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Lisa the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Lisa, 19 y.o.


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Lisa live! sex chat

Date: January 23, 2023

14 thoughts on “Lisa the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. yea but when drunk its not the case.

    what shall i say?

    and yeah its annoying it almost makes me want to laugh at her but i feel guilty bc shes a friend so yeah i dunno.

    theres another thing that annoys me lol unrelated

    im nice and drive her places since we have school together. she always asks for her mondy back (like 10$) which i think is dumb but woman owes me 15$ and not a single peep. i saw her today as i asked her yesterday to give me my $ and she said yes but nevr gave it back Lol

    idk why im bothered

  2. Your boyfriend kinda seems like an ass. Can you explain the emotional significance to him? Sit him down and explain, “This is something that carries huge emotional significance for me, and would mean more than anything if you would do it for me. I'm worried that you're not willing to make an effort to fulfil my emotional needs. “

    A bouquet of flowers doesn't seem like a big deal, but really, this is about something bigger than that. You've communicated something important to you, and your boyfriend has reacted badly. You've told him an easy way to make you happy, and he's not willing to do that.

    I think you need to reevaluate this relationship. You got together as teenagers, and now you're growing up. Is this guy really the best partner for you as someone now in their 20s.

  3. This honestly goes deeper than her just telling other people. She violated your trust. She broke a confidence. She used your secret as entertainment for others. She disrespected you big time. If she refuses to see any of this you definitely have a big problem.

  4. Time to move out. Separate your finances, now. You don't have to break up if you don't want to, but you need to make it VERY clear you are not in this relationship to do her laundry, make her food, clean her messes, and raise her baby.

    I think a part of you is worried that if you stop doing all this for her she will stop loving you and you know what? That might be what happens. But if that DOES happen, if you break up once she realizes you won't mommy her anymore, than guess what? She never really loved you at all, and you DO deserve love.

  5. “Special treatment” attending to your partner’s sexual pleasure IS NOT special treatment. If your partner can’t make you come after 4 years it’s not that they can’t it’s because they don’t care to. At the beginning it’s somewhat normal but in a few months you learn each other’s body and should be able to make each other climax no problem. Ignoring cues, not asking during sex or outside the bedroom, when your partner doesn’t orgasm putting the focus on their pleasure are all signs of a selfish partner and it’s not a way to online.

  6. We have gone for months without talking because of prior arguments, and those were the worst times in our relationship

    Are you sure you're married?

  7. You need a lawyer, not a Reddit post. She sounds terrible, but I don’t know what kind of evidence a court considers to make a determination of parental alienation. Do not move out or make any other major changes until you talk to a lawyer.

  8. “She didn’t see pregnancy as a negative” and “I don’t want kids”

    “She would move across the country” and “I can’t leave”

    I mean it seems pretty obvious that this isn’t going to work out based on those 2 problems.

  9. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my boyfriend a year ago his job where he was making close to a 7 figure salary and on top of that he was investigated by the IRS and is now in debt because of all the taxes he owes back to them.

    Because of all this he has developed antisocial tendencies and it’s been hell for our relationship. Many years before we met he was a s*x addict and I helped him get over that addiction in the beginning of our relationship by taking him to therapy etc. He messed up a lot in the begging of our relationship mostly by texting other women, I of course got mad at him, but I gave him another chance and after that there’s been no issues until recently…….

    After losing his job, the tax problems and all the financial issues. He started developing antisocial tendencies again and it’s driving me crazy. He thinks he’s good at hiding it, but I can see straight through all the BS excuses. He’s on Instagram sexually harassing much younger girls, he jerks off 2-3 a day, probably keeps in contact with “women” from his past, he sends d*ck pics to strangers and being a literal creep. I’m also suspecting that he’s on apps like tinder where he’s looking for someone to sext with. At one point when I was visiting family this winter, he kept sending sexual messages for 2 days straight and I thought I was going to lose it. Besides these issues we have a normal sex life.

    I’m so exhausted and I don’t know what to do anymore. We had 4 amazing years together without any issues and the last year he’s slowly going back to the person he used to be. We have cameras in our home and whenever at day time when he’s home alone I always catch him jerking off on the sofa and taking pictures of his private thingy.

    What do I do? I haven’t confronted him with any of this mostly because I know it gets worse if I confront him(it turns him on), and one of the others reasons why I haven’t is because I know he’s not meeting up with other women, it’s all online I’m however scared that it’ll lead to him seeing other women face to face. I’m seriously so exhausted by dealing with this, I love him so much and he obviously got huge mental issues but I can’t even look him in the eyes anymore.

    We’ve been together for almost 6 years and we live together.

    Update: Yes I know I am probably a victim of a narcissist, and it’s really hot. I’m always trying to find a way to justify his actions. I’ve in the past tried to reach out to family and friends, but they don’t believe me, because they don’t see this side of him. It’s so hard and I’ve tried breaking up several of times. Whenever I break up, he starts guilt tripping me and hovering me. I feel so lonely without him and I don’t even understand why. I know exactly who he is, and I know I’m so damaged mentally from all of this.

    Yes I also wrote a post about him cheating when I was miscarrying. He did that. It haunts me on a daily basis and I found myself hysterically crying at the waiting room at my dentist today.

    I never used him for money nor was I ever with him for money. I have my own job and income. I didn’t get anything expect a nice apartment to online in, a vacation 1-2 times a year and flowers on my birthday, while his ex girlfriends would get Chanel bags and other gifts thrown after them, I never got anything materialistic expect flowers and I didn’t want anything expensive, it kinda hurts me tho that these other women got nice gifts but even never gave me anything, nor did he ever attempt to give me anything. Always when I had to use his credit card for something, I always paid back. Sorry I’m not a gold digger and it was never about the money. I have to admit that I found his job interesting, but the money always made me feel uncomfortable.

  10. It sounds like you've communicated your boundaries to her…and she has ignored them and made it all about her. That isn't a good friend.

    You are allowed to have friendships on whatever terms suit you. I suspect you are already trying to compromise to some middle ground that already makes things uncomfortable for you. If she still wants more of you than you are prepared to give, then that crosses the line into negativity. If you have already told her all this, then there's not a lot else to do than walk away from the friendship. I would have one last attempt to get through to her before doing just that if she continues to be selfish.

  11. “so instead of being a man, you went through her phone?”

    As opposed to what? Ignoring the situation, when you know something is up?

  12. He sounds very unkind and mean but i'm also slightly wondering why you have debts ( unless they are medical) & need a storage unit?

    Whatever your financial acumen , he has let you down in your time of need. He has shown you who he is. I would never trust him again. Why would you even want to have sex with him?

    As soon as you are well get a job near family and leave him. He doesn't have your back and cannot be trusted when you are vulnerable.

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