel shit, do something fun to take your mind of things. Go to the cinema, a gig, paint balling, volunteer at a local animal shelter, learn a new hobby, shopping… bird watching (if you’re in to that). It doesn’t matter what, just do something you enjoy.

    Keep your diary busy for a while. Work, school, friends, homework, family…. Keep yourself active and busy.

    If you find yourself thinking about him and feeling sad, that’s okay. That’s normal. Feeling sad is normal. Give yourself time to feel sad and when you get bored of feeling sad you say ‘okay, I don’t want to be sad now’ and then you refocus your mind on something else… whatever it is you were doing or find something else to do (rage cleaning helps me!).

    Eventually you will wake up and it won’t hurt as much. I know that’s hard to believe now, but it’s true.

    You will be okay.

  21. So let me get this straight. You two don’t even on-line together or near each other, correct?

    So why on earth would you need his permission to get a dog?

    This sounds more to me like you two were planning to move in together soon and he’s having cold feet so he’s asking you to do something he’s pretty certain you won’t do so you’re the bad guy.

    Keep the dog. Ditch the boyfriend. Ultimatums are manipulative and immature. What will you have to get rid of next to appease him?

  22. I'm sorry your husband is a garbage human. You and your daughter deserve so much better.

    First thing Monday morning call some lawyers and make an appointment. Start the ball rolling on divorcing this asshole and filing for custody and child support.

    Do you have any family who could come out and help you? Try to find an au pair or on-line in nanny asap so you have help.

    Don't leave your daughter alone with him. I'd encourage him to leave as soon as possible. I wouldn't feel safe with him around if I were in your shoes.

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