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Luisa-cameron live! sex cams for YOU!


My control lovense [69 tokens remaining]

Date: December 7, 2022

32 thoughts on “Luisa-cameron live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. It sounds like a terrible life and one that she will likely regret in a few years time when she realises she has minimal value and does nothing. It's probably down to her to figure that out though, anything you say will push her further towards this guy. The age gap is creepy but not much you can do their either.

  2. Yikes. This comment makes me think you shouldn't propose at all. If you would embarrass her, when you know she would prefer privacy, just to make a point? Not a good thing. It's bragadocious and uncaring of her personal and private self.

  3. Told me she loved me and she was sorry

    Like that makes it all good, right? Just going to repeat what I've said before, a DNA test is a must do.

  4. u/TaquitosLoquitos, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. If he wants you to be his online in nanny and take care of the kids, he can ensure you “earn” something atleast, otherwise he can pay for a nanny and you keep your career.

  6. Is he aware that women in general aren’t immortal? I’m curious what would happen once that 26 yo turns 27 and gasp! She’s suddenly out of his age range? girl trust yourself and your feelings. Also, another person said don’t let this get you down about trying to be more spontaneous if that’s something you want for you. Not just bc your friends give you a naked time about it:) But on a positive note it’s only been a week so let this sucker go. He’s bound to get moldy after 35 anyway.

  7. Right? It's naked to describe unless you've done it. You can think & say “I could never…”, but in the moment of something needing to be done, it's just body parts & you do.

  8. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (F30) boyfriend (M43) of 6 months or so was on the phone with his male friend last night. He had it on speaker phone because he wanted me to “meet” his good childhood friend who lives far away. They chatted for a bit, I said hi and interjected a couple of times but it was mostly the two of them catching up.

    Toward the end my bf asked his friend about his dating life as he’s recently single. His friend said he wasn’t really focusing on dating right now and then my boyfriend said “can’t you just f*ck some of your students?” (Apparently he is a college professor). His friend kind of laughed and was like “nooo that would be very wrong” and my boyfriend pushed it a bit more and it seemed very light and joking, but then his friend said “I mean, some of them are naked but they’re all pretty dumb” to which my boyfriend said “ooh even better! Sounds perfect to me! I’d do it!”

    At this point the joke had gone too far for me and I just kind of looked at him with obvious shock and hurt. He took one look at my face and started laughing again. He said something like “oops I don’t think my girlfriend liked that!” to his friend over the phone. Then he playfully put his hands over my ears and said “I’m covering my girlfriend’s ears while I tell you how much fun that sounds!”

    I took his hands off my ears and pulled away from him. He spoke to his friend for another couple minutes then said goodbye and turned to me and asked “are you mad at me?” To which I said “no, but I’m very hurt.”

    He got very annoyed and said things like “well I guess I’ll just change my whole sense of humor then!” And “it’s just a joke! You’re too sensitive!” I started involuntarily tearing up and he said “I’m not going to talk to you if you cry. I’m just going to go sleep in the other room tonight.”

    I convinced him that sleeping apart would just make me more upset, and I managed to stop the tears and we chatted for a while and he assured me it was just a joke and he didn’t mean it at all. I said it was a really hurtful and disrespectful joke, but eventually we moved on and started watching tv. But he never apologized and just made me feel like I was being overly sensitive about a nominal joke.

    This morning we had sex and the whole time all I could think about was how he’d probably rather be banging an 18 year old college student instead. It was awful. I wasn’t into it at all.

    He’s made jokes like this before that were borderline disrespectful and hurtful, but this was by far the worst. I just don’t know if I can ever move past this one. I’ve already started to look for other places to online so I can leave him… but I’m just wondering if he’s right and I’m just taking the joke too far. If so, how do I move past it? I can’t get it out of my head…

    Our relationship is wonderful otherwise and I do really love him, so I don’t want to leave. But I just don’t know how to get past that comment…

    TLDR: boyfriend made a joke to his friend in my presence about how much fun it would be to have sex with his friend’s college students. I was very hurt by the joke and now it’s really affecting me emotionally.

  9. Defamation slander used to be a thing, but decimation definitely is and most states have a harassment law. I would talk to an attorney I would start with a civil lawyer. Usually you can make an appointment for free and they will tell you whether they can help you or send you some place. I have seen other people on Reddit when they’re harass like this file a defamation suit a stop and desist order.

  10. I was at my son’s school the other day, and my wife was texting asking why I was at a random house in our neighborhood. That house was roughly 1km from the school. So it can happen.

    But, what are the odds that a random GPS divergence would show you to be at a specific person’s house?

  11. So are we gonna skip past the compulsive lying and him admitting that he intentionally did this while you were high?

  12. There’s no argument to be had. Your parents are charging her rent. If she thinks that’s mean & unfair, she can move. Why is she complaining to you? YOU’RE not her landlord.

    As for her parents? Unless they actually own a rental unit, she has no idea what they would do.

    I don’t know why she expects to be treated the same as (or better than) their own children.

  13. You only option is to get her to therapy. I am guessing that it was a traumatic experience, and she needs help dealing with it.

  14. LDR's are a bitch. Someone who has deep feelings such as you isn't going to recover easily. The best remedy is activity that occupies your mind. Most people throw themselves into work. But, it could be sports, extended exercise to make you tired enough to deeply sleep. Keep your social life alive and soon someone worthy of your devotion will appear. Before you allow freedom to your feelings, make sure that he is who he appears to be and he has the emotional capacity to be good for you. Best wishes.

  15. Thank you. It was a blessing in disguise. We were both unhappy, we got married young and had kids together so I think we both just felt stuck. He just chose to deal with his unhappiness in a different way. It was very painful, took me a couple years to really get over it. But now I am happier than I’ve ever been and we are great co-parents.

  16. He still had the guy as a groomsman that… and the one who “pointed” it out said SHE would never act like that. Yeah, he is a whole fool. Leave this man to his friends and count that annulment a gift. If you were TRULY blessed, you haven't signed yet. It won't be getting any better than this.

  17. Well I mean, she's not in a relationship with them, is she? That would be impossible. The fictional character doesn't actually exist, or even know your wife exists. It sounds like she needs to see a doctor.

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