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Marie_Wadsworthylive sex stripping with hd cam


9 thoughts on “Marie_Wadsworthylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Okay, so. You’re a nurse, you must have some amount of communication skills, time to use them, “No, I do not feel comfortable spending that amount of money on this trip, not now and not in January. If this is something you expected of me, it should’ve been discussed in the beginning before I had agreed, but I’ll need to back out as I’m not comfortable owing you money that I simply cannot afford in the first place.”

  2. Oof man seeing the damage and fall out left in the wake of these churches makes me wonder why they’re even a thing

  3. Seriously like OP how is your skin not crawling that your romantic partner just said to your face that your daughter is highly fuckable to him? Is your head screwed on right? How could you even stand next to someone like that?

  4. I've tried a few times. Alot of my friends near me tell me that she is toxic because of her actions towards me.

    Sometimes she will help me buy cloths only for them to be in her size and not mine. Before I have a chance to return them she takes them. Or how she tells me how bad I am for being a man and that all men should die, or how she tried to get Money from me knowing I don't work and she does

    A few people have told me to go no contact with her, but i don't know if that's extreme or not. I think the reason she acts like this is my fault or somthing. I can't help but feel I can fix it.

    Maybe that's just me though

  5. “Dating” does not imply exclusivity, in fact it implies just the opposite. If they were actually exclusive, she’d be calling him her boyfriend.

  6. I know. I feel really bad about it. I didn’t know it was anything personal until I read it. I should’ve stopped.

  7. This is a lot of drama for such a short relationship. There’s nothing you wrote that seems like this is a can magically turn into a healthy long term relationship. Why are you trying to fix something beyond your control? Just leave.

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