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Luanis-Star on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: December 28, 2022

34 thoughts on “Luanis-Star on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. So he’s asking if you’d be ok with him sleeping with someone local to him because you are basically an internet crush at this stage.

    Then when you said no, he’s backtracking and saying he didn’t mean it, and was testing you to see if you would do the same.

    He’s dating her. Walk away. You have no control over his sex life because you’ve never met.

    Find someone local yourself and have a real relationship.

  2. I've been married nearly fifteen years and kept a diary for many years.

    I talk so much shit in that diary. There's a common conception that journals are like the holiest truth but for me it was a place to be dramatic and work through stuff in private.

    Second it's completely normal to be attracted to other people and have occasional FOMO. The important thing is what you do with it. Sounds like your wife is working through it in therapy and journaling rather than cheating or treating you like crap.

    I'd like you to imagine your wife reading the most challenging thoughts you've had about her and what you would want her to do in that case. Then behave accordingly.

  3. Do you want the rough patch to turn into a divorce? If yes, then go for it, you might be doing your wife a favor that way.

  4. You see the way he treats waiters and drivers, that’s who he is. He is revealing his true character to you. “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.” This man treats you poorly, he doesn’t respect your time or decisions, he doesn’t support your efforts to reach your goals. It’s not going to get better, he’s not going to change, this is who he is! It will only get worse. Walk away. I promise, someday you will meet someone better who treats you with the loving kindness you deserve.

  5. Thanks for the advice everyone. I've decided I'm trying too naked to use her as a way to fix deeper issues. I'm gonna work on myself. We've had a really good thing going for 7 years, and I don't want to fixate on changing who she is. Looks like a trap for misery. Getting this off my chest provided a lot more clarity than all this bouncing around in my head ?

  6. Agreed! I have exclusively worn thongs (with the exception of about 2 weeks after each kid was born) for close to 30 years, I don’t even own anything else. They’ve never been uncomfortable and I’ve never had an issue with yeast infections. To each their own.

  7. Sorry OP, you kind of deserve this one. Not only did you cheat, but you lied (by omission) to the kid about who caused the relationship imploded. That’s what you get for lacking a single scrap of dignity or honor.

  8. Miss, you said what you said! Her clause came out and Op, your friends basically agreed with her. I'm sorry OP, you need better friends.

  9. Yes, then we would have a better idea how bad this is going to get cost-wise. I think OP’s wife may have a good idea and is worried.

  10. Is she asexual maybe? Just talk to her about it, tell her what you posted here. Don't blindside her by just ending it out of the blue. Learn to communicate.

  11. Well the excluding is a whole other issue. I’ve been in parties and had my SO join and it helped them get to know my group. I’m a bit confused, you want to get to know them, but don’t think it’s fun to talk to them if you don’t know them well? Unless you mean just live? In person wouldn’t be any less awkward/weird in my opinion when meeting people, but to each their own.

  12. There’s no obligation to stay in constant contact with someone before you’ve ever even met up. This is so strange to me!

  13. I think that you have serious insecurity issues. Your boyfriend has given you no reason to distrust him and yet you choose to do so. If you cannot convince yourself that you are being irrational you are going to lose him eventually, no one can put up with constant jealousy forever.

  14. “how do you know they tried to slip it in your drink?” “where did you find this?” “why did you take it?” why dont you just give it to the police station instead??? if you actually want answers? just because it exists that way for you doesnt mean it doesnt exist my way.

  15. You leave.

    You are a complete idiot to stay.

    Read your second and third paragraphs aloud, and pretend they are what a friend has writes about their partner.

    Then give yourself the advice you’d give them, and the advice everyone here is likely to give you.

    Break up, find someone who will treat you with the love, kindness and respect that you deserve.

  16. The only true advice: You're with an immature scumbag who takes afvantage of you, lies to you, takes pictures and videos and definitely also does worse things behind your back.

    Leave immediately. First make SURE that there is ABSOLUTELY no naked content of you on his phone. You do not need a justification – your will alone is more than enough. If you do not want your nudes in the hands of someone, they are obligated to delete them.

    This just sounds like you're wasting your time with a lying sack of shit and you WILL find your video/nudes on the internet, sooner or later, and then it's too late.

  17. The only true advice: You're with an immature scumbag who takes afvantage of you, lies to you, takes pictures and videos and definitely also does worse things behind your back.

    Leave immediately. First make SURE that there is ABSOLUTELY no naked content of you on his phone. You do not need a justification – your will alone is more than enough. If you do not want your nudes in the hands of someone, they are obligated to delete them.

    This just sounds like you're wasting your time with a lying sack of shit and you WILL find your video/nudes on the internet, sooner or later, and then it's too late.

  18. Yea Ik it’ll be tough but how should I bring it up? Im not sure how to talk about the topic without her feeling bad for being open about her issues

  19. There seems to be this kind of weird subconscious mentality in a lot of people that it's not ok to leave a relationship unless the other person actually does something “bad”, especially in women where we're kind of conditioned to not want to hurt people's feelings. I think that's why we see a lot of what amounts to “can somebody give me permission to walk away?” type posts.

  20. I don’t want to repeat what others have already said because they made good points, so I’ll add on. I saw a video recently of someone talking about household chores or things that need to be done, and making sure you “close out the task”.

    So for example, if you take the trash out, are you making sure to put new bags in the trash cans, or does your partner have to finish that part of the task? If you vacuum the floor, do you empty the dirty vacuum and then put it back where it goes, or does your partner have to do that next time? If you use the last of the toilet paper, are you remembering to replace the roll?

    Taking the initiative to do chores is the first part of the issue, and then making sure you’re remembering to complete the task and not leave any part of it for your partner to do is also important.

  21. More than a few stories out there about it happening that way. Strange that HIS name would come up.

  22. He is right. It’s one day. I spent $5k on mine including photos, and it was lovely. I mean, now that I’m divorced I’m so happy it wasn’t more, but we had an open bar and and a destination wedding. You don’t have to liquidate your savings to have a nice wedding.

    Not wanting to spend loads of money on your wedding doesn’t equate to him not wanting to marry you or something. It’s just being practical and not wanting to dump loads of money on a party.

  23. We’re all commenting based off of OP’s original post. Are you OP accidentally commenting on her alt account or smth

  24. i have to admit that yes, i’ve seen some of these in her. i’ve seen some of each of those, of varying degrees, in her behaviours and words. that’s interesting.. i hadn’t really categorised it in this way before, but i can definitely recognise these in her

  25. Well taking both sides, you lied, he did machevious deeds, karma stroke maybe harder back. He's not worth it.

    Best of luck❤️

  26. I'm just saying, after 5 years, even though you are both young, if you haven't met chances are this isn't real even if she's who she says she is. At this point not wanting to meet you in person is definitely a yellow flag that something ain't right.

  27. Something that might help for the future with any kind of mental illness or disorder: the symptoms are never the fault of the person dealing with them but they still have the responsibility to find ways to manage them and deal with them

    Even if some of his issues are caused by Adhd, you don't have to fix it

  28. Why is T even texting you at all if you aren't friends? That should stop.

    What S does really isn't up to you. If you're that concerned, talk to S about it, not T.

    People getting into relationships you don't think are good for them is gonna happen in life, and the sad thing is, you can be completely correct, but it's still something they have to learn for themselves, if so.

    Until or unless S becomes someone you can't be friends with, stay her friend. This isn't something really worth overthinking. If you like it, stay. If you don't, don't. Unless there's more to it that you haven't shared, this doesn't seem complicated.

  29. Yes she’s more his age and mothers him like a baby, obviously, she stayed when he told her he’s dating someone else because she lives in la for free and drives his nice cars for free. I actually have my own place and car.

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