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Lollipoppers live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

40 thoughts on “Lollipoppers live sex chats for YOU!

  1. She loves him, the day she sent me that message was the day she said she misses him, she was on the phone with him and hadn't replied to me for a day. They were going to play Roblox but ended up just talking. She told me that she misses him and that he was the only person she truly loved.

  2. I once cummed in my girls nose, shit happens, if she can't laugh it off that's on her, it's funny she'll get over it just let her know your sorry and ask if she wants you to put her backpack in the washer or get her a new one. Honestly think getting a new one is a little ridiculous, just throw it in the washer and call it a day.

  3. Are you saying I am being too picky? For me sexual compatibility is definitely within the top 5 qualities I am looking for in a relationship

  4. Has OP consider what happens when he meets the love of his live! and wants to start a family what an award conversation that is gonna be with his future partner… well u see I already have a kid to another lady, but it was a mutual agreement…

    OP think of Ur future.

  5. His shoes – after getting my laptop destroyed by your anger, I'd get a similar replacement from you and be done. I would never want to be with someone who has such uncontrollable anger that they destroy something.

    Your shoes – therapy to learn to control whatever it is that makes me angry enough to destroy a laptop.

  6. ” I feel like black women are the most undesired race”

    I hate that you feel that way and I wish I could make it better.

    Look up sometime Nyakim Gatwech who is gorgeous.

    Now tbf I am not a black guy so I don't know how much my opinion on this topic matters, but I do have functioning eyeballs and I think she is one of the prettiest people I have ever seen. Seriously she is smoking hot. She has said she faces a lot due to her skin tone as well. Dark skin is beautiful.

    There is someone for you, that will see you as beautiful. You really are someone's type. There are billions of people on the planet – sometimes it takes a while to sift through the not the ones to find the one.

  7. the state of Oregon took my kid away from me and im a mother without kids because they wrongly stole my kid

    I’m sure that’s exactly how it happened.

  8. He did cheat, he didn't honor your marriage vows and threw you out of your home. He took the word of a woman who was trying to get into bed with him, over investigating and proceeding with HOT evidence and facts. It was all circumstances and it wasn't until someone vouched for you, that he realized that he made a mistake WHILE you were pregnant. You were at your most vulnerable and he still expects you to move on like nothing happened because it's what he did.

    The truth is, that he severed your emotional bond to him. By doubting you, turning people against you and sleeping with other people. You may love him but he took a knife and plunged it in deep multiple times. You're bleeding out and the truth is, he may have killed all feelings and if you stay with him, he severely decimated anything there.

    I get what your saying and that its nude to raise kids without their bio dad. Every experience is different, i think you can co-parent but you will never be his old wife again. If you stay to work on things, that's your decision, but your feelings and attachment are either dead or on life support.

  9. Agree. My husband and I have been together for 6 years now… he's never insulted me or put me down. He's 4 1/2 years older than me. We've built a good life.

    It's taken me a while to communicate well and get out of some bad relationship habits because of a relationship with a man like OP is talking about. The only disagreements we really have is about me opening up and communicating better…I got really used to being told what to do, and if I even thought he'd (the abusive ex) get mad about, I wouldn't mention it or hide it from him. (This could be as simple as running into male friend at the store).

    Thankfully my husband knows about the past abuse, and if he sees on my face that I'm not reacting well to something ( usually the way he says something) he re-explains his statement and clarifies…. because honestly it's just a word or a sentence that hits something from my past, not him actually meaning to hurt me.

  10. Tell her the truth as you told us. Write it in a letter. Emphasize the part about you were sexting before she told you she liked him that way, and you felt a spark. Give a if I had known I wouldn't have.

    She may be not able to handle it, but its your best shot.

  11. Seeing someone is the beginning of a romantic relationship. There is a higher interest than a case where someone has sex or flirts with no strings attached or desire for commitment. Examples, a guy hooks up with some one at a bar is not necessarily seeing the person and may not speak to them again. Friends with benefits who get flirty, sometimes sexual when not in committed relationships but are not dating, have no desire to date or kindle anything out of it. If a guy screws his friend liz sometimes before having an exclusive lady, he is not seeing or otherwise dating liz, no romantic interest, it was their sexual nonsense time. As for myself, these type of situations do not appeal to me but many people are like that.

  12. Also, you mention that you don’t think anyone your age would want to get involved with someone who has a kid already… but there are plenty of 23 year old women who are single mothers. They would probably appreciate being with a man that has a kid because they’ll know that you already have the experience and responsibility of being a parent.

    Sometimes it’s best to bond with someone that is in a similar situation as yourself. You have more in common and can cover for each other if the kids need to be watched.

  13. Do you have a source on that first, incredibly bold claim? I don't think the average anyone is this overly sensitive.

  14. They've been married a year an a half and he's got half a dozen posts about his wife threatening to kill herself if he leaves and how he's scared how obsessed with him she is.

    OP I don't want to blame you, I just honestly want to know what the fuck you think the future with this person is.

  15. A lot of different sects of Christianity are very overtly clear and honest about God being God. Not “good.”

    That God is an angry, wrathful, vengeful, wise and calculating figure and it’s beyond human understanding to fully understand or fully empathize with.

  16. You're focused on the wrong things here. It hardly matters that she dated while you were broken up if the two of you have incompatible “culture/beliefs”. It's easier to feel aggrieved that she had the temerity to behave as a single person when she was a single person than to accept that there's just no longterm future here. Unless one of you is willing to jettison your “beliefs” you and she are never going to be able to make this work. Emotion without pragmatism will lead you to wasting more time than necessary on this.

  17. Go back home. This is weird and not ok. I have sooooo many Q’s.

    Where was he living before? What about you? How long have you known him??? Is he working now? Can you get your job back???

    I would be on the first thing smoking back to my home country. I’m so sorry. But no. No one can live! like this.

  18. You need to get the hell out of this relationship. He's telling you your thoughts aren't real because he wants to manipulate you into minimizing this incident and staying with him. You said you're not in a position to leave as you've moved multiple times because of his job and are financially and physically dependent on him. This is called isolation, and is a common tactic for abusers to prevent you from leaving them. They take steps to make sure that in the future, you can't readily leave, even if you really want to.

  19. Does he insist or just offer? Big difference here. I think it's sweet if he's just offering, but a deal breaker if he's insisting.

  20. Was going to say this. My ex did the same, while he was the one who always worked and paid the mortgage, trying to do the ‘right’ thing. He regrets it to this day. You don’t have anyone around on top of that. Don’t make yourself fuckin homeless. Especially bc that’ll possibly hurt you in the future regarding custody w the kids. It’s not like you’re kicking the kids out, she’s an adult, she made her bed, and now she needs to deal w the consequences. Don’t let her manipulate her w the ‘poor me’ or damsel in distress BS either. Get a lawyer ASAP

  21. I now realize I have left out some info about that. I was invited to go on a climbing trip with a friend of ours. When I invited her along is when she told me she is going to go on the Arizona trip with him during that time. She did invite me though!

  22. Honey, keep your money separate, where he does not have access. I’ve been married 32 years and from day one we’ve had separate bank accounts. Money is one of things we don’t argue over. Your husband cannot be trusted with money. That was sooo wrong on his part.

    Also never loan money that you cannot afford to give away. If you can afford it do it with the expectation of never seeing your money again.

  23. Tell him you are not his property to give away and you’re not interested, and never will be.

    I’d also check the house for hidden cameras in case he’s taking video of you and sharing it.

    If my husband offered me up to a friend, that would be the beginning of the end. He doesn’t respect you.

  24. Lol OP tried to sacrifice her daughter for her sister and shocked when the daughter responded. YTA OP.

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