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LovelyEmmaa on-line webcams for YOU!


LovelyEmmaa Public Chat Channel

Date: November 6, 2022

5 thoughts on “LovelyEmmaa on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. u/_sinja, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Well that’s the thing, we’re girlfriends. We made things official in November, so we’ve only been dating a short while. I’ve been clear about my intentions with her, and whenever I ask, she seems excited about the future. However, I’m worried she’s confusing friendship with relationship. She talks to me about her past as if I were her best gal pal, not her partner.

  3. Yeah that’s hoodrat street shit when you got a man at home you can twerk on. Let the streets have her bro it’s not even worth your time. I just made a post on here detailing what happens when you let a women lie and manipulate and control narratives. It fucked me over mentally. Any attempt to push past this will most likely only end in your demise

  4. Thank you. I’m a mess right now. Probably my lowest point in years. I have a life in me right now, emotions are crazy, im alone, I’ve gained 20lbs in this short period of time due to extreme bloating/digestive issues, im physically at my worst, on top of that this is all a time-sensitive matter. Then there’s coping with thinking I had a friend who lied to me and dipped. The only thing keeping me going are some calls with my friends/fam back home and my career. Logically, I don’t think it’s best to keep the baby but how logical are most things? Man… mixed with always wanting to be a mom, this blows. Getting an abortion would overwhelm me with guilt and depression but keeping a fatherless child would suck too. But that can even happen in ideal situations too with a married couple and everything, then the dude leaves the family for his secretary or some shit lbvs. Sigh.

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