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51 thoughts on “lina_anallive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Ideally, you want to be as much of yourself as possible while just ironing out anything that you feel like you need to work on. Again, I don't know you personally but you are free to self reflect on what you want to add to your personality.

  2. u/CollectionSafe2222, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  3. So I asked if she would like it and she said sure

    It's not like she came to you with this idea, you specifically asked her. This is like those posts about dudes who ask if her ex had a bigger dick, why would you want to know that? Don't ask questions that you don't want the answer to.

  4. u/glitterous69, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  5. u/glitterous69, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. Look your taking your lumps I'll give you a little empathy and say I get it she is your first born and the want to have her happy and healthy and apart of your life is big but just as everyone is telling you you have endangered your husband and children send her back to her dad's and if she spouts the your picking him over me say proudly YES HER actions have now reeped the consequence of her not being allowed in her second family home. Make a new tradition of she is sincere about wanting to even see YOU. do it outside of the house but I definitely think if you can send her he tonight and get your husband back are you willing to mess up the lives of four for one?

  7. I dislike when people throw the therapy card around like it works for everyone but have you thought about it? Relationship anxiety is a pretty common thing so you aren’t alone there, at the very least maybe you can uncover some underlying causes you never considered. Might also just take some time to get used to the different love languages. For example I’m not very emotionally expressive and I don’t show love the same way my girlfriend does, I’m more of somebody who shows it through acts of service, and it took her a while to really realize that as well! I guess my point is there’s hope 😀 so don’t worry about it too much, seek some advice from a professional if you feel that it’s taking a toll on your relationship

  8. That makes it worse – clearly she has enough power in their dynamic to still be able to see other people if she wants, but he isn't willing to give you that power.

    I promise you – this is not a healthy dynamic and won't end well. Just don't.

  9. She already forced him to move her in. Stop being obtuse. She is controlling. Instead of sitting down and having an honest conversation about the future. She decided it’s her way or the highway and she doesn’t care what he wants. That’s disgusting. You guys are hypocrites.

  10. Hello /u/ThrowRA_NotEmma,

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  11. Your bf is too old to be so immature. Saying it's his boundary doesn't change the fact that it's ridiculous and immature; it's a normal bodily function that you can't help. What if it happened during sex? Would he say it's gross and stop? Reality is going to slap him really hot if he plans on having kids if queefing disgusts him.

    He doesn't seem too knowledgeable about the female body. Next time, I'd show him the blood clot, which probably wouldn't help, but hey, teaching moment.

  12. Sometimes you hit that part of the relationship where you realize you’re not right for each other. You need someone that you actual like and she needs someone that appreciates her for however she is.

    I hate to say the typical “Reddit relationship advice = Break up,” but honestly move on. If she asks then be honest to a point of saying you don’t feel like you’re both right for each other and want different things.

  13. never will you even find me begging a man for an apology??? begging a grown ass man like he’s a child??girl stand up. don’t be with someone this immature.

  14. Next time you are out with friends, do the recording with your friends telling him he’s being weird/controlling for asking for this. Keep doing it and let the comments be worse every time. I wonder how shameless he could be.

    But actually you should just leave.

  15. Well…you could do some detective work. Try showering with her and as a “romantic gesture” offer to wash her back, and hair, and in all the nooks and crannies. Then, when you know she’s been properly cleaned, if the odor persists (or comes back in a day) you can be pretty sure it’s not a hygiene issue which takes a HUGE amount of the awkwardness out of the equation. What’s left is diet and/or health issues (most likely some sort of bacterial/fungal overgrowth)

    You conversation then is…hey, I know from being with you that you have good hygiene habits, but there’s a smell that isn’t pleasant that you have that might be dietary and health related. At that point, it’s probably a doctors visit or a deep dive on Google to get some possible causes with possible treatments.

    Be gentle and be kind. She’s going to be embarrassed no matter how gently the news is broken.

    Good luck.

  16. I'm severely allergic to cats. Like I can't hug cat owners bad. Honestly I just wouldn't date a cat owner and if I the person I was dating got a cat I'd break up with them. I don't want to be in a situation where I have to ask someone to get rid of their pet. At the same time… I'm gonna be honest cat owners sometimes y'all can be real dicks about someone having allergies (Not saying the GF was in this case I'm talking strictly about my interactions)

  17. am i the only one who wouldnt care lol human relationships are complex ? i wouldnt ask someone to drop all their friends cause at one point they fooled around. sometimes ppl are jusy meant to be friends and not partners and thats okay but then to cut them all off later??? i agree it should be told tho incase she gets told by someone else later. her view on it is her own tho im just like ? its never this serious ?

  18. when a friend is going through some situation (e.g. my friend wants kids, his wife does not, etc.), I share such facts with her and we discuss

    How do your friends feel about this?

    When I tell someone something, I told them, not their circle, not their partner.

    If I found out my friend was sharing private information with someone that I hadn’t actively decided to share it with, we wouldn’t be friends for long.

  19. Did your dad meet that person on a radio? I’m confused. I don’t see a difference between that & talking to your neighbor.

    Unless he told you it’s a sex thing or you have real reason to believe it is, this feels very controlling.

  20. Well, if I was you I'd feel like this connection was the beginning of a friendship, but it feels like more than that.

    Why not ask her out for coffee, something low key? Or maybe try a phone call? A walk in a park? Low key. During that encounter casually ask about a BF or other partner. It doesn't hurt to ask, and she may be wondering the same about you.

    Just be nice, be yourself and don't create any expectations in your head. Sometimes people are just friendly, but you'll never know unless you ask. If you find that she's single then you can ask her out to dinner – or whatever. Take that first step and see where it goes from there.

    Good luck!

  21. This is a dude 5 years out of college dating a girl that is either still in high school or just graduated.

    You’re not more mature for dating him, he’s a creep preying on younger girls because he can’t get someone his own age.

    There’s not a big difference between 36 and 45. There’s a HUGE difference between 27 and 18.

  22. So based on your responses to other commenters, yes and no.

    So yes let her go, but no to dinner.

    They’ve only known each other for 4 months. Coffee or lunch, but not dinner.

    This isn’t some good friend that has been around for ages, this is someone who has literally just arrived on the scene.

    But also at the end of the day you can’t do more than tell her that to you it seems weird, and makes you a little uncomfortable.

    So she will go regardless of what you think, and probably regardless of what you say.

    So your only option is to watch her for any behaviour changes afterwards.

    And if there are any dump her. Do not give her any discussion on it, just end it.

    So trust her, let her do what she wants to, if you suspect anything afterwards then she faces the consequences, and the relationship ends, and she gets marked as a cheater.

  23. You shouldn't feel guilty about not wanting to go to church. I've had trouble myself with this and eventually it ended with me leaving.

    Religion is a personal thing and he should accept that it's not as important to you as it is to him. It doesn't have to affect your relationship. Of course for many religious people it's a dealbreaker but hey you can't really do anything about that.

  24. My boyfriend is complaining I don’t love him because I only want to have sex with him once a day.

    This is emotional blackmail and not only pressuring you into more on a false basis, but is just cringy awful manipulative behaviour.

    I had endometriosis removal surgery, but still had sex once a day for him.

    You should be having sex because you want to, not just to please him.

    How often is normal for couples to have sex? What should I do?

    “Normal” isn't material here – everyone has their own “normal”.

    If you're fine with once a day, he should respect that you want it once a day. There is no “only”, he's getting sex 365 days a year. He can pound sand if he doesn't like it.

    It's your body, you get to decide and have a part in this conversation and not just give into all his needs, his wants, just to keep him happy.

    If he can't handle that, well – I'm sure plenty of other Redditors are already saying it.

    Bottom line is you need to sit down and talk with him – he's in his 30's and needs to stop acting like a hormonal and moody teenager making out like he's the victim here because you both have differing libidos.

    If he can't handle that, that's his problem and not yours to “give” him more sex – he either accepts and respects this, or the two of you are likely not compatible.

  25. So if he was younger then it would be wrong? I don't get what you mean. If you feel that she is cheating on you then break up…I just don't see it and think you should talk to her about your concerns.

  26. So what have you told him? That you want to fuck?

    What did he tell you? Did you ever give him space to tell you why his libido isn't that high any more?

  27. You need to be straightforward & cancel. Suggestion-during the time you were to meet him can you be away from your home with a friend? For safety reasons. Good luck!

  28. Your first time losing your virginity was with anal sex without you even knowing it or consent to it? This is what you are saying?

    This is abuse. He doesn't treat you as a human or woman or his wife. I doubt he'll change.

    Please seek help from a therapist and find a way to get out of this marriage.

  29. Ok. Can you tell him what you told us and ask if he can pay or help pay for a styling, thinning every week ? This will help both of you.

  30. I would be instantly disgusted with my husband if he reacted that way. We have been together for 6 years from south Texas. He hasn't always been so open-minded. Not out of malice, but out of ignorance. I explained a lot of LGBTQ+ issues and discussed some sensitive topics with him. The conversations were always very productive. Even if he didn't understand, his goal always seemed to be to do so. However if he came at the discussion like this….hell no. So ignorant and shows a complete lack of empathy. Black and white thinking. You would be wasting your time and talking to a wall.

  31. Why am I being called Kuwait? Lol

    To reply to your comment, yes!

    First one is true.

    Second one is true up to the part of “she would keep a detailed mental list” I can't say I've seen this.

    Third, yes! And we had a discussion about this and she says that other people do not deserve my energy and power and they don't matter to me. I only get mad on people who I love and care about.

    Fourth, yes as well.

    Is it too bad?

  32. Did you buy or help buy your brother a new ipod after you broke his?

    Does he bring it up all the time or just this once when the same circumstances (keeping it in your back pocket and sitting on it) led you to break another electronic device?

    You DID break his ipod. He's still mad about it. That doesn't make him an asshole.

  33. What an absolute mess.

    Get a fucking divorce and stop dragging your kids through your endless toxicity.

  34. In America you can be forced to pay child support but it's very difficult to force someone to care for the kids if they refuse. He can simply not pick them up on his time and there's not much mom can do about it.

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