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Loveypikachu | the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Loveypikachu |, 26 y.o.


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Loveypikachu | live sex chat

Date: October 15, 2022

72 thoughts on “Loveypikachu | the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He clearly wasn’t thinking when he spoke and he’s an idiot. I think the point he was trying to make is if you do get a boob job to not go too big. He thinks C cups are ideal. Coming from a woman that is apart of the big tittie committee I agree that anything bigger than a C is problematic. I was a 36G and had a reduction and I’m about a 36 D or DD. Too big is not fun.

  2. Have a talk with her when she is not on her period. And discuss how you feel. She can try to reign herself in a bit but you usually just have to deal with it. I know there are meds out there for people that have strong mood swings during mensuration but I don't know enough about them to give you an informed opinion.

  3. Maybe what you're doing doesnt feel good to her? Have you asked her if she likes it or what she likes in bed specifically? Have her show you the yes and no of what she likes. Rather than stopping altogether, perhaps it's a you arent pleasing her or shes not being all that open.

  4. Maybe what you're doing doesnt feel good to her? Have you asked her if she likes it or what she likes in bed specifically? Have her show you the yes and no of what she likes. Rather than stopping altogether, perhaps it's a you arent pleasing her or shes not being all that open.

  5. There is not a lot of background here. Do you communicate with this woman outside.of.the gym? Have you ever done anything before to make your wife have trust issues with you? Where you a player or not have a great history of fidelity before you got with your wife? There is a lot reasons your wife that your wife could be acting this way.

  6. Thank you so much for this! I appreciate your comment. Yea, I suppose I am letting him off more because of the BPD, but I have BPD too and also I was just assaulted! Thank you for this. I needed to hear this. Having trouble not caving in because I feel guilty but trying to stay strong and true to me! I need to do it for me (not message him).

  7. If you look at OP's post history you can read the original story. I was also a little sus until I read it. I thought he was just behaving like a fem gay man, but clearly that wasn't the case.

    It doesn't sound like he came out as gay or trans or even GNC. He's straight up living an ageplay kink and refuses to stop. He isn't keeping it in the bedroom or away from minors, he's acting out his fetish in front of his children and at their school. Dressing childishly, baby talking, acting like a “kid,” and throwing tantrums when other people don't acknowledge his kink (like servers refusing to give him the kids menu in a restaurant).

    It would be one thing if he came out as trans or gay. But he didn't. He admitted to having a fetish and is now prioritizing his fetish over his kids. The guy needs therapy.

  8. People are allowed to have friends. People are allowed to have really good friends. People are even allowed to have best friends. People do not owe only one person all of their kindness and love. Having a friend you care deeply about does not diminish anything. If this friend were a guy, would you care? If not, that tells you everything you need to know, that the problem is your jealousy.

  9. So youre using religion to benefit yourself. But didn't think about your religion when you were having sex and watching porn. Sounds very contradictory.

  10. your ex wife sounds like a turd. no child should be told this wtf is wrong with your ex wife. she obviously doesnt love your son

  11. Yeh the relationship is over no one should put up with that childish bollocks – what is it with ppl thinking they are entitled to having a free/cheap ride based on someone else’s success these days

  12. we have had sex for about 6 years and we did not use any protection! I don't know how did I control. I am sure if we want another round we need protection.

  13. Unless a doctor has told her not to, she can and should work. Babies are expensive, and you'll need a little nest egg for the future

  14. u/lindsey290jsn, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. living her truth

    Jesus Christ, I could never be in a relationship with someone who used this phrase unironically, much less as an excuse to be this financially irresponsible.

  16. And I asked him what his goal was and then speculated. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Actions have consequences and OP should be cognizant of why he’d do this and what to expect afterward.

  17. Is it a connection she has for him or jealousy because she doesn't have all of his attention as before . He's confused ? Over what ? I mean why didn't he make an attempt to make a move on her before . Or had they and it's just a secret not knowing their would be some connection .

  18. Pretend that you want to work things out, but you are very hurt until you gather enough money or find a cheap enough appartment to move into behind his back. When he is out of the house for work or something that you know will take hours, have a moving company come and do the packaging and the moving for you. If you get caught, call the police to report that he is physically preventing you from moving out and destroying your property, whether it's just yours or belongs to both of you. Document everything. Take videos, sound recordings, make on-line videos on social media if you are afraid he might destroy your device and file for a restraining order.

  19. u/ImmediateTask6922, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  20. Hello /u/Drawing_The_,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  21. Here’s a thing you were second to his friend. That’s the truth of the matter. So how do you feel? You’re supposed to be in a relationship with someone but they honor their relationship with someone else higher than what they have with you. Is that the kind of relationship that you wanna be in where someone outside of your relationship is more important?

  22. To be fair, young people aren’t as concerned about their health. Not until you get around 40 do the wheels start coming off and you’re taking meds for acid reflux and your smoking habits fucked up your looks and you’ve slowly turned into a lonely alcoholic and you wish you would have told your 25 year old self (if you can time travel) “please look after yourself”.

    His reasons are valid. Eventually it WILL become a health problem. People need to stop tip toeing about it.

  23. Ok…so coming from a dude who can literally buy his daughter whatever her little heart desires, I don’t recommend this course of action at all. You can’t buy everything for the kid, you have to make them earn it somehow and you have to remain firm if they don’t earn it.

    You want them to appreciate what they have…you want them to not be spoiled and be decent human beings…don’t buy the kid everything…in fact, the tantrum he throws for not getting whatever toy from a random toy event…that tantrum is enough to stop buying until they learn to appreciate what they have.

  24. I think the fact you only been together 3 months is not what i would call long term and serious. To expect money at this point is weird. Maybe if you were married or been together for years, but that is embarrassing even if it is an emergency to seek money to someone of only 3 months, when there is other family members or friends.

  25. In marriage, you’re either in or you’re out. If he wants to go explore himself with other women, he’s going to need to divorce you.

    You can’t ‘pause’ a marriage. Let’s think for a sec what that would look like. He moves out, he sleeps around. Maybe he has a girlfriend for a bit. Then he gets bored and wants to come back. Would you be okay with that? Can you seriously say that you would harbour no resentment, and would be able to continue to love and trust him after that?

  26. Not only is she so selfish it defies all common sense, she's incredibly unintelligent, has zero empathy, and would likely not be a safe adult to leave any vulnerable person or pet around. I would not want a person like her in my life. The fact that she was angry you got the kittens out of harm's way is borderline sociopathic.

  27. And you have a child.


    It has to come out.

    It needs to come out.

    Grow a sack and tell your mom.

  28. I can give you some advice.

    Go to your local sporting goods store.

    Find a nice pair of running shoes that fit comfortably.

    And run the hell out of your relationship.

  29. That doesn't work until/unless he's charged, though; if it's still in the investigation stage, there may not be any charges to come up yet.

  30. I knew 100% just from the title combined with the first line that this dude was gonna be the most toxic abusive pos I've read about all day. Literally just leave him, then get therapy to heal whatever childhood wound makes you feel undecided about leaving someone who treats you so poorly.

  31. She thinks they will just know. This was a bit surprising for me because I think she is saying that I present as “a bit gay”. For what it's worth when I've previously told partners that I'm Bi some were surprised and some weren't so I guess some people can pick up on my bi vibes or just guessed

  32. Sorry if you don’t like this. But reading your post I complete understand why your wife has no time for sex. You approach the subject of your sex drive like a chore she needs to add to her list. There is no discussion of what makes it exciting for her, just discussion of how much pressure you should pile onto her to “do a little more”. You say that her not being interested doesn’t sit right with you but essentially what you’re pushing for here is for her to be a better actress and pretend more realistically that she’s interested.

    Speaking of piling on more, her plate is already overflowing. You do the bare minimum which is obvious by the fact that you seem to believe that wiping a table, taking out the trash, emptying a dishwasher, pressing a button on a washing machine and folding some laundry equates to 50% of the chores needed to make a home. And you seem to think that throwing money at professional solutions like a spa day makes up for that. I’m sure those gifts are appreciated — if she has time to use them — but they don’t make up for an attitude.

  33. Yes he doesn’t understand much about other issues too, he does try, but most of the time he always says that he’s not good enough for me and that he tries alot to make me happy, i mean he’s good and sweet, but he doesn’t show much emotions

  34. No, it is not forgivable. She is not locked into a contract to bear his kids. She confided that she did not want kids and he decided to use his knowledge of her to deeply hurt her. She's so hurt that she cannot look at him or talk to him.

  35. You’re right. The fact that I know I can’t diagnose someone is why I haven’t said anything.

    I probably should’ve added this to my post, but I’ve made the suggestion several times and have been met with the “how could they know more about me than I do” response. I’m not sure how to work around that.

  36. This plan sounds like a great way to lose a heap of friends. Hitting on your friends in hopes that ANY of them will accept your advances so you can talk about it with other friends isn’t the move. Have you asked some of your friends what’s going wrong? Maybe the can set you up?

  37. She likes the idea of having two guys wrapped around her finger, especially one that will take her to Disneyland while she screws someone else. Just move on

  38. If she cheated, the relationship ended the moment she decided to cheat, and checking through the phone is playing catch-up to reality.

  39. Sounds like you have both changed and this relationship clearly isn’t working for either of you.

    You’re both so young, you should split up and both find someone who you can have less toxic relationships with

  40. He wasn't perfect in every way. He left you for another woman. So he also falls into the category of people who mistreated you. You need to stop putting him on a pedestal in your head.

    Ex cheated and is still with his partner. The reality is he treated me like shit but they are still together 20 plus years later and they right for each other.

    Him leaving me meant I found my husband who is 100% the right person for me.

    How did I cope therapy and building a life I enjoyed for myself before I met my dh.

  41. Staying together all those years he was ready to break up was the mistake. Stop thinking you just have to try a little harder to turn this shit show with an asshole into a good relationship. Accept that you're going to be a single adult and then you're going to date another person, maybe several more people, and have higher standards in the future.

  42. Ah, to be super young and possess no ability to tell if people should be trustworthy or not. Those were the days…

  43. As for getting pregnant, I'm a little bit worried but not overly. I think this once will be fine since getting pregnant during your period isnt extremely likely. I know it's not a failsafe and I probably won't do it anytime soon ever again. If I do end up getting pregnant, that would suck and I would get an abortion. Obviously I don't want to have to do that, but that's what I will do in that case. We have been having raw sex for months now, so I've always known there's a risk he could accidentally finish inside. Again, not ideal, I don't want this to happen again but hoping it is fine this time

    Ofcourse there is always a risk of getting pregnant, but not only because he might finish inside of you. There is pre-cum even before coming into you that can get you pregnant. The pull out method IS NOT SAFE to avoid pregnancy's. Just use a condom from now on.

  44. Okay if I'm honest, you sound like you might be suffering from depression. It doesn't always look like sadness, sometimes it can be malaise, boredom, etc.

    Stop all contact with the college flame. Go to individual therapy for your malaise and start planning romantic one on one time with your partner, things you loved and were passionate about early on. Try this, genuinely try to feel the love and romance again, for a year or two.

    If you genuinely cannot feel love for him after that, then propose a year of separation where you don't have other partners but you don't spend time together except for coparenting. I suspect if it gets to that point you will miss him. (But you can't have other partners in the meantime. This isn't about comparing him or playing the field).

    Usually women come here with every complaint in the book. You have no complaints, just a vague sense of not being passionate. That alone tells me you will regret this decision.

  45. To the piece of shit that responded to me calling me names and accusing me of not reading the initial post, you can fuck straight off. I read the original post and shared my thoughts, which is what this forum is for. Reddit won’t let me see your reply so I cannot post a direct response. Just because you don’t agree with my opinion on the matter doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me or I didn’t read the original post. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

  46. Well sorry to say but she is garbage. You will have to split 50/50 on everything joint. It is what it is. Should have left the moment she emotionally cheated

  47. I’m actually saving up for therapy right now. Besides self help books, is there anything else I can do to aid my healing process? I’ve honestly been fighting the urge to start dating again because I want to try and forget about him and the situation as much as possible, even though I know this is a very unhealthy approach. My parents also don’t have a healthy relationship (and have a large age gap) so I find it difficult to recognise what a good relationship is like, so I think that’s why I probably fell into this. Not really sure of where I’m going with this but I’m scared I’ll fall into something like this again.

  48. He might be a good man and a good boyfriend, but he’s also a ticking bomb of insecurity issues. Those won’t stop biting you.

    You can’t really fix them unless you want to incorporate “therapist” into your roles as girlfriend or wife and partner. And that rarely works out well for long.

    It’s extremely difficult to love and accept someone when you don’t accept yourself, and he doesn’t.

    If he’ll do therapy for this, there’s a chance. If not, your future is a long endless road of affirming him both honestly and dishonestly to keep him from hating himself.

  49. He cannot change his nature. He is pathetic and a lier. Block him and move on. He can continue the shit show with his “friend”.

  50. The thing is, you weren’t. He did nothing wrong. And you need to think about how well he treats you. You also said this is the only thing you argue about. You should really stop bringing it up if you want to keep him. He is going to get tired of arguing about who he was with before he committed to you.

  51. I guess I'm just sick of seeing him take advantage of them and seeing him keep getting away with it . And unfortunately I can't move out just yet do to my gf just now finding a job and my area rent and such is really high

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