What will you do if she wants to have sex and you aren’t in the mood? Say no? What about when she pressures you and says you must not love her or you think she’s ugly or that your gay if you don’t. Forcing anything in a relationship, especially sexual favors, is a VERY huge red flag
She has to see a doctor and try different pills or other methods that suits her better and stop been irresponsible about this actions and her health too. Going in and out of the pills is not healthy and it will eventually mess up with her hormones/body/cycle even more. If she is not doing this been followed by a doctor/gynecologist, I suggest she search for one as soon as possible.
Hey, I feel you, I found my fiance in a hotel room with another man. All I can recommend is that you put her out of your mind. There is no way forward for you to be happy through her. Not truly happy, it will be a hollow happiness ready to be shattered in a moment. It isn't worth the effort.
If my fiance had not cheated on me, I would have married her, and I don't know if I could have endured what you are enduring.
But because she did, I ended up meeting my wife. Don't online in the shadow of your failed relationship. You are more than accessory to your wife.
I am actually a realtor at this time, if you want to pm me, I can actually get you in touch with a realtor in your area who can help you find an apartment. As for vehicles, I recommend a hybrid, the extended mileage you get really saves a lot of money. Take it from a former truck/suv person.
This is a great response. It honestly amazes me that people in relationships sometimes don’t recognize that seemingly small actions like these can be pretty friggin hurtful. Ugh… I experienced nearly this same thing with my SO a few years back and I would have really appreciated your response at that time in my life lol.
Good. He SHOULD lose everything. It won't be because of you that he loses it – it will be due to his own actions. Stop feeling responsible for a man who doesn't give two shits about you. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I stayed longer than I should have with a cheater and I promise you it doesn't get better. Just leave his ass.
You must have negative empathy if you really believe this. The person being told I don't trust you and I think our kid isn't actually mine has feelings too.
Yeah you cheated, everything else you mentioned just means that those things were more important than the boundaries of the relationship. And saying that you were unable to ask for permission means that you view yourself as irresponsible and if you can't be trust then what's the point?
Are you meeting for sex only and now he knows he won't get any so he sees no point in meeting? Or does he not know what a yeast infection is, are you his first gf?
Narcissist is as narcissistic does. Sometimes people self diagnose as a joke without actually meeting the clinical definition (“I’m a little bipolar”, “I’m so OCD”, etc). I wouldn’t worry about it unless it becomes an actual problem.
OP, I’m curious what your thoughts are about that. Do you think Joe and Nat aren’t together because of Joe or because of Nat ultimately?
Putting aside the difference attractiveness, because despite what Reddit seems to think, it doesn’t matter as much as people think in the real world, and they have a trauma bond so it doesn’t matter. Do you think it’s because Joe doesn’t/didn’t want to risk the friendship and isn’t sure about it or because Nat isn’t all in on him as “the one” or doesn’t seem him as a end-game romantic love interest like Joe presumably would want? Or both?
I’ve been leaving my phone on do not disturb or leaving it at home when I don’t need it. A big part of this is definitely my anxiety which I’ve been working on but it’s definitely a process. Ive been trying to find ways to calm my general anxiety, but they don’t seem to be working with this. I’m struggling to distract myself or reason with myself. It’s not on him at all, but I think my anxiety here is a defence mechanism from past relationship trauma, which is making it a lot harder to shake off.
It was never an open relationship, so yes we were exclusive once we started dating. I didn't care what she did before that, as the talking stage is free game imo.
Unfortunately, your coming at the wrong angle. She wanted the threesome, and she only wanted it with other women.
I’m really glad to see your level of self awareness. I don’t think she’s lying that she’s in love with you, I think that she’s extremely hurt and has grown to dislike you. You can love someone, but also not like them, if that makes sense? She’s probably addicted to you in an unhealthy way, seeing as every time you guys have been close to breaking up, you drew her back in and gave her what she needed temporarily. It kind of creates a push and shove addiction. She’s probably become addicted to the dopamine rush she gets when you promise to change and show her that you actually ARE capable of doing good things for her, but for some selfish reason, you kept putting yourself first in an unhealthy way and herself and her needs last. I think she has a trauma bond with you, and it’s destroying her.
You both deserve to online a good life. I think that means you should go your separate ways and instead of trying to get better for her, get better for yourself first, then see where that takes you
You literally have no concept of what love actually is. You absolutely did write the post in your “best language” – you just refuse accept the truth that you do not deserve another chance with her and the only kind thing you could do for her is to get the fuck out of her life and stay out.
My husband is a triathlete. It’s expensive and the races can be really long. We’ve traveled for a few of them and I have gotten up super early to watch him start, and been there at the finish for the big ones. If it’s a smaller one he’s nervous about, I’ll go (I’m NOT a morning person and I will only jokingly complain, but that’s the type of relationship we have so it’s never taken seriously). I definitely don’t go to all of them, I do always ask if he wants me there.
However, I make sure there’s money in the budget for races, travel, training, and equipment. I pick up slack with the house and animals to give him time to train and race. I handle his kids (my stepkids) if something conflicts. Definitely more than supportive in my opinion. If he’s not supporting you in other ways and downplaying your hobby, that’s no good.
You can assume the breakdown is bullshit, because his story constantly changes. First he needed to end it because of mental reasons. When you stuck by him, he then told you that you weren't compatible as far as personality. One has nothing to do with the other.
Yes, it's logically easier to just be honest. Many people are just afraid to be.
So I’ll just add that if you’ve totally fallen for/soulmates with someone who is only giving you a small part of themselves, that’s an issue right? She’s someone else’s soulmate, primarily, and that’s where her energies are going. So there’s still an issue to look at there. Why are you so happy with so little of someone? Aren’t you worth the whole attention of a whole person or something? I’d look into that part with a therapist. Good luck!
Oh my good God!! You’re 25! Grow up! This is not a healthy relationship and it is utterly manipulative and abusive and you know it. End it and get your shit together and do something useful with your life!
I will surely get downvoted for this but dude. Marriage is a lot more than just about sex. Are you really going to open your marriage knowing that there is an EXTREMELY high chance of your marriage failing? harming your wife and kids just to fulfill a fantasy?
Your partner is OBVIOUSLY not interested in that. Open marriages rarely work. They might if both parties are 100% on board and have great communication, and a high level of emotional intelligence in order to make it work.
I genuinely do not see why this idea of yours will work considering your wife has expressed that she isn't into it.
Is getting your dick wet more important than your marriage? get your shit together and focus on your wife and kids and let the fantasies stay fantasies.
I know I am being harsh but this dude needs a reality check.
Ask about her fantasies are invoking other people and try to do whatever that is. That will at least get the flood gates open. And if she doesn’t have any, you are out of luck. She is just not into it.
I didn't mean to be hot on whether the feelings are yours or not. I think both you and your partner has been through some rough times, and having feelings is entirely understandable. I'm not blaming you. I was just questioning where they come from in this scenario.
You did mention some episodes where your brother was being very rude, but after that you talked about how he has stopped being rude directly, and remains silent instead of aggressive in the face of disagreement. For instance. I got the impression that your brother has stopped being directly rude, though he does have some of the doubts or disagreement on the inside. I understand that can feel alienating, but I also think trying to push the issue will tend to make people defensive and put up walls. I also think that people need to be allowed to have their opinions on the inside, as long as they remain respectful towards other people. Even when their opinions are hurtful or goes against our own values. As long as they don't act in ways that hurt people, I think people are entitled to their opinions. And my experience in life is that people will become more open toward each other that way, rather than being pushed into adapting the values of others. Or being forced to display outward behavior that doesn't align with what's on the inside.
Now maybe your brother is more overtly aggressive and passive aggressive in a way that is hard to ignore. But if he's only being a bit weird around you, that might be his way of trying to accept something that goes against what he feels is a core value. He's trying to reconcile something that maybe a lot of people he knows tells him is bad because he cares about family. He is in a way, being strong. Going from being ok with something to full acceptance can be a long path for some. Maybe even you and your partner yourself too a long time before you were comfortable with who you are. Change does not happen overnight.
And I think trying to see the good sides to why your brother is even making this effort, might help bridge the gap. Maybe he's uncomfortable, doesn't understand and want to object. But he's trying. He's keeping his tongue, he's not getting into arguments. He's trying.
Now, ofc, maybe I got the wrong impression of the situation, that your brother is more overtly aggressive than what I got the impression of. But that was all I wanted to say. It was never meant as making you feel bad or blame you for anything. I was just wondering whether being more pushy towards your brother will achieve what you want to. And whether your emotions might be clouding your judgment at the moment. Maybe you're used to being treated badly, so it's difficult to recognize when people are genuinely trying.
Also, I never meant to assume your partner has no feelings. I was questioning whether you had the accurate understanding of the feelings in this situation in particular.
Lemme simplify this cause you’re still skirting my question. If you don’t trust someone, why in the fuck are you trying to create life with them and raise it together? I’m not saying don’t get a paternity test, by all means test whatever you want. But if there’s even a HINT of a doubt in your mind in what world does it seem like an okay idea to procreate with them?
Another day, another post about a pathetic useless man-child.
He’s never going to change because every time you come in the door you pick up after him.
He knows that he can just block out the “nagging” you send his way, nod his head and promise to change and then things just go back to normal. Happy days for him.
Do not even think of having kids with this child. You won’t be able to leave them alone with him in case he forgets he has to watch them and they get hurt.
He’s mentally immature and not a suitable adult partner for you at the moment.
You need to move out. He needs to adult properly on his own for at least a year before you consider moving back in.
This post is just you consistently making not very particularly smart choices. I'm not saying this to put you down or make fun of you, so sorry if it sounds that way. But its time you kick your ass into gear and start making smart choices.
You need to recognize the decisions you made. You made them young and niave. You had 2 kids young. Got engaged young and now very likely to have an ex fiancé all by the time you're 23.
Stop trying to forgive her. Working on things for the kids is probably the single worst thing you could do for both you and the kids. Recognize you've had multiple signs it wasn't going to work out with this person.
You need to seek actual legal advice outside of reddit in regards to custody.
Not sure why you'd think she'd get full custody unless you completely abandoned the kids or are leaving some important information out like youre a wanted felon.
The thing is I'm not looking things with rose colored glasses. I'm aware of things that were not perfect with her. If you are thinking about her religion and parents it was all bullshit. I realised that how time passed by and tried to explaint that to her that her parents were just trying to scare her and her sisters to be a good muslim girls. Her parents moved from a muslim country to a christian country, and would say to her if she ever did anything wrong they would send her back to her relatives in muslim country. But that was BS. Her younger sister realised that and did not give a f*** and with her help girl 1 realised that also. So after me she had a normal life relationship wise. Post about her new boyfriend on facebook and so on. Us two…we had to hide so no body would see us walking together.
Move on, I don't know what to tell you…im good for a couple of months, half a year, and then… im not. I dream about her and it all comes back. A smell, a song…..everything can be a trigger. Its not like i think about her all the time, but ever few months she comes back with a vengance. And I can't get that to go away.
Honestly that is one of the problems. I feel like a control freak asshole when I have a conversation about something she does that makes me uncomfortable, and I absolutely hate that. She actually dressed up for a night in which I know she was going to be interacting with other guys, and in a way she never dressed up when out with me, and that was what upset me tbh, not just the fact that she was out dressed the way she was lol.
Many people receive gifts that they may not like or may feel uncomfortable about.
>> or that could kill them?
Trickle truthing. Next he did go to the bathroom and nothing happened. Then you find out he had sex with someone in the bathroom.
He already lied. Drop him
Education costs so much in America
What will you do if she wants to have sex and you aren’t in the mood? Say no? What about when she pressures you and says you must not love her or you think she’s ugly or that your gay if you don’t. Forcing anything in a relationship, especially sexual favors, is a VERY huge red flag
I really do agree with you. I tried to break up right after the first one. Sigh.
Go ahead
She has to see a doctor and try different pills or other methods that suits her better and stop been irresponsible about this actions and her health too. Going in and out of the pills is not healthy and it will eventually mess up with her hormones/body/cycle even more. If she is not doing this been followed by a doctor/gynecologist, I suggest she search for one as soon as possible.
Hey, I feel you, I found my fiance in a hotel room with another man. All I can recommend is that you put her out of your mind. There is no way forward for you to be happy through her. Not truly happy, it will be a hollow happiness ready to be shattered in a moment. It isn't worth the effort.
If my fiance had not cheated on me, I would have married her, and I don't know if I could have endured what you are enduring.
But because she did, I ended up meeting my wife. Don't online in the shadow of your failed relationship. You are more than accessory to your wife.
I am actually a realtor at this time, if you want to pm me, I can actually get you in touch with a realtor in your area who can help you find an apartment. As for vehicles, I recommend a hybrid, the extended mileage you get really saves a lot of money. Take it from a former truck/suv person.
He sounds like a douchebag.
This is a great response. It honestly amazes me that people in relationships sometimes don’t recognize that seemingly small actions like these can be pretty friggin hurtful. Ugh… I experienced nearly this same thing with my SO a few years back and I would have really appreciated your response at that time in my life lol.
He’s being sexually abusive. Basically, he’s using your body as a masturbation aid. Somebody his own age wouldn’t put up with this and he knows it.
Who else knows? Might someone have told her?
I’m curious as to why she’s so fixated on not moving.
Good. He SHOULD lose everything. It won't be because of you that he loses it – it will be due to his own actions. Stop feeling responsible for a man who doesn't give two shits about you. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I stayed longer than I should have with a cheater and I promise you it doesn't get better. Just leave his ass.
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I mean….they can invite who they want to their wedding, you can invite who you want to your party. That’s all there is to it.
it’s either break up or minimize your life for him. No successful nursing career that might upset him.
dump him!
I agree with you 100%, but I just an not sure if I'm willing to end the marriage and break up the family yet unless the behavior accelerates.
He is gay and cheating.
Make all your decisions based on those facts. Don’t expect a confession. Don’t expect more proof. That is enough proof .
You must have negative empathy if you really believe this. The person being told I don't trust you and I think our kid isn't actually mine has feelings too.
Op what do you want? If you don’t want the agreement then speak up.
I wonder this as well.
She has had plenty of chances , it's clear she doesn't really want your help
It's time for you to move on
Yeah you cheated, everything else you mentioned just means that those things were more important than the boundaries of the relationship. And saying that you were unable to ask for permission means that you view yourself as irresponsible and if you can't be trust then what's the point?
Sorry but what tf is a babe station?
Are you meeting for sex only and now he knows he won't get any so he sees no point in meeting? Or does he not know what a yeast infection is, are you his first gf?
Probably a new staff doctor or something.
Narcissist is as narcissistic does. Sometimes people self diagnose as a joke without actually meeting the clinical definition (“I’m a little bipolar”, “I’m so OCD”, etc). I wouldn’t worry about it unless it becomes an actual problem.
He’s a controlling sexist at best, though it’s highly likely he will be abusive because those thoughts and behaviours are linked
OP, I’m curious what your thoughts are about that. Do you think Joe and Nat aren’t together because of Joe or because of Nat ultimately?
Putting aside the difference attractiveness, because despite what Reddit seems to think, it doesn’t matter as much as people think in the real world, and they have a trauma bond so it doesn’t matter. Do you think it’s because Joe doesn’t/didn’t want to risk the friendship and isn’t sure about it or because Nat isn’t all in on him as “the one” or doesn’t seem him as a end-game romantic love interest like Joe presumably would want? Or both?
Jelly much?
You tried to break them apart and then suprice pikachu face when he snaps. Wow.
If you’re not giving me advice or helping me, why bother commenting ??? I’m a human being not a bot
repost troll
I’ve been leaving my phone on do not disturb or leaving it at home when I don’t need it. A big part of this is definitely my anxiety which I’ve been working on but it’s definitely a process. Ive been trying to find ways to calm my general anxiety, but they don’t seem to be working with this. I’m struggling to distract myself or reason with myself. It’s not on him at all, but I think my anxiety here is a defence mechanism from past relationship trauma, which is making it a lot harder to shake off.
Oh, I just meant your comment in general sounded like that. No offense intended.
she advised me about the texting even showing the conversations.
he tried or almost kissed her (she turned away).
She told me straight away.
she showed me what she wanted (a relationship with me
So you wrote all of that, and then asked
Maybe I need to relax only ? Too much overthink?
What possible answer could you expect?
Anyway, what you should really do is tell the guy if he messaged her again you're going to beat him
Just block him, no need to play games.
It was never an open relationship, so yes we were exclusive once we started dating. I didn't care what she did before that, as the talking stage is free game imo.
Unfortunately, your coming at the wrong angle. She wanted the threesome, and she only wanted it with other women.
Please see my comment above. I wasn't talking about that kind of touching.
I’m really glad to see your level of self awareness. I don’t think she’s lying that she’s in love with you, I think that she’s extremely hurt and has grown to dislike you. You can love someone, but also not like them, if that makes sense? She’s probably addicted to you in an unhealthy way, seeing as every time you guys have been close to breaking up, you drew her back in and gave her what she needed temporarily. It kind of creates a push and shove addiction. She’s probably become addicted to the dopamine rush she gets when you promise to change and show her that you actually ARE capable of doing good things for her, but for some selfish reason, you kept putting yourself first in an unhealthy way and herself and her needs last. I think she has a trauma bond with you, and it’s destroying her.
You both deserve to online a good life. I think that means you should go your separate ways and instead of trying to get better for her, get better for yourself first, then see where that takes you
You literally have no concept of what love actually is. You absolutely did write the post in your “best language” – you just refuse accept the truth that you do not deserve another chance with her and the only kind thing you could do for her is to get the fuck out of her life and stay out.
Darling she was never pregnant. Also your story sounds like you were sexually assaulted.
My husband is a triathlete. It’s expensive and the races can be really long. We’ve traveled for a few of them and I have gotten up super early to watch him start, and been there at the finish for the big ones. If it’s a smaller one he’s nervous about, I’ll go (I’m NOT a morning person and I will only jokingly complain, but that’s the type of relationship we have so it’s never taken seriously). I definitely don’t go to all of them, I do always ask if he wants me there.
However, I make sure there’s money in the budget for races, travel, training, and equipment. I pick up slack with the house and animals to give him time to train and race. I handle his kids (my stepkids) if something conflicts. Definitely more than supportive in my opinion. If he’s not supporting you in other ways and downplaying your hobby, that’s no good.
You can assume the breakdown is bullshit, because his story constantly changes. First he needed to end it because of mental reasons. When you stuck by him, he then told you that you weren't compatible as far as personality. One has nothing to do with the other.
Yes, it's logically easier to just be honest. Many people are just afraid to be.
An observation, you say you can't imagine losing her yet here you are imagining it.
So I’ll just add that if you’ve totally fallen for/soulmates with someone who is only giving you a small part of themselves, that’s an issue right? She’s someone else’s soulmate, primarily, and that’s where her energies are going. So there’s still an issue to look at there. Why are you so happy with so little of someone? Aren’t you worth the whole attention of a whole person or something? I’d look into that part with a therapist. Good luck!
Oh my good God!! You’re 25! Grow up! This is not a healthy relationship and it is utterly manipulative and abusive and you know it. End it and get your shit together and do something useful with your life!
Sounds like you are married to a 33 year old child.
I will surely get downvoted for this but dude. Marriage is a lot more than just about sex. Are you really going to open your marriage knowing that there is an EXTREMELY high chance of your marriage failing? harming your wife and kids just to fulfill a fantasy?
Your partner is OBVIOUSLY not interested in that. Open marriages rarely work. They might if both parties are 100% on board and have great communication, and a high level of emotional intelligence in order to make it work.
I genuinely do not see why this idea of yours will work considering your wife has expressed that she isn't into it.
Is getting your dick wet more important than your marriage? get your shit together and focus on your wife and kids and let the fantasies stay fantasies.
I know I am being harsh but this dude needs a reality check.
Ask about her fantasies are invoking other people and try to do whatever that is. That will at least get the flood gates open. And if she doesn’t have any, you are out of luck. She is just not into it.
The silent treatment is emotional abuse.
As she explained it to me once, she goes silent as a way to ” teach me to keep my shit straight”.
Yup, you're being emotionally abused.
Don't stay with an abuser. Otherwise you'll end up in a situation you can't get out of.
The silent treatment is emotional abuse.
As she explained it to me once, she goes silent as a way to ” teach me to keep my shit straight”.
Yup, you're being emotionally abused.
Don't stay with an abuser. Otherwise you'll end up in a situation you can't get out of.
Considering breaking up because thinking about it just messes me up. And I don't really want to tolerate what she did but I love her.
I didn't mean to be hot on whether the feelings are yours or not. I think both you and your partner has been through some rough times, and having feelings is entirely understandable. I'm not blaming you. I was just questioning where they come from in this scenario.
You did mention some episodes where your brother was being very rude, but after that you talked about how he has stopped being rude directly, and remains silent instead of aggressive in the face of disagreement. For instance. I got the impression that your brother has stopped being directly rude, though he does have some of the doubts or disagreement on the inside. I understand that can feel alienating, but I also think trying to push the issue will tend to make people defensive and put up walls. I also think that people need to be allowed to have their opinions on the inside, as long as they remain respectful towards other people. Even when their opinions are hurtful or goes against our own values. As long as they don't act in ways that hurt people, I think people are entitled to their opinions. And my experience in life is that people will become more open toward each other that way, rather than being pushed into adapting the values of others. Or being forced to display outward behavior that doesn't align with what's on the inside.
Now maybe your brother is more overtly aggressive and passive aggressive in a way that is hard to ignore. But if he's only being a bit weird around you, that might be his way of trying to accept something that goes against what he feels is a core value. He's trying to reconcile something that maybe a lot of people he knows tells him is bad because he cares about family. He is in a way, being strong. Going from being ok with something to full acceptance can be a long path for some. Maybe even you and your partner yourself too a long time before you were comfortable with who you are. Change does not happen overnight.
And I think trying to see the good sides to why your brother is even making this effort, might help bridge the gap. Maybe he's uncomfortable, doesn't understand and want to object. But he's trying. He's keeping his tongue, he's not getting into arguments. He's trying.
Now, ofc, maybe I got the wrong impression of the situation, that your brother is more overtly aggressive than what I got the impression of. But that was all I wanted to say. It was never meant as making you feel bad or blame you for anything. I was just wondering whether being more pushy towards your brother will achieve what you want to. And whether your emotions might be clouding your judgment at the moment. Maybe you're used to being treated badly, so it's difficult to recognize when people are genuinely trying.
Also, I never meant to assume your partner has no feelings. I was questioning whether you had the accurate understanding of the feelings in this situation in particular.
Lemme simplify this cause you’re still skirting my question. If you don’t trust someone, why in the fuck are you trying to create life with them and raise it together? I’m not saying don’t get a paternity test, by all means test whatever you want. But if there’s even a HINT of a doubt in your mind in what world does it seem like an okay idea to procreate with them?
unknowingly raising children who aren't their own
Then, how do they know?
Another day, another post about a pathetic useless man-child.
He’s never going to change because every time you come in the door you pick up after him.
He knows that he can just block out the “nagging” you send his way, nod his head and promise to change and then things just go back to normal. Happy days for him.
Do not even think of having kids with this child. You won’t be able to leave them alone with him in case he forgets he has to watch them and they get hurt.
He’s mentally immature and not a suitable adult partner for you at the moment.
You need to move out. He needs to adult properly on his own for at least a year before you consider moving back in.
When you tell your story, the it becomes 1 sided.
When I ask for answers about her. I get to have 2 sides of a story.
You get better conclusions that way
I agree, there are still some good men out there who would never do this to their wives.
Thank you I appreciate it
This post is just you consistently making not very particularly smart choices. I'm not saying this to put you down or make fun of you, so sorry if it sounds that way. But its time you kick your ass into gear and start making smart choices.
You need to recognize the decisions you made. You made them young and niave. You had 2 kids young. Got engaged young and now very likely to have an ex fiancé all by the time you're 23.
Stop trying to forgive her. Working on things for the kids is probably the single worst thing you could do for both you and the kids. Recognize you've had multiple signs it wasn't going to work out with this person.
You need to seek actual legal advice outside of reddit in regards to custody.
Not sure why you'd think she'd get full custody unless you completely abandoned the kids or are leaving some important information out like youre a wanted felon.
The thing is I'm not looking things with rose colored glasses. I'm aware of things that were not perfect with her. If you are thinking about her religion and parents it was all bullshit. I realised that how time passed by and tried to explaint that to her that her parents were just trying to scare her and her sisters to be a good muslim girls. Her parents moved from a muslim country to a christian country, and would say to her if she ever did anything wrong they would send her back to her relatives in muslim country. But that was BS. Her younger sister realised that and did not give a f*** and with her help girl 1 realised that also. So after me she had a normal life relationship wise. Post about her new boyfriend on facebook and so on. Us two…we had to hide so no body would see us walking together.
Move on, I don't know what to tell you…im good for a couple of months, half a year, and then… im not. I dream about her and it all comes back. A smell, a song…..everything can be a trigger. Its not like i think about her all the time, but ever few months she comes back with a vengance. And I can't get that to go away.
Honestly that is one of the problems. I feel like a control freak asshole when I have a conversation about something she does that makes me uncomfortable, and I absolutely hate that. She actually dressed up for a night in which I know she was going to be interacting with other guys, and in a way she never dressed up when out with me, and that was what upset me tbh, not just the fact that she was out dressed the way she was lol.
What a fucking manipulative snowflake. You did nothing, absolutely nothing wrong to apologize. Fuck him.
Finish your finals and leave. One step at a time, that's all you have to take.