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LishaXLicious live! sex cams for YOU!


gag on your fat dick [Multi Goal]

Date: October 7, 2022

52 thoughts on “LishaXLicious live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Just a girlfriend, no kids? If you aren't living together I'd break up immediately with someone who seriously and earnestly brought up an open relationship/poly, etc.

    Remember why are you dating in the first place? It should be more than just spending time together and having fun. It should be you also coldly vetting them in the back of your mind, to confirm that you are truly compatible.

    And let me promise you this, if you are monogamous, you are going to NEED to have a partner who is the same way. That means both a partner who is monogamous and a person who isn't so slip shod in their character that they get swayed by the latest fad, of which this certainly is one of them.

  2. Oh this happened to me with a friend I had once – I didn’t ever feel physically attracted to him but I still had a huge crush on him because I really enjoyed our dynamics as people

  3. Be firm with your boundaries & stick with them, as hard as it might be. Especially if something makes you uncomfortable.

  4. I would suggest getting into some books that help with body image or self esteem. I understand not being able to afford a therapist but there are tons of great books you can look into to help you love yourself again. I’m not sure how complimentary your partner is, but maybe ask him what his favorite parts about your body are so you can feel some validation that he does think you’re beautiful no matter your size, and take some time to lol at yourself and find your favorite parts of you too. Props to you for trying to find a way to work through all of this, I know it’s not easy, but I’m sure you have a ton of beautiful things going for you.

  5. If you don't feel comfortable with him sucking your tits just make that clear. It's a shame but he just has to deal with it and respect that boundary.

    There are a lot of other things/positions you can try and do during sex ao there is no reason to be sad about it

  6. What if I’m the abusive one and was being mean and she is just reacting?

    Violence is never an acceptable or valid reaction. The only scenario I can see where violence would have been acceptable is if you had started the assault on her and she defended herself.

    Seriously, this is the sort of thing most people grow out of as young (i.e. pre-teen) kids; your sister is 22, there's absolutely no way she should be using violence to address her perceived grievances.

  7. I think you need to get help. And right now that is more important than the relationship. You need to be healthier in order to have a chance of having a good relationship. Work on yourself first, then try a relationship.

  8. I can see the girlfriends point of view. The first time meeting your best friend-your best friend didn't even try to get to know her. She talked about things you all used to do together. That's incredibly bitchy-reminding the gf that she's known you longer/better/that you have a shared history. Your best friend should have been making an effort to include her and get to know her.

    You also called the best friend your soul mate on your anniversary trip, and pushed to meet up with her and then spent ages trying to convince her by telling her how dear to you and important best friend is on what should have been a romantic getaway with your girlfriend. Clearly showing your girlfriend that spending time with best friend is more important.

  9. I can see the girlfriends point of view. The first time meeting your best friend-your best friend didn't even try to get to know her. She talked about things you all used to do together. That's incredibly bitchy-reminding the gf that she's known you longer/better/that you have a shared history. Your best friend should have been making an effort to include her and get to know her.

    You also called the best friend your soul mate on your anniversary trip, and pushed to meet up with her and then spent ages trying to convince her by telling her how dear to you and important best friend is on what should have been a romantic getaway with your girlfriend. Clearly showing your girlfriend that spending time with best friend is more important.

  10. u/Fragrant-Math5690, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  11. DNA tests can be done as early as 9 weeks via mother’s blood so there is no danger to the baby. If you have reasonable doubts and she refuses until baby is born, tell her to let you know when the official test results are in, whether she changes her mind or if it’s done on the baby after birth. Then move on. I’ll bet dollars to donuts she knows (or doubts) it’s yours but thinks you’d be a better partner.

    Please !UpdateMe about whatever happens

  12. I think I didn't establish this well enough in the post, and I can see how there's a lack of nuance on internet forums.

    I offered to go home, and she invited me to spend the night. I didn't initate anything after she told me she wasn't interested. Every sexual interaction has been initiated by her.

    I think its probably best that I let her initate everything from here on out, until she says something.

  13. Hello /u/BlackMacaw,

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  14. I went through this too when I was around your age, many times, on both sides of the coin. As as much as it sucks, that’s the nature of a FWB relationship, especially if you were not friends before the sexual relationship began.

    Blocking you without any indication would possibly mean that he has entered a relationship with someone else or does not want to continue being FWBs for any reason. You can sit there all day wondering why but ultimately you will never know the reason unless he tells you.

    Unfortunately it is much easier for him to block you rather than communicate openly with you. By blocking you he doesn’t have to have face any potential awkwardness or guilt from telling you that he wants your relationship to stop. Because you’re not an official couple he might believe that he also doesn’t owe you an explanation.

    My best advice would be to go non contact. When he eventually contacts you again (and trust me, they always will) DO NOT REPLY.

  15. Hello /u/-1anonymous,

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  16. That's not how any of that works.

    You arent a deadbeat father if you have a custody agreement that has you spending equal time with him and showing him the right amount of care and affection.

    Right now, you're spending all of your time working. Does he see you?

    She needs to work, she needs to HELP, and she needs therapy. YOU, dude, need to understand that sometimes a family that is separated is healthier than an angry, awful family that shows a kid it's okay to yell and be ugly to each other. I don't know how y'all are to each other outside of this situation, but keep that in mind.

  17. What you're describing here doesn't sound like love bombing to me. It sounds like someone who enjoys gift giving being very thoughtful and generous.

    (For transparency's sake, sharing that gift giving is also my love language, so I may be biased.)

  18. A year and a half of a serious rejection ship when you’re 28 & 29 is t unusual to be thinking about marriage. If she wants kids then that had to be sorted in the next few years.

    They are at different stages. That’s not inherently wrong but neither is it “dodging a bullet”.

    Given how poor he is at communicating, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t half as serious about her as she was about him. Good to know this sooner rather than later.

  19. Trauma is not our fault, but it is our responsibility.

    People don't just “heal” from trauma. Otherwise it would just be a “bad experience”. Trauma leaves physical and mental scars that can last a lifetime. Therapy is required to unpick them, analyse them, and act to suppress their negative effects on our lives.

    You do not deserve this treatment. Traumatized people have been victims. But that does not give anyone the right to victimize others. Hurt people, hurt people.

  20. She says she doesn’t like kids. The truth is she doesn’t like YOUR kids. She sees them as a replacement. She just told you how she felt and you pretty much solidified her feelings by not inviting her to Disney. Shame.

  21. Very true, I've realized this as well. It's a 'me problem'. He doesn't want to smoke everyday but action speak louder then words I guess.

  22. She went back home later with her bf, they were visiting a friend of his. It's not that we left her stranded. She knew we would be heading home early too, so that's unlikely to be the cause.

    As for the second option, I guess it's a possibility. I don't know if she's upset in general or just at me, as she won't talk to me. Maybe that's it, but if so, I don't know why she wouldn't talk to me about it.

  23. Couples counseling isn't always just for you. Even if you've been and learned a lot, your wife can certainly benefit from it. That place is a safe place to lay it all out where someone can intervene and set her right. Or you, whoever lol.

  24. No gifts? I have friends who have been dead fucking broke. They MADE gifts. A cute letter. Origami flowers and hearts and birds and shit. Something. Picked wild flowers. Give him one chance. Be honest and tell him you'd like him to find a way. That you are not asking for too much to be seen as a priority.

    It can feel like you are being petty when it's just this little thing. But the truth is, it's not little. Assume you marry this man, how many years will you get nothing. Gift giving is a part of love, and when it's true love, it's something they are motivated to do. What im saying is, once you give him his final chance, if he cannot do this for you, it is NOT a petty thing to leave him for. There is someone out there with less than him, that would give you more. Do not settle for someone who can't give you basic requirements. It's not a fun lesson, but it's the most important one.

  25. Well, if he doesn't want kids and you do, then you aren't compatible, period. But you also need to have a sit-down conversation. Everything you have described sounds like playful banter. Nothing sounds like a concrete discussion with definites. Ask him his plans for dealing with money when married. Ask him if he is planning to ask you and when. Get a real timeline. Ask him about kids, seriously. If he doesn't want kids, and you do, walk away. If he wants to split evenly and you don't, walk away. These should be negotiated and figured out before marriage. You need to have a serious talk.

  26. Nope. You should be done with him. Do not give him another chance. All he had to fucking do was turn vertically in the bed. How much more effort was getting violent than doing that?? Done. Do not let this man think that this kind of behavior is in any way acceptable. And IF he says I wasn't in control. I couldn't help myself because I was asleep and not fully aware. Mkay! Then that means you're not a safe person to be around since you can't control yourself and who knows when this could happen again. If he then says oh well I mean I was really angry and you forced me into it. What else could I do because you wouldn't leave me alone? Then you say oooooh so were you not able to control yourself, or you chose to get violent to get your way? Which is it? Either way. . . You're either out of control (unsafe), or you chose to hurt me (unsafe). He is abusive and unsafe no matter which way you slice it. Bye!

  27. So, we're all talking on line. We're all cheating? My stars, what a hussy I am with my husband fast asleep in the other room.

  28. For starters, stop talking shit about him to your family/friends. That’s a hard and fast rule I have for myself in relationships. Don’t talk shit about my partner to ANYONE. And it’s for the reason you stayed. YOUR family and friends are loyal to you. When you disparage him, their feelings of contempt for him will persist long after yours are a distant memory.

  29. Has it occurred to you that she doesn’t like doing it? Actions speak louder than words, young buck.

  30. Oh, in that case, I’d recommend exercising a bit of patience, if you already have a planned meeting, expediting it can seem suspicious.

    I know it sucks having to wait another month for a chance at a first date, but anything worth fighting for is worth a bit of patience as well.

  31. I would think it falls around your thought process. She wanted to support family, maybe got busy/distracted and cuts back. She then gets (mildly) gets dunked on about it. She didn't have to listen in the first place, she went out her way, so why isn't that enough?

    Another way to see it: you do something nice to help someone, but their response back to you was “hey can you try harder?”, Instead of “thanks for being there for me”.

    It is a very mild statement, so I feel like maybe there is more said in passing? Like has he been dropping comments like this in his interactions with her? Like this could be a spark from a build up we don't know about?

  32. That feels shitty. Its one thing to not want kids but to string along a partner for years without tell them that is wrong. Im my mind she doesn’t want kids at all because she can’t give you a definitive timeline.

  33. I’m sorry :/ I think maybe if you do talk to the apartment and let know what he’s doing then they might be able to cut your lease short or offer you a new apt in their complex. Idk, but it really wouldn’t hurt asking them what your options considering the situation

  34. We obviously don’t even know if her concerns have been communicated way beforehand or not, no that it fully matters anyways.

    If he WANTS to stay in the relationship (which is something personally wouldn’t do), I am giving the advice for that.

  35. Prenups get tossed when they’re wildly unfair to one party or another. They’re very safe things to have and if you get one drawn up by a competent lawyer, and get it reviewed by another if you’re the other party, it should be fine. Judges toss them when it’s clear one party will be severely disadvantaged by the terms, or if the terms are illegal. Prenups are still contracts and have to follow the appropriate doctrines. That said, I’ve never seen one get thrown out in real life.

  36. Well I never said it’s because they’re disagreeing with me and I do agree that getting help first and if it doesn’t work then he might need to leave but still

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