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Linhua online sex cams for YOU!


linhua Public Chat Channel

Date: October 1, 2022

36 thoughts on “Linhua online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Go to med school, tell him you can't go now but in exchange arrange some nice weekend get away after your chemistry class with your bf and maybe invite his family. It's all you can do and hope he will be okay with it.

  2. Not at all, we’ve only been dating for a year about and we haven’t lived together due to how busy I’ve been.

  3. This guy will divorce by the end of the semester. Dude, you picked up a college girl and expect your wife to be ok with it? Grow the fuck up!!

  4. Your body, your choice. It sounds like you've already decided it was intentional. I'm really curious about your guy's relationship. To me it would seem almost cartoony with how reserved your sexuality is with each other. I don't mean to be rude but, do you guys even enjoy being with each other?

  5. Very passive aggressive vibes here and it's concerning. Surprised most people just told him to leave her instead of addressing the concerning description of the situation

  6. I know right. Generally he's pretty respectful. It started b3cauae I was asking him if he's ok or if he's mad at me because our son didn't want to eat some of his dinner then I didn't want him to get mad at me if I gave him the popsicle he wanted so I said it's up to daddy. I don't know he's been off all day. He always gets upset when I ask what's wrong or if he's upset. I'm clearly asking because he acts differently and is so cold. Then he flips it on me and says are you upset blah blah blah. I know it's so petty. I'm almost scared to ask if he's In a bad mood or upset because this tends to happen. I was going to ask earlier because he was crabby but he seemed to get over it for the most part.

  7. I don’t see it on this account, but I’m positive you’ve posted this before. Cant forget the “soulmate” comment and how you turned a romantic getaway into seeing Emily.

    Did the last post not give any tangible advice?

  8. She didn't have an issue with what she heard. She has an issue with me wishing I had ordered something else.

  9. My sister is about your size, although we are quite a bit older, 40s.

    Her knees are fucked up from it. She's constantly asking me to go to the basement to get things for her or help with her laundry because her knees hurt. One day I realized I was really fucking pissed she can't do normal things like get on the floor and look under her own bed because she dropped something. She can't get behind her computer to plug or unplug things. Not just because of her knees but because she can't fit in the space. So there's a constant stream of little things I have to do for her. I do not want that dynamic in my romantic relationships if it can be helped.

    Health related stuff aside, I do find plenty of overweight men and women attractive, but there's still a point where it does become unattractive.

    I don't think he's an asshole. However, I don't think losing weight just for someone else is healthy. If you want to lose weight even without him, and he can help you in a respectful way on your journey, it could work out. If you don't think you would lose the weight if he wasn't in the picture, I'd say it's best to go your separate ways and look for someone who accepts you as you are now.

  10. I'd tell her your plans changed last minute and u are actually going to the US then not give details. Say they aren't finalised yet. She is gonna stalk you to the end of the earth and beyond otherwise.!

  11. They don’t sound like friends to me. Your ex and your ex friend are both gross and the fact that they would rather hurt you and keep them around when they are the ones in the wrong says a lot about your “friends.” I wouldn’t even want those kind of people around me much less if the victim of their actions was my friend. You need a new group of friends, sounds like these people don’t care much about you.

  12. It isn’t about the game, it’s about how he let someone berate you for their own stupid behavior while he sat around doing nothing… and he is more than old enough to know in situations like that silence implies consent. Not cool of him.

    Honestly I wouldn’t game with him anymore. Against him any time, but never with him again.

  13. If she’s in the living room and then goes in the bedroom to disrupt your nap, that sounds like resentment/passive aggressive behavior. She’s unhappy about you or your relationship. Therapy would hopefully help you both learn to get along. It doesn’t sound like a happy home for the kids.

  14. I don’t mind women dressing how they want at all, its totally fine.. We all have preferences and i dont think anyone is wrong for what they prefer… She didn’t dress that “provocative” before we started dating or when we did.. im not saying if she did I would’ve judged her.. I just have a preference in women & im attracted to women who carry themselves in a certain way.. Everyone is free to live! how they want and thats what i love about this world… but we all also have the opportunity to choose and express what we would prefer in a partner.. & that person isn’t what you would like you dont change or judge them, you accept them & love them for who they are and maybe its just not your match but thats fine!

  15. You always tell them right away, whether you're going past a first date or not.

    If it's not going to work, find out before you start getting interested, because it's a perfect litmus test of character.

  16. Just a reminder/heads up – your kid shouldn't be meeting your partners and your partner shouldn't be meeting your kid until things are serious. Like, multiple months into things “I can see this lasting a long time at this rate” serious.

  17. If your response to a 15 yo lashing out is to disown him, you should strongly considering parenting another child. You sound like an awful person. I concur with everyone else who is saying your son feels abandoned, you are playing into that abandonment by your actions, and you are decision is to say “i'm not his dad anymore.” I'll say it again, you shouldn't be allowed to have another child.

  18. It's not the expectation of having a clean home. It's the withdrawal of all affection due to her not having the house perfect. That's very different from just keeping things clean. And the hair in the bathroom could very well be his. If he doesn't clean up after himself, he's being a horse's arse.

  19. There is no “right” time to tell someone you love them. Some people feel that love and need to express it right away, others take longer. It's nothing on you.

  20. I honestly see this ending in divorce and with that being said: he will try the “I’ll change” card once he sees you’re serious, but don’t buy into it. You have told him what needed to change for 15 years and yet he hasn’t so he won’t this time. He might change just long enough for you to be pulled back in, but that’s why he said it just so you can stay not because he he saw the error in his ways.

  21. I mean I wouldn't feel any sort of way about it, if it makes you feel better about yourself then that's all I'd care about, maybe that's how she feels also.

  22. The bare minimum start is to not get her pregnant. At all. Keep your sperm to yourself for the love of all things sacred and good in this world.

  23. Oh gosh.

    So he’s into it for the sexual gratification he gets from it. Great.

    You two actually may be perfect for each other.

    I hope you’ll be frank with anyone you become involved with that your sex with them needs to recorded for your bf’s gratification.

  24. If you and your boyfriend have moved past this issue, then ignore her and block all contact with her. She’s being childish and trying to get to you any way that she can. She obviously wants your boyfriend and will go to any means to get that. But if your boyfriend is committed to you, then he also needs to cut off all communication with her. That is the only way she will eventually get the hint and back off.

  25. You should have disclosed that you were a sugar baby whilst in college, early on in your relationship with your boyfriend. It's strange that your client is still able to contact you after 7 years. You need to tell your boyfriend before he proposes to you, and definitely before your client turns up and tells your boyfriend that you were a sex worker.

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