Malia ^^ I, ‘m very shy, but I like to tease <3, 18 y.o.
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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Malia ^^ I, ‘m very shy, but I like to tease <3
Date: April 4, 2023
Thank you. I think I needed a proper straight forward talking to. You're right, this is my own doing, and I should take responsibility of letting it go.
There is no room for compromise. He is renting and the owner says no pets whatsoever. You are not being reasonable.
That's not timelines. You need to be clear with when you want to be married by. Is it 1 year? 2 years?
He needs to have an honest conversation with you and if he can't, then you have your answer on if he will marry you.
Can they be cured? Maybe, maybe not. Problem is, she will find a new person that will be interested in her and slowly get her to like him. I think this is inevitable, however, perhaps therapy could make it so she would notice this coming in early and stop it then and there.
If you were to stay you should make it clear you might act insecure and controlling regarding her male friends considering her patterns.
Also, if you were to consider staying, make sure, you have a good way out financially. I don't know how, but you need to be in position whee in case of fall out you have a place you own and can live in regardless of her.
It sounds like you really don't trust him. I would take my partner at his word. It just sounds like he is cold getting ready in the morning. He was thinking about his own personal comfort and not thinking about doing something to you.