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18 thoughts on “lisarose07live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. 15k in Ernest??? Holy shit babes that’s a LOT. how much of that is YOUR money?

    If he’s going to back out, he needs to pay you that back. And leave him.

  2. Dear god, no. Do not co-sign a loan when you aren't otherwise financially tied together. He could default immediately and there would be nothing you can do about it. One fight, one argument, one blip and you could suddenly be on the hook for helping your ex buy a car.

    You don't have to do everything assuming you're going to break up, but co-signing a loan isn't like going together on a rental lease.

  3. Pay HIM back? Hold on, if there’s been no mention of money in the group chat and he’s told you to pay him, do you even know if this is what the family has decided to do ( esp. if they invited you and they’re all wealthy) or is he just pocketing the money himself?

  4. Probably this, I've done something similar in the past! Quick message of congratulations and then move on, it's just nice to see someone you cared about happy.

  5. Why would you even want someone who ignored you until you weren’t on the market anymore?? They don’t really like them, they just like the attention.

  6. Anyone I know that has toddlers is struggling even when a partner only works 40 hours a week. Being a SAHM is a ton of work.

    He said he is just taking the extra hours because they are short staffed, not because they needed the extra money.

    Women get maternity leave $ where I am from

  7. That’s an immense overreaction. It wasn’t even half a day, and he’s already about to go off the deep end… I think you may want to set reasonable communication expectations now before this becomes a thing.

  8. You may feel that way but the volume of posts that talk about men who are the breadwinners being arseholes because they don’t want to do household chores disagrees with you!

  9. We were together for 1 year and 1 month. We were always by each others side. She didn't treat me bad at all. I made a mistake once. She felt like I took her for granted and ever since she's told me I've changed that. But she could never see past that. She even admits that I've become such a better person and that she wishes I was like this before. But she just can't let it go.

    She never really treated me bad. I don't think she did and would never tell anyone that she did as well

  10. Time to:

    first, change your passcode. second, demand reimbursement.

    She doesn’t get to spend your money.

  11. One thing that kind of sucks is that, when someone causes you trauma, your brain will make you avoid anyone who reminds you of your ex. The problem is that these kinds of people come in all shapes, sizes, and behavior patterns. So, he could come off as the exact opposite of your ex and still be an a abuser.

    Whatever he is (and I think he sounds like an abuser), he’s definitely someone who needs help and shouldn’t be in a relationship now.

  12. You were doing your best with the information you had, don't be too nude on yourself about it. As for the “not preparing her” have some grace with yourself. People with strained or toxic relationships can make easier victims, but the blame falls squarely on the abuser. This isn't your fault, nor is it hers.

    I'm proud of her for gaining the strength to press charges and you did a wonderful job of documenting everything in the case she chose to. It's obvious you love and want the best for her and that she trusts you and sees you as a safe space. Stuff like this can take a long time to work through and it's great that you two have individual and family therapy to try and help the healing process.

    Keep being a wonderful dad and I'm sending lots of love and good wishes to your daughter, may she continue to heal and work towards a healthier and happier life. It can be incredibly nude to ask for help or open up about abuse, so thank you for being there and showing that she has support and love.

  13. Was your sister contributing to any bills? The way I see it, your daughter was basically supporting the entire family because you only work part time….and why is that? Why didn’t your sister get ANY job and allow this to drag on for months? Sounds like you both are leaching off your daughter and I’m glad she stood up for herself against your idiotic demands, how dare you demand she get rid of her car?? You just destroyed your relationship with your daughter.

  14. I know right? I didn't even calculate it for some astrology special day…I'm a horrible wife. We should divorce already and have a do over.

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