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8 thoughts on “mariamac420live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. You said you worked with them and I asked what capacity to actually see why you think you're qualified to make that comment about parenting since you're not actually a parent. What education did you receive for your position? From that education you received, where exactly does it tell you that it's from bad parenting? Basically I'm asking you to cite your source, otherwise it's just your opinion and not an educated opinion.

    I'm asking specifically about the education because you seem to chalk this up to bad parenting without having done any actual parenting yourself. Your comment is only your opinion if you don't have any actual education to back that up. So if you don't have a degree in something related to this, it's just your incorrect opinion.

    Kids can act out when they're going through a big change, regardless of the quality of the parenting they received. This child is acting out. Both of his parents are working to prevent it, so they're not doing a bad job. Read OP's other comments. Did you even bother to do that or are you just too focused on making her boyfriend look like a terrible parent?

    I come from a blended family, am currently a part of a blended family. I've worked in family law and I've had to assist many parents find help for their otherwise good children to get into therapy because they're acting out during the divorce. I read tons of books on the topic when I went through my divorce. I also worked very closely with my daughter's psychologist when she went through the same issues. I lived this and worked to help others in this situation. I've seen this exact thing play out with my friends and family as well. None of what I have seen was due to bad parenting. It was all children acting out because they are traumatized by the divorce. So really without knowing anything about her boyfriend, what gives you the right to attack his parenting?

    Too many childless people like to interject their uneducated opinions into things they don't know anything about. Don't be that person anymore.

  2. So is it rude that she is the deputy chief, but when the actually chief went on leave, she was completely disrespectful in her meetings, trashing the division chief, saying she went on leave and put her in charge? Making her look dumb for leaving?

    Or the time when a prior employee actually left the branch, picked up a new job, because they never gave him work to do. And lied to him and said they'll train him, but never did. And when I started learning more about it, my boss said we love that he left because he sucked? Even though, when talking to him, he was a very good guy and worker. So they lied to him and didn't give him any purpose which made him leave.

    Or the lady who worked hand in hand with my boss, always fought, and she ended up driving across the country for another job where she will succeed.

    Or another talented worker leaving our branch, didn't tell us why. Was very quiet about his reasons.

    My previous coworkers was actually pretty close to my boss, and he went completely AWOL.

    And her little comments of shaming me, coming at me in an accusing way whenever I ask a question. Being shamed for giving remote workers monitors, even though we have a fucking abundance.

    Or bring interrogated why I want to telework for ONE Friday when everybody is allowed to telework. Only because I made a comment before that I don't typically like teleworking. (I opted to telework instead of take leave because it's very close to Christmas)

    She VOICE is RUDE. It is NOT because she's a woman. The division chief is a woman and I love her. I love all women in this place except my boss because she's FUCKING RUDE.

    You still want to say it's me? Really?

  3. Girl… he’s fucking her. This is literally the oldest lie in the book and I’m so sorry you fell for it, this is your first experience with that lie so make sure you learn from it.

    Also stay away from anyone older than 21 at your age, no good person older than that would date a teenager.

  4. They arent being rude. They're being honest. You just don't want to hear what they have to say. There's no version of this where staying together is going to work. You need to come to grips with that. Your kid growing up with divorced parents is better than the life you're setting that child up for.

  5. The point I was making is that /u/One_Selection7199 seems to think the main issue is mismatched libido when the real issue is sexual assault. Sexual assault is not about being horny — it's about power and control.

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