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Liza the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Liza, 21 y.o.


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Liza live sex chat

Date: October 19, 2022

3 thoughts on “Liza the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. u/alyssatkool, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Definitely a troll trying to stir some muck.

    Your wife of 9 years doesn't just divorce you on the spot because you said the N-bomb on COD one day.

  3. Well the arrangement was inherently risky, relying on one income is nude when the work is casual in nature and with cost of living what it is. Part of the planning needs to be around what would happen if he lost a job etc. but also, sounds like he hasn’t found a job that he is happy doing (I get the feeling he hates that point system, does he hate warehousing too? I know other stuff might not be available but the sheer soul crushing-ness of doing something you hate for years on end is real. People say the end justifies the means but what if the means destroys your mental health before you can even get to the end?) and I don’t know how long your school is, but it’s really really nude to make sacrifices for years to be the sole breadwinner, especially with all the added stress of the pandemic. Especially if things are coming to a head in such a way that he thinks you might walk before he ever gets his turn to go to school, maybe he has lost motivation for the plan that you both made. I’m sorry if all this sounds mean but where I live it’s just not possible to have an arrangement like you guys have when the work is casual, it’s just too risky and usually ends up exactly where you are, taking payday loans or using credit. Cost of living is simply too high, wages are simply too low. People in general fluctuate in their health and motivation and desires. I think what I’m getting at here is, maybe the ‘problem’ is not him or you but actually that the arrangement you made is really idealistic in the current state of things. Not everyone can hold down a full time job and that’s not actually a flaw per se, just an incompatibility with the society we have. Full time work is damaging for many people and it’s not a personal failing to not be able to conform to that. So taking on financial responsibility for two people if he feels like that was probably not a good move on his part. But Instead of getting frustrated with each other, get frustrated with a society that doesn’t allow for single income households anymore. I would probably think to have a talk with him about whether he is still happy with the arrangement you made. If he says he is then he needs to be responsible about pulling his end of the bargain. Even if he does hate it sometimes because life is not a cruise either. But make sure that the bargain itself is realistically possible otherwise you’re setting yourselves up to fail.

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