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Margo_Kittilive sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Margo_Kittilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Jealous for a kid? Really?

    Not to mention the gravity of this accusation. Like wtf is wrong with people. Doesn't she also looks at little kids? Maybe she even smiles at them as well. Throw that to her and see what her reaction is like, probably gonna say its nothing and pretend she didn't accused you of doing the same

  2. Hello /u/EasternFruit9337,

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  3. If they and their partners are all comfortable with it, there's nothing you need to solve.

    It's unlikely that they're going to find their sexual urges uncontrollable while sleeping on a living room sofa bed. Even if they were single.

    Your BIL would presumably know better than to cheat openly while visiting you and your husband, so I think it's safe to assume they're actually just friends who want a cheap, convenient night's sleep as they head out to go skiing.

    You could offer an air mattress on the living room floor if it would make you feel better as a host, but really this is not raising red flags for me.

  4. So she should be completely dependent on him bc it benefits him? Why is he the only one that matters? Doesn’t his independence not have any benefits to her? His independence leads to him getting to bowl

  5. This relationship is clearly terrible for you. You should do whatever you need to do to cut contact, given that you don't seem able to maintain contact without resuming this horrible relationship dynamic.

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