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Lucy-Vega live sex chats for YOU!


Today on-line with abby_miller [222 tokens remaining]

Date: October 25, 2022

44 thoughts on “Lucy-Vega live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Nah. If you have children, they come first. I'm sorry you were put in this position. Maybe she'll come to her senses someday…. maybe…

  2. He wanted to have sex with you.

    He was jails you had a crush on another person and told you these things in an effort to be the “hero” and look good so you would maybe touch his winky.

    A very nasty thing to do. A horrible little boy – stay away, so many red flags.

  3. I agree, I think it comes down to the individual. I think it’s because I’ve been cheated on a lot in the past and this is the first thing that’s triggered those feelings since we’ve been together. I think if he would’ve asked beforehand and us discuss it, I would feel different. I’m just feeling hurt by the “shoot first, ask later” mentality over something that can easily be perceived as disrespectful to our relationship. I’m just trying to sort out what I need to say without blowing it out of proportion when I discuss it with him but get to the root of why I’m uncomfortable by it.

  4. Some people don’t care though. I know it’s rare, but i saw someone comment that they get along with their ex’s AP now gf.

  5. Boundaries are for you. Not for other people. I mean that in most situations the consequence of someone (person A) breaching the boundaries or another (person B), is that person B will remove themselves from the situation.

    So if you set a hot boundary, and it's “unfair” all you're doing is removing yourself earlier than most people from a situation. That's all.

    In this case, deliberate, intentional drink driving is an absolute deal breaker for me.

  6. She ain’t your friend. Real friends, drunk or not, don’t do that. She wants your boyfriend. Get rid of her. Today it’s a boyfriend, tomorrow it’s your husband.

  7. You need hella fucking help because if you were, she wouldn’t be ignoring you right now would she???

    Keep lying to urself though, I’m sure it’ll do you wonders. ??

  8. It’s both pathetic and hilarious that your answer to not being able to hold your son for three days is to break up and see him even less! Is this about your son or your pride? And your response to how long ago this hookup was doesn’t make any sense at all. It was years ago but the women is so pissed she tries to sabotage your relationship? Really? You haven’t had any contact with her in years? Really? Sounds like a huge load of bullshit. Maybe be honest with the mother of your child and yourself for a change.

  9. Not far long enough. I know I’m more wrong than he is given the length and severity of my abuse but I don’t understand why he did what he did. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Maybe I’m not comprehending properly I’m really not sure

  10. The fact that she stated that other people's big dicks are painful. Where is there any insult towards him?

  11. It's not your fault. But your BIL and Ellie are awful. BIL for stepping out on your sister and Ellie for going after a man she KNEW was married. If you would have known this would happen, you would have never asked Ellie around.And if Ellie never came around, your BIL would have found someone else. This is not your fault.

  12. Was there a question here? Or you just want a pat on the back for not enjoying the fruits in front of you?

  13. Well, she's made it abundantly clear how she feels. So the question you need to ask if living in Ohio a dealbreaker for you? If no, carry on. If yes, that's perfectly valid but that means you're incomparable, yes.

  14. Why do you even want to marry him? He sounds awful. He doesn’t sound committed to you or the kids at all. I feel like you’d be better of a single mom and happier not dealing with a man child/dead weight. How do you want the next 5 years to be? The same? Do you want your kids growing up seeing you unhappy and a dad that doesn’t seem to care?

  15. To add, communication hasn't really been the issue. We have hot talks about nude truths and a therapist wouldn't have to dig all that up. Problems have been pretty well identified.

  16. Clear communication will always be the foundation to relationships in my experience. If at any moment this isnt happening, or there isn't true and honest communication then issues can seem to happen. Again this is based on both parties being open and honest. Best advice I got for ya pal.

  17. Setting aside everything else, taking any coworker home three times per week with an 8-minute detour is insane. Especially if you only work a traditional 5-day week. You don't “give her rides” at this point — you're essentially her driver.

    How did you even come to be the person doing this for her? How did it then become a thrice weekly expectation? There is no way that you, a 30 y/o married man, really do not see the issue here.

  18. I think part of the reason this transpired is bc he knows Jenny is dependent on him financially. Like what was she REALLY going to say- no? Honestly OP is selfish, manipulative, and honestly really disturbing.

  19. She's just using you for attention and a punching bag until she can find another guy

    The attention need makes her keep in contact, the desire for a new guy is why those interactions are toxic

    Get out or wait until she cuts you off when new guy enters the picture anyway

    That is the only thing you have control over now

  20. Unless you have an agreement to be exclusive, you don’t have much room to make any demands that she not date or sleep with other guys.

    If you don’t like it, your choices are to (i) stop dating her, (ii) start dating other women, or (iii) talk to her about it. Though don’t expect much in the way of change from her regardless.

  21. I mean, she's 34 and has ostensibly been in bands for quite a while. If she sucked as badly as you are describing her here, what bands would play with her and who would join her band? You sound like you're jealous.

  22. Dude, you are not dealing in reality. It’s her world and welcome to it. It’s time you draw a line in the sand. It’s only going to get worse

  23. Not buying it. You move on and then you see other people, not the other way around. She’s saying you made it difficult to leave but evidently not too difficult to cheat. Notice a trend here? None of this is her fault. Has she taken ANY responsibility for her actions?

    There are no reasons to cheat, just excuses. She’s telling you she’s a coward and cheat and yet wants to blame you. Cheating isn’t a solution to a bad marriage, divorce or counseling is. If this is such a bad marriage in her eyes, she won’t mind when you divorce her. Let her live! with her delusions and move on. Maybe someday she’ll understand she screwed up, not you.

  24. This post is bad faith ragebait and I’m proud of Reddit for giving measured, kind responses and not getting hooked.

  25. Hmm yeah I have 1-2 frnds who have this same issue but they don't over think like me, and they are happy with their gf's. But they knew this age fact from before.

    I know none of my fears makes sense, I think I should meditate and think positive. Maybe that will help.

    Thank you a lot, for giving me so much of ur time. Seeing it from your perspective makes me feel a bit good. But I am not in the position where I can end things right away. I will try my best to digest this fact and get comfortable and back with her, maybe it will happen in some time. I don't have the guts to break her heart, and also I don't want to cry after I break up with her in a hurry and later cry on the day of her wedding begging her to come back..

    So I will have to take some time. Maybe with time, this fact will stop bothering me or will pinch me less harder.

  26. What they dont want you to be happy? Is he the only concern.? You will make more friends. Better ones

  27. He sounds exhausting. Why do you still want to be in that sort of environment. Yes, it may hurt now while you say you love him but do you want to be in a relationship where you are constantly walking on eggshells because of his paranoia?

  28. My dentist immediately prescribed antibiotics to take for over a week.

    I took antibiotics two days prior extracting the teeth and five other days after removing them. I was concerned with the possibility of infection but it all wen fine. My dentist assure me that taking the medication at least 24 hours before the surgery was going to avoid most risks.

  29. Get cancer you stupid bitch

    Saying I’m the bad guy for not being lazy and getting a job

    Avoiding her INCREASED my chances of getting a job

    You’re so thick it’s insane

  30. lots of people want them? its pretty telling that you guys assume that OP buys his partner gifts that she doesnt like. is it so hot to believe that maybe, just maybe, OP actually provides her with gifts she enjoys? why must we create a secret story beside the one OP is telling us?

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