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Lunnaruiz live! sex chats for YOU!


lunnaruiz Public Chat Channel

Date: November 2, 2022

5 thoughts on “Lunnaruiz live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Can you go into depth of why you’d not want this for yourself. I’d like to show her responses to get an idea

  2. Lol why do you think they blackmailed her at all? She probably wanted the video, they sent it to her, then she panicked when she remembered your system…

    Your wife is a cheating asshole. You can’t ever trust her, because even when she had the opportunity to come clean, she made up a story about rape – which in my books is the worst part about this. It’s so difficult for rape victims to be taken seriously and anytime someone lies about it, it sets the clock backwards. It’s incredibly harmful and disrespectful to actual victims of sexual assault. Is this really the type of woman you want to raise your daughter?

  3. If you asking her BIL if it’s his underwear is something you can’t come back from, you absolutely need to ask.

  4. Doesn't sound all that amicable if the kid isn't allowed to go to his home. I'd wonder what that reason is and it would probably bug me until I found out.

  5. Anyway, one of the things I’ve learned in my life that usually what you want, wants you. Meaning, you’ve already won the battle. You don’t have to fight as hot. That and you have no control even if you do, it will probably only push her away. So just take it one day at a time and stay in the moment with her and enjoy it, you both are pretty happy right now go with that because that’s going to be your foundation if anything can grow out of it. And as horrible as the universe is to a lot of people, the truth is, there’s some things that are pretty good about it and usually if you go with the flow and things are going well You don’t have to worry about them as much. Also,worrying never fixes anything Neither does attempting to control it. I don’t know if that helps but I hope it does.

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