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Lisa & Evellyn ? Pleeease help get 20k followers in first week the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lisa & Evellyn ? Pleeease help get 20k followers in first week, 18 y.o.


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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Lisa & Evellyn ? Pleeease help get 20k followers in first week

Lisa & Evellyn ? Pleeease help get 20k followers in first week live sex chat

Date: April 23, 2023

10 thoughts on “Lisa & Evellyn ? Pleeease help get 20k followers in first week the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He’s grieving and you’re annoyed. Really? Say it out loud. I’m 40 and my dog passed away 9 months ago. I got her when she was 1 month old and she was the most important thing in my life. When she passed away I cried daily for 2-3 weeks. Countless times I cried myself to sleep. I stopped cooking and did bare minimum of cleaning. It was full blown depression for about 4 months. There are still days where I’ll get sad or even cry thinking about my dog.

    To your bf that dog meant so much especially with his abusive childhood. And you’re annoyed that he’s become depressed and emotional? You either have no heart or don’t really care about him. If you did you would remain supportive and help him with emotional support because he needs it right now. It’s only been a month and only now is his new reality setting in.

    Having a dog is having a routine. It was a constant in his life, a routine that he did everyday. Walking the dog, feeding, petting, dog following you around, playing with it…all these things become second nature, involuntary thoughts and movements and now it’s all different. His entire life changed.

    Why don’t you suggest still taking a walk with your bf like you did when the dog was around. It helped me just to get out and remember the fun times I had with my dog.

    Just hope you can be more supportive during a time I know your bf is hurting bad

  2. In all kindness – block her phone, her email, her IM, DM and whatever other M there is. Her life is no longer worth your time and energy. She no longer exists in your world.

    What she said a week ago is irrelevant. It could be true, it could be a lie, she could have been sparing your feelings. It honestly doesn't matter which.

    Go eat food she hated, what movies you like, go on-line your own life.

    Stop letting her live! rent free in your head.

  3. We didn't break up per se. There was a mutual understanding that we were gonna put some distance so she could sort out her own mental health.

    I appreciate your comment, thank you

  4. I'm kinda stuck between a rock and a hot place. I have no friends or family in this state to be supportive and see what goes on . I do let certain people know what happens when it happens but if I take the kids and leave , where do I go ? Move 700miles with no money ? It gives me even more anxiety. She was the one who couldn't stand living in our former state because of the weather so we moved. The kids barely have friends here but back home , they have cousins who love them. I hate being in this situation.

  5. Thanks very much for your reply. I believe the lie was an error in judgment and the rest of the relationship is really great. It's difficult to put across via text but if anyone could see how things are on a day to day basis I feel like they'd agree. People make mistakes but sometimes those mistakes aren't worth blowing the relationship up over. I've made myself really clear without attempting to control her to the point where she's not considering going for a pint with Bob to talk about why she's now distant. I'll base any decisions solely on her actions. If she wants to spend time with him she can, but she can do so as a single person. She's very empathetic and has a big heart so I think this is the place she's coming from rather than anything nefarious.

    I simply can't have this sort of issue in my life and if I attempt to tolerate it I'll invite more of it. I can't do it.

  6. If you're thinking long-term, there are lots of ups and downs in life and many people would want a partner who's there during the bad times.

    You feel abandoned because you were abandoned.

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