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26 thoughts on “Magical_boobieslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I know your description included a rule about “anything goes excluding sex.” I just don’t believe he will follow it any time the opportunity arises. (I would bet good money he has already cast it aside, thinking what happens in Brasil stays in Brasil.) Trying to be guided by that is just setting yourself up for a betrayal.

    The other thing is, your relationship is only two months old a d he’s already pulling this. He’s as unserious as they come. I wouldn’t wait for him.

  2. It is really hot to talk about these types of problems when they arise, but it is essential to talk through it. Ive been in this situation and I know how frustrating it can be. Its taken many conversations over many years to find things that work for us and keep us both happy and satisfied.

  3. she drops the 4 kids off when it's his time to have the kids, so why can't she do the same thing this time? she knows its a holiday and I will be there so she just tryna be messy. she got family and friends that she lives with but cuss its a holiday she cant stay with them no more?

  4. Omfg. This is stupid. You are being stupid. If this is your normal state of mind I wish your boyfriend the best of luck.

  5. Oh HELL no. What your husband did was awful. I'm angry for you. I would consider divorce if I were in your shoes.

  6. It's not that she can't afford food, she's just bad at managing money. Honestly, not your problem. You're on a budget and you can't afford to feed her. And you know if you start it's never going to stop. Maybe offer to teach her to cook if you're up for it.

  7. My question and I’m sure hers as well is, what are you keeping private from her? Your first course of action is to open up your phone/computer and show her everything that is there. This lets her know you’re not hiding anything bad from her. Then sit down and figure what passwords you both should know. My wife will actually type up a sheet with all the passwords and update it when they change.

    There are passwords she doesn’t know like Reddit and Twitter because my wife doesn’t care. If she asked I would tell her though. Your life is changing, being part of a couple and family means you lose some privacy in the name of convenience.

  8. There is nothing to talk about. You should not even be entertaining this idea. I'm very sure this idea even is hurtful to your current girlfriend.

    Your ex sounds disturbed. Maybe recommend her to get therapy but let her know firmly that there's nothing to talk about and if she does try to get in touch with you, you'd have to involve the authorities. This I'm 1000% sure that your current gf will approve of.

  9. Well it's possible for a vasectomy to heal on its own within the first year or so.

    But it failing after 7 years is something I've never heard of.

  10. If you think ANY of this guy's behavior and actions are “trustworthy” then YOU should be the one seeing a therapist. And if THIS is how you think it's reasonable to treat a partner, then I truly feel for anyone who gets into a relationship with you! His girlfriend has LEGITIMATE trust issues caused by men who think they're entitled to “have their cake and eat it too!” They are lowlife scum as is he! Becoming emotionally entangled with anyone else, then outright lying about a weekend getaway is NOT how you demonstrate that you're trustworthy, in fact it's the exact opposite!

  11. Calling her naive is imo patronizing. She's an adult woman who made a choice that, in most monogamous relationships, would be cheating (“getting hot in front of a friend without spouse's knowledge”). She is not a teen or a kid, she is not in a power dynamic that favors the friend. She's an adult who made a choice. She is an adult who knows the norms of the society she lives in, she is not intellectually impaired. IMO she simply is unfaithful.

  12. He’s had his day and she doesn’t like it. So why does he get to have the final choice, in your eyes?

  13. He has money to take his friend out but not you? Seems like he is still not prioritizing you or your feelings.

  14. Wow. You have no empathy for her, do you? I had an ex like you. I have Lupus and often had major flares. Even simple tasks caused me immense exhaustion. Yet, despite me working overtime and doing all of the errands, cooking and cleaning, he felt I needs to do more and started arguments with me if I didn’t continue what I was doing. He thought putting away the dishes and walking the dog was all he had to do. I left him.

  15. Hey man. Sorry you're going through what you are..

    I would suggest finding a counselor. I can totally relate to having a new piece of information rocking your world, and the fear of walking away from years of companionship. It's a lot, and when I had to face that, I found it extremely beneficial to talk to someone.

    I'm not saying leave. That's what my gut feels, but I would say talk to someone, having that reframe of saying it out loud, or having some questions asked to you may help you to come to a more resolute position…

  16. I've always had very close friends, even cuddly friendships. And that was something I discussed with my partner at the beginning of the relationship.

    If it's just sleeping and that is how many of her friendships work, I don't really see much wrong with that. The part where she is failing is the communication and talking to you about it with respect.

    And if she isn't capable of talking to you with respect, and you aren't happy with her doing that, then y'all are probably incompatible.

  17. It passes with time would be my response.

    I ran from an abusive relationship and I lost every single person I had contact with at the time over it (except for two people who actually listened and believed me).

    It used to eat me up inside, knowing I’m being painted as a liar, a cheater, while the abuser gets to live their life convincing the world I was the problem to cover up how many horrible things they did to me. I rebuilt my life slowly, over five years, and now the opinions of other people don’t bother me at all. You’ll get there too.

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